Apache Storm compared to Hadoop - hadoop

How does Storm compare to Hadoop? Hadoop seems to be the defacto standard for open-source large scale batch processing, does Storm has any advantages over hadoop? or Are they completely different?

Why don't you tell your opinion.
Twitter Storm has been touted as real time Hadoop. That is more a marketing take for easy consumption.
They are superficially similar since both are distributed application solutions. Apart from the typical distributed architectural elements like master/slave, zookeeper based coordination, to me comparison falls off the cliff.
Twitter is more like a pipline for processing data as it comes. The pipe is what connects various computing nodes that receive data, compute and deliver output. (There lingo is spouts and bolts) Extend this analogy to a complex pipeline wiring that can be re-engineered when required and you get Twitter Storm.
In nut shell it processes data as it comes. There is no latency.
Hadoop how ever is different in this respect primarily due to HDFS. It a solution geared to distributed storage and tolerance to outage of many scales (disks, machines, racks etc)
M/R is built to leverage data localization on HDFS to distribute computational jobs. Together, they do not provide facility for real time data processing. But that is not always a requirement when you are looking through large data. (needle in the haystack analogy)
In short, Twitter Storm is a distributed real time data processing solution. I don't think we should compare them. Twitter built it because it needed a facility to process small tweets but humungous number of them and in real time.
See: HStreaming if you are compelled to compare it with some thing

Basically, both of them are used for analyzing big data, but Storm is used for real time processing while Hadoop is used for batch processing.
This is a very good introduction to Storm that I found:
Click here

Rather than to be compared, they are supposed to supplement each other now having batch + real-time (pseudo-real time) processing. There is a corresponding video presentation - Ted Dunning on Twitter's Storm

I've been using Storm for a while and now I've quit this really good technology for an amazing one : Spark (http://spark.apache.org) which provides developer with a unified API for batch or streaming processing (micro-batch) as well as machine learning and graph processing.
worth a try.

Storm is for Fast Data (real time) & Hadoop is for Big data(pre-existing tons of data). Storm can't process Big data but it can generate Big data as a output.

Apache Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for realtime processing what Hadoop did for batch processing.
Since many sub systems exists in Hadoop ecosystem, we have to chose right sub system depending on business requirements & feasibility of a particular system.
Hadoop MapReduce is efficient for batch processing of one job at a time. This is the reason why Hadoop is being used extensively as a data warehousing tool rather than data analysis tool.
Since the question is related to only "Storm" vs "Hadoop", have a look at Storm use cases - Financial Services, Telecom, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation.
Hadoop MapReduce is best suited for batch processing.
Storm is a complete stream processing engine and can be used for real time data analytics with latency in sub-seconds.
Have a look at this dezyre article for comparison between Hadoop, Storm and Spark. It explains similarities and differences.
It can be summarized with below picture ( from dezyre article)


Storm framework applications

I built an application for searching similar images stores in distributed environment using Hadoop. But Hadoop does not support real time processing, that why the response time is long. I know that Storm is another framework for big data analysis application. But I got confused whether we can use Storm to implement this kind of application.
Does anybody give an advice what kind of application that use efficiently Storm framework.
Storm is a very scalable, fast, fault-tolerant open source system for distributed computation, with a special focus on stream processing. Storm excels at event processing and incremental computation, calculating rolling metrics in real time over streams of data
Event stream processing is major strength of Storm.
Generally Hadoop is used for batch-processing. But Storm is The Hadoop of real-time processing and Spark is Distributed processing for all with in-memory data store
Have a look at this Storm and Spark and Stack Comparison links
My solution for this problem
1) Store the images in CMS (content management system) with CDN spread across multiple networks and not in HDFS or NoSQL database)
2) Store the Image Id, Image Name, MD5SUM, Image Location meta information in HBase table
3) Use Spark & HBase for image data processing e.g. remove duplicate image by checking MD5SUM

MapReduce or Spark for Batch processing on Hadoop?

