Parallel processing of small functions in the cloud - hadoop

I'm having a few million/billion (10^9) data-input-sets, that need to be processed.
They are quiet small < 1kB. And they need about 1 second to be processed.
I have read a lot about Apache Hadoop, Map Reduce and StarCluster.
But I am not sure what the most efficient and fastest way is, to process it?
I am thinking of using Amazon EC2 or a similar cloud service.

You might consider something like Amazon EMR which takes care of a lot of the plumbing with Hadoop. If your just looking to code something quickly, hadoop streaming, hive and PIG are all good tools for getting started with hadoop w/out requring you to know all of the ins and outs of MapReduce.


Calling distcp from Spark

can anyone tell me what's the most robust way to copy files from HDFS to S3 in Pyspark ?
I am looking at 2 options:
I. Call distcp directly as in the following:
distcp_arglist =['/usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop','distcp',
src_path, dest_path]
II. Using s3-distcp - which seems a bit more involved.
Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
I'm going to point you at a little bit of my code, cloudcp
This is a basic proof of concept of implementing distCp in spark
individual files are scheduled via the spark scheduler; not ideal for 0-byte files, but stops the job being held up by a large file off one node
does do locality via a special RDD which works out the location of every row (i.e file) differently (which has to be in the org.apache.spark package for scoped access)
shows how to do FS operations within a spark map
shuffles the input for a bit of randomness
collects results within an RDD
Doesn't do:
* incremental writes (you can't compare checksums between HDFS and S3 anyway, but it could do a check for fs.exists(path) before the copy.
* permissions. S3 doesn't have them
* throttling
* scheduling of the big files first. You ought to.
* recovery of job failure (no incremental, see)
Like I said, PoC to say "we be more agile by using spark for the heavy lifting"
Anyway, take it and play, you can rework it to operate within an existing spark context with ease, as long as you don't mind a bit of scala coding.
Distcp would probably be the way to go as it is well-proven solution for transfering data between the clusters. I guess any possible alternatives would do something similar - create mapreduce jobs for transfering the data. Important point here is how to tune this process for your particular data as it could really depend on many factors like networking or map-reduce settings. I recommend you to read HortonWorks article about how you can tune this process

What is the Hadoop ecosystem and how does Apache Spark fit in?

I'm having a lot of trouble grasping what exactly a 'Hadoop ecosystem' is conceptually. I understand that you have some data processing tasks that you want to run and so you use MapReduce to split the job up into smaller pieces but I'm unsure about what people mean when they say 'Hadoop Ecosystem'. I'm also unclear as to what the benefits of Apache Spark are and why this is seen as so revolutionary? If it's all in-memory calculation, wouldn't that just mean that you would need higher RAM machines to run Spark jobs? How is Spark different than writing some parallelized Python code or something of that nature.
Your question is rather broad - the Hadoop ecosystem is a wide range of technologies that either support Hadoop MapReduce, make it easier to apply, or otherwise interact with it to get stuff done.
The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS) stores data to be processed by MapReduce jobs, in a scalable redundant distributed fashion.
Apache Pig provides a language, Pig Latin, for expressing data flows that are compiled down into MapReduce jobs
Apache Hive provides an SQL-like language for querying huge datasets stored in HDFS
There are many, many others - see for example
Spark is not all in-memory; it can perform calculations in-memory if enough RAM is available, and can spill data over to disk when required.
It is particularly suitable for iterative algorithms, because data from the previous iteration can remain in memory. It provides a very different (and much more concise) programming interface, compared to plain Hadoop. It can provide some performance advantages even when the work is mostly done on disk rather than in-memory. It supports streaming as well as batch jobs. It can be used interactively, unlike Hadoop.
Spark is relatively easy to install and play with, compared to Hadoop, so I suggest you give it a try to understand it better - for experimentation it can run off a normal filesystem and does not require HDFS to be installed. See the documentation.

