Magento - Adding quantity box to upsell / related products - magento

I have a question regarding Magento. I want to be able to add a quantity box to the products that show up in the 'related products' list that is shown on the product detail page. This way a visitor can order a related item multple times instead of only once per action. I have been looking for a solution for this for over 2 weeks, but I can't seem to find anything usefull. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance!

Think you need to edit this template: your_package/your_theme/template/catalog/product/list/upsell.phtml. If you do not have that file already in your theme, simply copy it in your theme and package following the rest of the path.
There you can add you Qty input box and add Add to Cart button and change the URL to include the qty. You should bear in mind that you may have also configurable/bundle products displayed as an up-sell, so you should cover these too.


Magento price showing twice

I installed a new template on my Magento store and when I got to a product page it shows the price twice? Most of my products are a "simple" Product and I have one "Configuarable" product
Any ideas how I can get rid of one of the prices?
Here is Simple product:
Here is configurable product: (with an option selected)
Any ideas?
I'm running latest and can't find a fix anywhere
You need to check your
app/design/frontend/default/your _theme/temlate/product/view.phtml
1st: inspect find the class or id
2nd: then remove wrong price code
before doing this take a backup of your file
I don't think anyone can help you here unless it's a popular theme people would know. The problem is not in Magento, it's in the theme files. You will need to find the theme file and check the php logic to truly know what is happening there. Best case, contact the theme developer if you purchased it or switch to a new theme.
To find the theme file responsible for printing the price, you can enable template hints. This will show the hints to you and all the customers, so be diligent about doing this live. Secondly, you will need to take a look at the block which encompasses the pricing. When you find the template name, just go to the .phtml file and see what's going on there with the price output.
Edit app/design/frontend/default/your_theme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
Look for price divs and comment one.

Why is my wish list limited to one item?

Im using magento 1.9 and im having an issue with the wishlist, for some reason it will only let me have one item in my wishlist and when I goto add another item to the wishlist it replaces the item that was already in my wishlist, there is nothing in the configuration to limit the wishlist item im just a bit confused at why it would be doing this, any ideas ?
Right!!, after hunting the web to try and find a solution I have found a solution, you have to edit the file app/code/core/Mage/Wishlist/Model/Wishlist.php
public function getItemCollection()
and change
$this->_itemCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('wishlist/item_collection')
$this->_itemCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('wishlist/item_collection')
this worked for me and im using magento
the source for this fix is here:
This is an out of the box feature, you do not need to edit any core code to fix this. Correction: You don’t have to edit any code
I had the same issue and found it was from an improper import of products and that website availability was incorrectly set.
It seems that Magento added a website filter on the wishlist collection to prevent items not available in a website from appearing in a customer's wishlist.
It also seems that items may not have a website value => which prevents wish list items from appearing (or just 1 item, the last one added).
How to fix it : Simply select your store products on catalog page, select ‘Update Attributes’ action and click on submit.
Select Websites panel and check your website in ‘Add Product To Websites’ block.
Reindex your data if necessary.
You can now add your products to your wishlist and see all of them in your wishlist. This is the proper solution and does not remove functionality from your Magento webstore.
Simply reindex everything in: System > Index management

make configurable product options independent on product view page --Magento

I am working on a Magento project and I need to know if there is a way to make a product's options independent to each other or unrequired. I need to use one of several at a time (I have 6 dropdowns).
I have tried add to cart by query string but all dropdown values were still required. I also tried to make all the options default, then modify the selected options in the observer, but I did not meet with success. See the screenshot below for more details.
Any help will be appreciated
Configurable Products in Magneto are only parent products of Simple Products. Whatever you have as an attribute of a Configurable - a Simple Product has to be present for each. To do this out of the box in Magento, you should be looking into setting up a Simple Product with Custom Options.

Magento does not show configurable product options

I have created some configurable products and simple products associated by using the attribute created 'size'. However, on the product view page, the dropdown menu of the size attribute only has the option of 'Choose an Option...' and my required options are not showing up. All my configurable products and simple products are enabled, visible, have stock >0 and are in stock. Also, I have ticked the simple products at the associated product tab of configurable product. I have searched for the problem but found nothing. I used every single method to fix the problem like re-saving the products but couldn't solve the problem. Can you please help me?
I had the same problem. After two days of trying different things, I was able to figure it out. The solution was quite simple. All I had to do was to re-upload the "configurable.phtml" to "app\design\frontend\base\default\template\catalog\product\view\type\options".
I hope this helps
Okay. This is a jQuery conflict. I got this same problem and someone provided me a tip on where to find the problem and I solved my own problem.
My posted question:
Hope this helps others who are seeking answers.

Please specify the product's option(s) in Magento

Actually i am using Elias_configurablebundle plugin for the configurable product as associated of the Bundle Product and to display GRID* for the configurable associated products i am using magento mechanics grid. here i have merged both of the extensions it showing GRID on bundle view page but showing Please specify the product's option(s)* on click of the **Add To Cart.
Although everything is fine, no required field left to fill out, i have applied any single custom options for any of the product.
so here i want to remove this validation so then it will directly redirect to shopping cart page.
Configurable products need to have their options chosen (say, color or size) in order to be added to the cart. Otherwise, there is no way to decide which simple product should be decremented from the inventory. So there is no way for you to "skip" selecting this information, other than hardcoding the selections for the configurable product.
If you do that, just use the simple products instead, and skip all the headache.
Another thing to check is that the options fields are actually inside the tags. Its fairly easy in Magento to move the option selects to a different column and not realize that you are moving them outside the add to cart form tags.
if the options are selected outside the form tags, then as far as the form is concerned no options have been selected.
Hope this helps someone down the road.
