Magento does not show configurable product options - magento

I have created some configurable products and simple products associated by using the attribute created 'size'. However, on the product view page, the dropdown menu of the size attribute only has the option of 'Choose an Option...' and my required options are not showing up. All my configurable products and simple products are enabled, visible, have stock >0 and are in stock. Also, I have ticked the simple products at the associated product tab of configurable product. I have searched for the problem but found nothing. I used every single method to fix the problem like re-saving the products but couldn't solve the problem. Can you please help me?

I had the same problem. After two days of trying different things, I was able to figure it out. The solution was quite simple. All I had to do was to re-upload the "configurable.phtml" to "app\design\frontend\base\default\template\catalog\product\view\type\options".
I hope this helps

Okay. This is a jQuery conflict. I got this same problem and someone provided me a tip on where to find the problem and I solved my own problem.
My posted question:
Hope this helps others who are seeking answers.


Configurable products with same attribute_set not getting associated

I have a question for you, Magento/Magmi Masters.
So after weeks of struggling setting everything up in Excel for Magento to digest my database correctly, I am stuck because of the configurable products. I input the same attribute_set for both simples and configurable product, though when I upload the csv, the products do show up in the list but don't get associated. So I go to the "Associated Products" section of the configurable product in the Admin panel and see NO products at all in the list. I click "Reset Filters" but nothing shows up either. I have tried random stuff but haven't come to a solution yet. If you guys could give me a hand with this I'd reeally appreciate it.
Thank you all in advance!
See my CSV

Magento price showing twice

I installed a new template on my Magento store and when I got to a product page it shows the price twice? Most of my products are a "simple" Product and I have one "Configuarable" product
Any ideas how I can get rid of one of the prices?
Here is Simple product:
Here is configurable product: (with an option selected)
Any ideas?
I'm running latest and can't find a fix anywhere
You need to check your
app/design/frontend/default/your _theme/temlate/product/view.phtml
1st: inspect find the class or id
2nd: then remove wrong price code
before doing this take a backup of your file
I don't think anyone can help you here unless it's a popular theme people would know. The problem is not in Magento, it's in the theme files. You will need to find the theme file and check the php logic to truly know what is happening there. Best case, contact the theme developer if you purchased it or switch to a new theme.
To find the theme file responsible for printing the price, you can enable template hints. This will show the hints to you and all the customers, so be diligent about doing this live. Secondly, you will need to take a look at the block which encompasses the pricing. When you find the template name, just go to the .phtml file and see what's going on there with the price output.
Edit app/design/frontend/default/your_theme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
Look for price divs and comment one.

How to include the magento product comparison in single column layouts?

So I've been trying to include the default product comparison box into a single column layout with out any success.
I eventually just copied the full code found it
into my 1column.phtml file.
It looks fine, when i click on a product to add it to the comparison a message appears saying that it is successfully added, but the list only shows two products to compare even though i should have more, and it only compares just the two products that it shows.
How do i do this. I am very new at Magento and would appreciate any help.
FYI the Magento version I am using is 1.8.1
i can be setting issue.
Goto admin>System>Configuration>Catalog>Catalog.
Then goto Tab Recently Viewed/Compared Products and here you have find how product will be shown in compare
For anyone who has the same issue, turns out I just needed to re-index the products. Ended up wasting two days on this :(

Magento - Adding quantity box to upsell / related products

I have a question regarding Magento. I want to be able to add a quantity box to the products that show up in the 'related products' list that is shown on the product detail page. This way a visitor can order a related item multple times instead of only once per action. I have been looking for a solution for this for over 2 weeks, but I can't seem to find anything usefull. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance!
Think you need to edit this template: your_package/your_theme/template/catalog/product/list/upsell.phtml. If you do not have that file already in your theme, simply copy it in your theme and package following the rest of the path.
There you can add you Qty input box and add Add to Cart button and change the URL to include the qty. You should bear in mind that you may have also configurable/bundle products displayed as an up-sell, so you should cover these too.

Magento configurable products attributes not showing in front end

We have a Magento store on Community Edition which uses configurable products with attribute sets to allow customers to select their preferred size and colour for a specific item (e.g., a shirt).
Each clothing range has its own attribute set, which was used to create the product, with simple products for each permutation of the product for stock keeping purposes.
We've compared all of the product's settings, and can't see any discrepancies between them, and yet one product range does not display the attribute drop-downs and add-to-cart button in the frontend, despite appearing in the frontend fine other than that.
I don't know if you have already found a solution, but after searching for a whole day, I've found what's causing the missing attributes in the front end for me... After deleting and readding simple products for a dozen times and making notes on the way I was quite sure that I correctly added simple and configurable products, so the problem has to be somewhere else. A casual look at the console in FireBug revealed a conflict in prototype.js... that's strange, since Magento comes with it. And I sure have not changed anything in it!
Did you at one point added jQuery to your Magento installation? If so, you HAVE to add 'jQuery.noComflict;' to the end of your jQuery file and the critical point is, to include the jQuery file BEFORE the prototype.js: The prototype.js is loaded by Magento in default/layout/page.xml at the beginning, so you have to add this line befor the prototype.js
If you don't do that the drobdown item is shown but with not selectable entries, that's because the js/varien/product.js relies on the prototype.js to work. Without it your list won't be populated!
Hope it helps anyone searching for this mysterious problem... (the problem is also described here: Weird Chrome prototype/jQuery conflict)
Usually when the add-to-cart button does not display it is because your product has no inventory set. Remember that the configurable product needs to be set to in stock and the associated simple products have to have at least one item with non-zero inventory and be set as 'in stock'.