Apache Storm compared to Hadoop

How does Storm compare to Hadoop? Hadoop seems to be the defacto standard for open-source large scale batch processing, does Storm has any advantages over hadoop? or Are they completely different?
Why don't you tell your opinion.
Twitter Storm has been touted as real time Hadoop. That is more a marketing take for easy consumption.
They are superficially similar since both are distributed application solutions. Apart from the typical distributed architectural elements like master/slave, zookeeper based coordination, to me comparison falls off the cliff.
Twitter is more like a pipline for processing data as it comes. The pipe is what connects various computing nodes that receive data, compute and deliver output. (There lingo is spouts and bolts) Extend this analogy to a complex pipeline wiring that can be re-engineered when required and you get Twitter Storm.
In nut shell it processes data as it comes. There is no latency.
Hadoop how ever is different in this respect primarily due to HDFS. It a solution geared to distributed storage and tolerance to outage of many scales (disks, machines, racks etc)
M/R is built to leverage data localization on HDFS to distribute computational jobs. Together, they do not provide facility for real time data processing. But that is not always a requirement when you are looking through large data. (needle in the haystack analogy)
In short, Twitter Storm is a distributed real time data processing solution. I don't think we should compare them. Twitter built it because it needed a facility to process small tweets but humungous number of them and in real time.
See: HStreaming if you are compelled to compare it with some thing
Basically, both of them are used for analyzing big data, but Storm is used for real time processing while Hadoop is used for batch processing.
This is a very good introduction to Storm that I found:
Click here
Rather than to be compared, they are supposed to supplement each other now having batch + real-time (pseudo-real time) processing. There is a corresponding video presentation - Ted Dunning on Twitter's Storm
I've been using Storm for a while and now I've quit this really good technology for an amazing one : Spark ( which provides developer with a unified API for batch or streaming processing (micro-batch) as well as machine learning and graph processing.
worth a try.
Storm is for Fast Data (real time) & Hadoop is for Big data(pre-existing tons of data). Storm can't process Big data but it can generate Big data as a output.
Apache Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for realtime processing what Hadoop did for batch processing.
Since many sub systems exists in Hadoop ecosystem, we have to chose right sub system depending on business requirements & feasibility of a particular system.
Hadoop MapReduce is efficient for batch processing of one job at a time. This is the reason why Hadoop is being used extensively as a data warehousing tool rather than data analysis tool.
Since the question is related to only "Storm" vs "Hadoop", have a look at Storm use cases - Financial Services, Telecom, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation.
Hadoop MapReduce is best suited for batch processing.
Storm is a complete stream processing engine and can be used for real time data analytics with latency in sub-seconds.
Have a look at this dezyre article for comparison between Hadoop, Storm and Spark. It explains similarities and differences.
It can be summarized with below picture ( from dezyre article)

What approximate amount of semistructured data is enough for setting up Hadoop cluster?

I know, Hadoop is not only alternative for semistructured data processing in general — I can do many things with plain tab-separated data and a bunch of unix tools (cut, grep, sed, ...) and hand-written python scripts. But sometimes I get really big amounts of data and processing time goes up to 20-30 minutes. It's unacceptable to me, because I want experiment with dataset dynamically, running some semi-ad-hoc queries and etc.
So, what amount of data do you consider enough to setting Hadoop cluster in terms of cost-results of this approach?
Without know exactly what you're doing, here are my suggestions:
If you want to run ad-hoc queries on the data, Hadoop is not the best way to go. Have you tried loading your data into a database and running queries on that?
If you want to experiment with using Hadoop without the cost of setting up a cluster, try using Amazon's Elastic MapReduce offering
I've personally seen people get pretty far using shell scripting for these kinds of tasks. Have you tried distributing your work over machines using SSH? GNU Parallel makes this pretty easy:
I think this issue has several aspects. The first one - what you can achieve with usual SQL technologies like MySQL/Oracle etc. If you can get solution with them - I think it will be better solution.
Should be also pointed out that hadoop processing of tabular data will be much slower then conventional DBMS. So I am getting to the second aspect - are you ready to build hadoop cluster with more then 4 machines? I think 4-6 machines is a bare minimum to feel some gains.
Third aspect is - are your ready to wait for data loading to the database - it can take time, but then queries will be fast. So if you makes a few queries for each dataset - it is in hadoop advantage.
Returning to the original question - I think that you need at least 100-200 GB of data so Hadoop processing will have some sense. 2 TB I think is a clear indication that hadoop might be a good choice.

Hadoop: Disadvantages of using just 2 machines?

I want to do log parsing of huge amounts of data and gather analytic information. However all the data comes from external sources and I have only 2 machines to store - one as backup/replication.
I'm trying to using Hadoop, Lucene... to accomplish that. But, all the training docs mention that Hadoop is useful for distributed processing, multi-node. My setup does not fit into that architecture.
Are they any overheads with using Hadoop with just 2 machines? If Hadoop is not a good choice are there alternatives? We looked at Splunk, we like it, but that is expensive for us to buy. We just want to build our own.
Hadoop should be used for distributed batch processing problems.
Analysis of log files is one of the more common uses of Hadoop, its one of the tasks Facebook use it for.
If you have two machines, you by definition have a multi-node cluster. You can use Hadoop on a single machine if you want, but as you add more nodes the time it takes to process the same amount of data is reduced.
You say you have huge amounts of data? These are important numbers to understand. Personally when I think huge in terms of data, i think in the 100s terabytes+ range. If this is the case, you'll probably need more than two machines, especially if you want to use replication over the HDFS.
The analytic information you want to gather? Have you determined that these questions can be answered using the MapReduce approach?
Something you could consider would be to use Hadoop on Amazons EC2 if you have a limited amount of hardware resources. Here are some links to get you started:
Hadoop Wiki - AmazonEC2
