How to read updating Log file - windows

I was wondering if there is a way/command to read the logs in window while it is getting updated at real time. My OS is windows 7.
Something similar to "tail -f *.log" in linux.
Any help would be really apreciated.

There is a lot of tools mentioned in this previous post unxutils is one


Windows App Store execute simply cmd command

I need execute simply command in cmd.exe, for example:
ls -l
I care to read the result of executing this command, but I know I didn't Process library. Could you help me?
You can use so called "brokered components" to achieve this. This worked for Windows 8.1, I'm not 100% sure but think it still works for W10.
It's a little hacky. The reason is that it requires extra steps to get along with the security restrictions in Windows and therefore you need some additional projects and stuff
Here's a link to a blogpost on this: You will find more details if you search for "brokered components".
You can see it in action in a video I recorded for YouTube some month ago:

How to get a list of last N system calls on Mac OS X?

I need a way to get from kernel few last system calls that occurred.
Does kernel keep such log?
This should be possible, but it might be more complicated than worth it.
Any ideas are welcome. Programming language doesn't really matter. Also an idea from any Unix should do as it would probably be possible to apply it to Mac OS X.
Some minutes ago I found the dtruss built-in shell script that actually does what I need, but I'd like to do this directly from Python or some other programming language that I can call from Python.
I think piping to dtruss will not be efficient enough. Does anyone know whether a source code for dtruss exists somewhere? Or at least of strace, which, if I got it right, does the same on Linux?
dtruss is part of dtrace, and that is available from Apple open source. HTH
You can use the history command to get all the commands entered from the last terminal restart.
You can use it with history | grep ssh to get all commands entered with ssh

Windows CLI equivalent to Linux lesser than symbol?

This is my first post and I'm already apologetic as this may be too simple of a question. I'm starting to teach myself SQL and the super guide I'm following ( uses linux commands while I'm trying to learn on a Windows PC.
The author uses the linux command < to send inputs from a text file on the right to the program on the left. Is there an equivalent to this command in Windows PowerShell? I googled the heck out of it and searched as much as I could here but couldn't find an answer.
Thanks for your assistance!
cat c:\temp\q.txt | bla-bla-program

What's a good tool/method to find which files on disk have been changed after a program has been run?

I'm experiencing a strange issue where my Visual Studio 2005 C++ program crashes the first time it runs after a new build. I'm having a difficult time debugging this intermittent issue and I suspect it's somehow related to a file somewhere on my hard drive that is being changed. If I can find the file(s), that might provide some more insight into this issue. Are there any good tools for observing which files are being created/deleted/modified when a specific program is run?
Thanks in advance!
You can use Process Monitor tool. Set "Show File System Activity" to ON and set a filter on the process name to get only the traces you need.
SysInternals (now Microsoft) FileMon
Use find.
touch ~/test-marker
# run your program
find <directory> -newer ~/test-marker

Does anyone know of a good alternative to Pipe Viewer for Windows Platform?

If you do not know what Pipe Viewer is (I did not know about it until 5 minutes ago), then this blog does a good job giving a brief introduction to it with some examples. I write a lot of Perl Scripts as an ETL developer and a lot of times, the files that I work with take really long time to operate with (unzipping, moving, etc). Therefore, this tool would be awesome except I work in a Windows Environment. If anyone knows of a tool that gives you Progress of an operation running in the pipeline, please let me know as that would make my scripts that much more useful.
I finally made it work on Cygwin environment though that is not answer for the original post.
--disable-nls does the trick.
./configure --disable-nls
make test
cp pv /usr/bin
== by Kenji (k2) ==
Cygwin has pv (Pipe Viewer) as an available package since I don't know when... but it is not installed by default.
Download the Cygwin setup executablefrom the install page.
While installing cygwin, you need to expressly search and mark for installation pv found in the Utils section.
If you have already installed cygwin, you can always add it later on by re-running the setup executable.
I doubt such a tool exists for win32, but it should run on cygwin. But then again You probably don't use it :)
I suspect you want to use pipe viewer to catch the output performance (bytes/s) of a console application.
If you want to measure the performance IO read/write of a process, I recommend using Process Explorer. You can find performance for each process.
