Why cant nullable arrays/hashmaps be accessed using [] - syntax

When I have a nullable array/list/hashmap such as
var x: ArrayList<String>? = null
I know can access the element at index 1 like so
var element = x?.get(1)
or I could do it in a unsafe way like this
var element = x!![1]
but why can't I do something like this
var element = x?[1]
what's the difference between getting elements from an array using the first example and the last example, and why is the last example not allowed?

In the first example, you're using the safe call operator ?. to call the get function with it.
In the second example, you're using the [] operator on the non-nullable return value of the x!! expression, which of course is allowed.
However, the language simply doesn't have a ?[] operator, which would be the combination of the two. The other operators offered are also don't have null-safe variants: there's no ?+ or ?&& or anything like that. This is just a design decision by the language creators. (The full list of available operators is here).
If you want to use operators, you need to call them on non-nullable expressions - only functions get the convenience of the safe call operator.
You could also define your own operator as an extension of the nullable type:
operator fun <T> List<T>?.get(index: Int) = this?.get(index)
val x: ArrayList<String>? = null
val second = x[2] // null
This would get you a neater syntax, but it hides the underlying null handling, and might confuse people who don't expect this custom extension on collections.


Stream and Filter operations on a Map

I have an EdmPortfolio type that has id (int), name (String) and tags which is a map as its members.
EdmPortfolio say has an id 1, and name as Portfolio1 and Map could have the following values,
analyst, John
region, US
I have a List, At the end i want to have a Map which has all the map values combined from all portfolios. Another EdmPortfolio might have the id as 2, name as Portfolio2 and Map with values analyst, Smith
region , UK
I want to have a combined Map with Values
region 'US','UK'
analyst 'John','Smith'
analyst and region are the keys to the map.
It has both the maps combined. I have the following code but i am a little lost
List<Map<Tag,String>> portfolioTagsList = new ArrayList<>();
for (EdmPortfolio edmPortfolio : edmPortfolioList) {
Map<Tag,String> portfolioTags = edmPortfolio.getPortfolioTags().entrySet()
.filter(e -> (e.getValue() != ""|| e.getValue() !=null))
Map<Tag,String> finalTags = portfolioTagsList.stream()
.flatMap(m -> m.entrySet().stream())
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Map.Entry::getKey, Collectors.joining(",",Map.Entry::getValue)));
I am getting nonstatic method cannot be referenced from static context. How do i achieve this?
Thanks for your time
I'd do something like:
Map<Tag,String> finalTags = edmPortfolioList.stream()
.flatMap(edmPortfolio -> edmPortfolio.getPortfolioTags().entrySet().stream())
.filter(e -> (e.getValue() != "" || e.getValue() !=null)) // this seems weird, but just keeping
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> e.getKey(),
Collectors.mapping(ev -> ev.getValue(),
BTW: Any reason to break that in two streams?
Unfortunately, “nonstatic method cannot be referenced from static context” is the error that javac often ends up when type inference fails, especially in the context of method references or lambda expressions. The actual cause could be a wrong generic type parameter, a forgotten import statement, the use of a lambda expression or method reference at an inappropriate place, or even a misplaced or forgotten brace somewhere.
In your case, it’s Collectors.joining(",",Map.Entry::getValue) as that collector has no parameter of a function type that could accept a method reference.
You should use Collectors.mapping(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.joining(",")) instead.
Besides that, follow BrunoJCM’s suggestion to use a single stream operation and pay attention to the filter condition. e.getValue() != "" || e.getValue() !=null makes no sense as a reference can never be both, a reference to "" and the null reference, hence, this condition is always fulfilled. You most likely wanted to express that the string must not be null and not an empty string. In this regard, you should not compare strings by reference but use equals. For testing for an empty string, there is the alternative to use isEmpty() instead of equals(""). So the condition should be e.getValue()!=null && !e.getValue().isEmpty(). Mind the order, as we can invoke isEmpty() only after having verified that it is not null.

Sense of Optional.orElse() [duplicate]