I know that MapReduce is a great framework for batch processing on Hadoop. But, Spark also can be used as batch framework on Hadoop that provides scalability, fault tolerance and high performance compared MapReduce. Cloudera, Hortonworks and MapR started supporting Spark on Hadoop with YARN as well.
But, a lot of companies are still using MapReduce Framework on Hadoop for batch processing instead of Spark.
So, I am trying to understand what are the current challenges of Spark to be used as batch processing framework on Hadoop?
Any thoughts?
Spark is an order of magnitude faster than mapreduce for iterative algorithms, since it gets a significant speedup from keeping intermediate data cached in the local JVM.
With Spark 1.1 which primarily includes a new shuffle implementation (sort-based shuffle instead of hash-based shuffle), a new network module (based on netty instead of using block manager for sending shuffle data), a new external shuffle service made Spark perform the fastest PetaByte sort (on 190 nodes with 46TB RAM) and TeraByte sort breaking Hadoop's old record.
Spark can easily handle the dataset which are order of magnitude larger than the cluster's aggregate memory. So, my thought is that Spark is heading in the right direction and will eventually get even better.
For reference this blog post explains how databricks performed the petabyte sort.
I'm assuming when you say Hadoop you mean HDFS.
There are number of benefits of using Spark over Hadoop MR.
Performance: Spark is at least as fast as Hadoop MR. For iterative algorithms (that need to perform number of iterations of the same dataset) is can be a few orders of magnitude faster. Map-reduce writes the output of each stage to HDFS.
1.1. Spark can cache (depending on the available memory) this intermediate results and therefore reduce latency due to disk IO.
1.2. Spark operations are lazy. This means Spark can perform certain optimizing before it starts processing the data because it can reorder operations because they have executed yet.
1.3. Spark keeps a lineage of operations and recreates the partial failed state based on this lineage in case of failure.
Unified Ecosystem: Spark provides a unified programming model for various types of analysis - batch (spark-core), interactive (REPL), streaming (spark-streaming), machine learning (mllib), graph processing (graphx), SQL queries (SparkSQL)
Richer and Simpler API: Spark's API is richer and simpler. Richer because it supports many more operations (e.g., groupBy, filter ...). Simpler because of the expressiveness of these functional constructs. Spark's API supports Java, Scala and Python (for most APIs). There is experimental support for R.
Multiple Datastore Support: Spark supports many data stores out of the box. You can use Spark to analyze data in a normal or distributed file system, HDFS, Amazon S3, Apache Cassandra, Apache Hive and ElasticSearch to name a few. I'm sure support for many other popular data stores is comings soon. This essentially if you want to adopt Spark you don't have to move your data around.
For example, here is what code for word count looks in Spark (Scala).
val textFile = sc.textFile("some file on HDFS")
val wordCounts = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
I'm sure you have to write a few more lines if you are using standard Hadoop MR.
Here are some common misconceptions about Spark.
Spark is just a in-memory cluster computing framework. However, this is not true. Spark excels when your data can fit in memory because memory access latency is lower. But you can make it work even when your dataset doesn't completely fit in memory.
You need to learn Scala to use Spark. Spark is written in Scala and runs on the JVM. But the Spark provides support for most of the common APIs in Java and Python as well. So you can easily get started with Spark without knowing Scala.
Spark does not scale. Spark is for small datasets (GBs) only and doesn't scale to large number of machines or TBs of data. This is also not true. It has been used successfully to sort PetaBytes of data
Finally, if you do not have a legacy codebase in Hadoop MR it makes perfect sense to adopt Spark, the simple reason being all major Hadoop vendors are moving towards Spark for good reason.
Apache Spark runs in memory, making it much faster than mapreduce.
Spark started as a research project at Berkeley.
Mapreduce use disk extensively (for external sort, shuffle,..).
As the input size for a hadoop job is in order of terabytes. Spark memory requirements will be more than traditional hadoop.
So basically, for smaller jobs and with huge memory in ur cluster, sparks wins. And this is not practically the case for most clusters.
Refer to spark.apache.org for more details on spark

