Windows CLI equivalent to Linux lesser than symbol? - windows

This is my first post and I'm already apologetic as this may be too simple of a question. I'm starting to teach myself SQL and the super guide I'm following ( uses linux commands while I'm trying to learn on a Windows PC.
The author uses the linux command < to send inputs from a text file on the right to the program on the left. Is there an equivalent to this command in Windows PowerShell? I googled the heck out of it and searched as much as I could here but couldn't find an answer.
Thanks for your assistance!

cat c:\temp\q.txt | bla-bla-program


Is it possible to output on multiple terminal windows within a single program?

This question is very close to the following question:
Is it possible to output on multiple terminal windows within a single C program?
Yeah, I removed the the letter c. The above link shows how to do this on linux.
I was wondering, can this be done on windows and osx as well?
And if so how?
And also, can it work with "third party" terminals, like iTerm on osx or cmder on windows?
The language preferred to achieve this is java, but not required.
if i correctly understand, you need to create pipe to the terminal window, in order to send data to it. If found a link for you, which may help. spawning a new terminal and writing to its output

I don't how the different between functon socket(...) and ::socket(...) in windows programme

Iam a linux programmer and now I start to code in windows evniment, Recently I try to wirte a simple network process,I found someone use socket(...) in code and someone use ::socket(...),I want to kown the different of the both way.Could someone give me a help?

Windows App Store execute simply cmd command

I need execute simply command in cmd.exe, for example:
ls -l
I care to read the result of executing this command, but I know I didn't Process library. Could you help me?
You can use so called "brokered components" to achieve this. This worked for Windows 8.1, I'm not 100% sure but think it still works for W10.
It's a little hacky. The reason is that it requires extra steps to get along with the security restrictions in Windows and therefore you need some additional projects and stuff
Here's a link to a blogpost on this: You will find more details if you search for "brokered components".
You can see it in action in a video I recorded for YouTube some month ago:

.jff File Conversion OSX

I've been scowering the internet for a good portion of the morning trying to figure this out:
Using OSX, is there a way to either 1) Open a .jff file directly using a third-party software or 2) Is there any terminal command that has proven successful in converting such a file to a type recognizable to OSX?
#ShotgunNinja, you're correct on filling out the form. Thank you so much!

How to read updating Log file

I was wondering if there is a way/command to read the logs in window while it is getting updated at real time. My OS is windows 7.
Something similar to "tail -f *.log" in linux.
Any help would be really apreciated.
There is a lot of tools mentioned in this previous post unxutils is one