Why does this throw a java.lang.NullPointerException?
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
String firstString = strings.stream()
.findFirst() // Exception thrown here
//.orElse(null); // Changing the `orElse()` to avoid ambiguity
The first item in strings is null, which is a perfectly acceptable value. Furthermore, findFirst() returns an Optional, which makes even more sense for findFirst() to be able to handle nulls.
EDIT: updated the orElse() to be less ambiguous.
The reason for this is the use of Optional<T> in the return. Optional is not allowed to contain null. Essentially, it offers no way of distinguishing situations "it's not there" and "it's there, but it is set to null".
That's why the documentation explicitly prohibits the situation when null is selected in findFirst():
NullPointerException - if the element selected is null
As already discussed, the API designers do not assume that the developer wants to treat null values and absent values the same way.
If you still want to do that, you may do it explicitly by applying the sequence
to the stream. The result will be an empty optional in both cases, if there is no first element or if the first element is null. So in your case, you may use
String firstString = strings.stream()
to get a null value if the first element is either absent or null.
If you want to distinguish between these cases, you may simply omit the flatMap step:
Optional<String> firstString = strings.stream()
System.out.println(firstString==null? "no such element":
firstString.orElse("first element is null"));
This is not much different to your updated question. You just have to replace "no such element" with "StringWhenListIsEmpty" and "first element is null" with null. But if you don’t like conditionals, you can achieve it also like:
String firstString = strings.stream()
Now, firstString will be null if an element exists but is null and it will be "StringWhenListIsEmpty" when no element exists.
You can use java.util.Objects.nonNull to filter the list before find
something like
The following code replaces findFirst() with limit(1) and replaces orElse() with reduce():
String firstString = strings.
reduce("StringWhenListIsEmpty", (first, second) -> second);
limit() allows only 1 element to reach reduce. The BinaryOperator passed to reduce returns that 1 element or else "StringWhenListIsEmpty" if no elements reach the reduce.
The beauty of this solution is that Optional isn't allocated and the BinaryOperator lambda isn't going to allocate anything.
Optional is supposed to be a "value" type. (read the fine print in javadoc:) JVM could even replace all Optional<Foo> with just Foo, removing all boxing and unboxing costs. A null Foo means an empty Optional<Foo>.
It is a possible design to allow Optional with null value, without adding a boolean flag - just add a sentinel object. (could even use this as sentinel; see Throwable.cause)
The decision that Optional cannot wrap null is not based on runtime cost. This was a hugely contended issue and you need to dig the mailing lists. The decision is not convincing to everybody.
In any case, since Optional cannot wrap null value, it pushes us in a corner in cases like findFirst. They must have reasoned that null values are very rare (it was even considered that Stream should bar null values), therefore it is more convenient to throw exception on null values instead of on empty streams.
A workaround is to box null, e.g.
class Box<T>
static Box<T> of(T value){ .. }
Optional<Box<String>> first = stream.map(Box::of).findFirst();
(They say the solution to every OOP problem is to introduce another type :)

What's the difference when assigning a value to a field in square brackets LINQ?

I have seen when coding in LINQ that when a value is assigned to a field sometimes is in this way Table["Field"] and any others like this Table.Field but can somebody explain me what's the difference please?
For example when modifying a field:
var ttAbccode_xRow =
(from ttAbccode_Row in ds.ABCCode select ttAbccode_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if (ttAbccode_xRow != null) {
ttAbccode_xRow["PI"] = 3.1416;
if (ttAbccode_xRow != null) {
ttAbccode_xRow.PI = 3.1416;
Accessing field via indexer (square brackets) returns object data type. That means that your compiler cannot detect data types incompatibility. You could assing for example string value (eg. "abcd") and you won't get error at design time, but as late as at runtime.
Second method (if available in your result set) is much more safe. Your property will have proper data type hence compiler will detect data types incompatibility at design time.
If I had both access methods available I would always prefer second one. It is less error prone.

What is does expression<T> do?

What does Expression<T> do?
I have seen it used in a method similar to:
private Expression<Func<MyClass,bool>> GetFilter(...)
Can't you just return the Func<MyClass,bool> ?
Google and SO searches have failed me due to the < and > signs.
If TDelegate represents a delegate type, then Expression<TDelegate> represents a lambda expression that can be converted to a delegate of type TDelegate as an expression tree. This allows you to programatically inspect a lambda expression to extract useful information.
For example, if you have
var query = source.Where(x => x.Name == "Alan Turing");
then x => x.Name == "Alan Turning" can be inspected programatically if it's represented as an expression tree, but not so much if it's thought of as a delegate. This is particularly useful in the case of LINQ providers which will walk the expression tree to convert the lambda expression into a different representation. For example, LINQ to SQL would convert the above expression tree to
It can do that because of the representation of the lambda expression as a tree whose nodes can be walked and inspected.
An Expression allows you to inspect the structure of the code inside of the delegate rather than just storing the delegate itself.
As usual, MSDN is pretty clear on the matter:
MSDN - Expression(TDelegate)
Yes, Func<> can be used in place of place of an Expression. The utility of an expression tree is that it gives remote LINQ providers such as LINQ to SQL the ability to look ahead and see what statements are required to allow the query to function. In other words, to treate code as data.
//run the debugger and float over multBy2. It will be able to tell you that it is an method, but it can't tell you what the implementation is.
Func<int, int> multBy2 = x => 2 * x;
//float over this and it will tell you what the implmentation is, the parameters, the method body and other data
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<int, int>> expression = x => 2 * x;
In the code above you can compare what data is available via the debugger. I invite you to do this. You will see that Func has very little information available. Try it again with Expressions and you will see a lot of information including the method body and parameters are visible at runtime. This is the real power of Expression Trees.

Groovy methods that resemble LINQ's DefaultIfEmpty and FirstOrDefault

Does Groovy have any methods (out-of-the-box) that resemble the DefaultIfEmpty or FirstOrDefault methods found in LINQ?
DefaultIfEmpty can be covered by:
def list = []
def defaultIfEmpty = list ?: [ 'was empty' ]
FirstOrDefault is trickier, as I believe it returns the default value for a given type if there is no first element in the list... However, in Groovy (as it stands), there's no way of detecting the default type of the object (unless it is a native type)
You could do:
Integer defaultIfEmpty = list[ 0 ] ?: 0
It should be noticed however that the elvis operator ?: works on Groovy truth, so if the element on the left of the operator evaluates to false in Groovy (whether it be null, an empty list or string, the number 0, etc) it will return the right hand side)
It should also be noted that I am not a .NET expert, so may have the functionality of these two functions incorrect.
