Building a lambda with an Expression Tree - linq

I'm having a hard time grasping the expression trees. I would like to be able to build an expression tree manually for the following statement:
c => c.Property
A lot of the tutorials focus around comparing, while I just want it to return this one property. Any help?

ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(YourClass), "c");
Expression property = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, "Property");
Expression<Func<YourClass, PropertyType>> lamda = Expression.Lambda<Func<YourClass, PropertyType>>(property, parameter);


Why cant nullable arrays/hashmaps be accessed using []

When I have a nullable array/list/hashmap such as
var x: ArrayList<String>? = null
I know can access the element at index 1 like so
var element = x?.get(1)
or I could do it in a unsafe way like this
var element = x!![1]
but why can't I do something like this
var element = x?[1]
what's the difference between getting elements from an array using the first example and the last example, and why is the last example not allowed?
In the first example, you're using the safe call operator ?. to call the get function with it.
In the second example, you're using the [] operator on the non-nullable return value of the x!! expression, which of course is allowed.
However, the language simply doesn't have a ?[] operator, which would be the combination of the two. The other operators offered are also don't have null-safe variants: there's no ?+ or ?&& or anything like that. This is just a design decision by the language creators. (The full list of available operators is here).
If you want to use operators, you need to call them on non-nullable expressions - only functions get the convenience of the safe call operator.
You could also define your own operator as an extension of the nullable type:
operator fun <T> List<T>?.get(index: Int) = this?.get(index)
val x: ArrayList<String>? = null
val second = x[2] // null
This would get you a neater syntax, but it hides the underlying null handling, and might confuse people who don't expect this custom extension on collections.

What is does expression<T> do?

What does Expression<T> do?
I have seen it used in a method similar to:
private Expression<Func<MyClass,bool>> GetFilter(...)
Can't you just return the Func<MyClass,bool> ?
Google and SO searches have failed me due to the < and > signs.
If TDelegate represents a delegate type, then Expression<TDelegate> represents a lambda expression that can be converted to a delegate of type TDelegate as an expression tree. This allows you to programatically inspect a lambda expression to extract useful information.
For example, if you have
var query = source.Where(x => x.Name == "Alan Turing");
then x => x.Name == "Alan Turning" can be inspected programatically if it's represented as an expression tree, but not so much if it's thought of as a delegate. This is particularly useful in the case of LINQ providers which will walk the expression tree to convert the lambda expression into a different representation. For example, LINQ to SQL would convert the above expression tree to
It can do that because of the representation of the lambda expression as a tree whose nodes can be walked and inspected.
An Expression allows you to inspect the structure of the code inside of the delegate rather than just storing the delegate itself.
As usual, MSDN is pretty clear on the matter:
MSDN - Expression(TDelegate)
Yes, Func<> can be used in place of place of an Expression. The utility of an expression tree is that it gives remote LINQ providers such as LINQ to SQL the ability to look ahead and see what statements are required to allow the query to function. In other words, to treate code as data.
//run the debugger and float over multBy2. It will be able to tell you that it is an method, but it can't tell you what the implementation is.
Func<int, int> multBy2 = x => 2 * x;
//float over this and it will tell you what the implmentation is, the parameters, the method body and other data
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<int, int>> expression = x => 2 * x;
In the code above you can compare what data is available via the debugger. I invite you to do this. You will see that Func has very little information available. Try it again with Expressions and you will see a lot of information including the method body and parameters are visible at runtime. This is the real power of Expression Trees.

Expression tree from IronPython

I use this code to execute a python expression using IronPython.
ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine();
ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope();
scope.SetVariable("m", mobject);
string code = "m.ID > 5 and m.ID < 10";
ScriptSource source =
engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(code, SourceCodeKind.Expression);
Is there a way to get the produced Expression Tree as c# object, e.g. the BlockExpression
IronPython's internal ASTs also happen to be Expression trees, so you just need to get the AST for your code, which you can do using the IronPython.Compiler.Parser class. The Parser.ParseFile method will return a IronPython.Compiler.Ast.PythonAst instance representing the code.
Using the parser is a bit tricky, but you can look at the BuildAst method of the _ast module for some hints. Basically, it's:
Parser parser = Parser.CreateParser(
new CompilerContext(sourceUnit, opts, ThrowingErrorSink.Default),
PythonAst ast = parser.ParseFile(true);
ThrowingErrorSink also comes from the _ast module. You can get a SourceUnit instance like so (c.f. compile builtin):
SourceUnit sourceUnit = context.LanguageContext.CreateSnippet(source, filename, SourceCodeKind.Statements);
You then have to walk the AST to get useful information out of it, but they should be similar (but not identical to) C# expression trees.

How to write the right linq where clause?

I tried to use linq to get storyboard data in code and try following where clause:
delegate (abc<VisualStateGroup, VisualState> xyz)
{ return (xyz.state.Name == "PopupOpened");}
it gave me error:
An anonymous method expression cannot
be converted to an expression tree
how to write the right where clause for this case?
Use a lambda:
Where(xyz => xyz.state.Name == "PopupOpened");
Just use a lambda expression:
.Where( xyz => xyz.state.Name == "PopupOpened" );
If you don't need the operation as an expression tree, you can also write this as an anonymous delegate, but it would be more verbose.
As #itowlson says, if you are using this in a context where an expression tree is expected, you must supply a lamda, as only lambdas can be converted into expression trees - anonymous delegates cannot.

How do I combine LINQ expressions into one?

I've got a form with multiple fields on it (company name, postcode, etc.) which allows a user to search for companies in a database. If the user enters values in more than one field then I need to search on all of those fields. I am using LINQ to query the database.
So far I have managed to write a function which will look at their input and turn it into a List of expressions. I now want to turn that List into a single expression which I can then execute via the LINQ provider.
My initial attempt was as follows
private Expression<Func<Company, bool>> Combine(IList<Expression<Func<Company, bool>>> expressions)
if (expressions.Count == 0)
return null;
if (expressions.Count == 1)
return expressions[0];
Expression<Func<Company, bool>> combined = expressions[0];
expressions.Skip(1).ToList().ForEach(expr => combined = Expression.And(combined, expr));
return combined;
However this fails with an exception message along the lines of "The binary operator And is not defined for...". Does anyone have any ideas what I need to do to combine these expressions?
EDIT: Corrected the line where I had forgotten to assign the result of and'ing the expressions together to a variable. Thanks for pointing that out folks.
You can use Enumerable.Aggregate combined with Expression.AndAlso. Here's a generic version:
Expression<Func<T, bool>> AndAll<T>(
IEnumerable<Expression<Func<T, bool>>> expressions) {
if(expressions == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("expressions");
if(expressions.Count() == 0) {
return t => true;
Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>)
.MakeGenericType(new[] {
var combined = expressions
.Aggregate((e1, e2) => Expression.AndAlso(e1, e2));
return (Expression<Func<T,bool>>)Expression.Lambda(delegateType, combined);
Your current code is never assigning to combined:
expr => Expression.And(combined, expr);
returns a new Expression that is the result of bitwise anding combined and expr but it does not mutate combined.
EDIT: Jason's answer is now fuller than mine was in terms of the expression tree stuff, so I've removed that bit. However, I wanted to leave this:
I assume you're using these for a Where clause... why not just call Where with each expression in turn? That should have the same effect:
var query = ...;
foreach (var condition in conditions)
query = query.Where(condition);
Here we have a general question about combining Linq expressions. I have a general solution for this problem. I will provide an answer regarding the specific problem posted, although it's definitely not the way to go in such cases. But when simple solutions fail in your case, you may try to use this approach.
First you need a library consisting of 2 simple functions. They use System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor to dynamically modify expressions. The key feature is unifying parameters inside the expression, so that 2 parameters with the same name were made identical (UnifyParametersByName). The remaining part is replacing a named parameter with given expression (ReplacePar). The library is available with MIT license on github: LinqExprHelper, but you may quickly write something on your own.
The library allows for quite simple syntax for combining complex expressions. You can mix inline lambda expressions, which are nice to read, together with dynamic expression creation and composition, which is very capable.
private static Expression<Func<Company, bool>> Combine(IList<Expression<Func<Company, bool>>> expressions)
if (expressions.Count == 0)
return null;
// Prepare a master expression, used to combine other
// expressions. It needs more input parameters, they will
// be reduced later.
// There is a small inconvenience here: you have to use
// the same name "c" for the parameter in your input
// expressions. But it may be all done in a smarter way.
Expression <Func<Company, bool, bool, bool>> combiningExpr =
(c, expr1, expr2) => expr1 && expr2;
LambdaExpression combined = expressions[0];
foreach (var expr in expressions.Skip(1))
// ReplacePar comes from the library, it's an extension
// requiring `using LinqExprHelper`.
combined = combiningExpr
.ReplacePar("expr1", combined.Body)
.ReplacePar("expr2", expr.Body);
return (Expression<Func<Company, bool>>)combined;
Assume you have two expression e1 and e2, you can try this:
var combineBody = Expression.AndAlso(e1.Body, Expression.Invoke(e2, e1.Parameters[0]));
var finalExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<TestClass, bool>>(combineBody, e1.Parameters).Compile();