Hadoop - CPU intensive application - Small data

Is Hadoop a proper solution for jobs that are CPU intensive and need to process a small file of around 500 MB? I have read that Hadoop is aimed to process the so called Big Data, and I wonder how it performs with a small amount of data (but a CPU intensive workload).
I would mainly like to know if a better approach for this scenario exists or instead I should stick to Hadoop.
Hadoop is a distributed computing framework proposing a MapReduce engine. If you can express your parallelizable cpu intensive application with this paradigm (or any other supported by Hadoop modules), you may take advantage of Hadoop.
A classical example of Hadoop computations is the calculation of Pi, which doesn't need any input data. As you'll see here, yahoo managed to determine the two quadrillonth digit of pi thanks to Hadoop.
However, Hadoop is indeed specialized for Big Data in the sense that it was developped for this aim. For instance, you dispose of a file system designed to contain huge files. These huge files are chunked into a lot of blocks accross a large number of nodes. In order to ensure your data integrity, each block has to be replicated to other nodes.
To conclude, I'd say that if you already dispose of an Hadoop cluster, you may want to take advantage of it.
If that's not the case, and while I can't recommand anything since I have no idea what exactly is your need, I think you can find more light weights frameworks than Hadoop.
Well a lot of companies are moving to Spark, and I personally believe it's the future of parallel processing.
It sounds like what you want to do is use many CPUs possibly on many nodes. For this you should use a Scalable Language especially designed for this problem - in other words Scala. Using Scala with Spark is much much easier and much much faster than hadoop.
If you don't have access to a cluster, it can be an idea to use Spark anyway so that you can use it in future more easily. Or just use .par in Scala and that will paralellalize your code and use all the CPUs on your local machine.
Finally Hadoop is indeed intended for Big Data, whereas Spark is really just a very general MPP framework.
You have exactly the type of computing issue that we do for Data Normalization. This is a need for parallel processing on cheap hardware and software with ease of use instead of going through all the special programming for traditional parallel processing. Hadoop was born of hugely distributed data replication with relatively simple computations. Indeed, the test application still being distributed, WordCount, is numbingly simplistic. This is because the genesis of Hadoop was do handle the tremendous amount of data and concurrent processing for search, with the "Big Data" analytics movement added on afterwards to try to find a more general purpose business use case. Thus, Hadoop as described in its common form is not targeted to the use case you and we have. But, Hadoop does offer the key capabilities of cheap, easy, fast parallel processing of "Small Data" with custom and complicated programming logic.
In fact, we have tuned Hadoop to do just this. We have a special built hardware environment, PSIKLOPS, that is powerful for small cluster (1-10) nodes with enough power at low cost for run 4-20 parallel jobs. We will be showcasing this in a series of web casts by Inside Analysis titled Tech Lab in conjunction with Cloudera for the first series, coming in early Aug 2014. We see this capability as being a key enabler for people like you. PSIKLOPS is not required to use Hadoop in the manner we will showcase, but it is being configured to maximize ease of use to launch multiple concurrent containers of custom Java.

Can druid replace hadoop?

Druid is used for both real time and batch processing. But can it totally replace hadoop?
If not why? As in what is the advantage of hadoop over druid?
I have read that druid is used along with hadoop. So can the use of Hadoop be avoided?
We are talking about two slightly related but very different technologies here.
Druid is a real-time analytics system and is a perfect fit for timeseries and time based events aggregation.
Hadoop is HDFS (a distributed file system) + Map Reduce (a paradigm for executing distributed processes), which together have created an eco system for distributed processing and act as underlying/influencing technology for many other open source projects.
You can setup druid to use Hadoop; that is to fire MR jobs to index batch data and to read its indexed data from HDFS (of course it will cache them locally on the local disk)
If you want to ignore Hadoop, you can do your indexing and loading from a local machine as well, of course with the penalty of being limited to one machine.
Can you avoid using Hadoop with Druid? Yes, you can stream data in real-time into a Druid cluster rather than batch-loading it with Hadoop. One way to do this is to stream data into Kafka, which will handle incoming events and pass them into Storm, which can then process and load them into Druid Realtime nodes.
Typically this setup is used with Hadoop in parallel, because streamed real-time data comes with its own baggage and often needs to be fixed up and backfilled. That whole architecture has been dubbed "Lambda" by some.
Druid is used for both real time and batch processing. But can it totally replace hadoop? If not why?
It depends on your cases. Have a look at Druid official website documentation.
Druid is good choice for below use cases:
Insert rates are very high, but updates are less common
Most of queries are aggregation and reporting with low latency of 100ms to a few seconds.
Data has a time component
Load data from Kafka, HDFS, flat files, or object storage like Amazon S3
Druid is not good choince for below use cases
Need low-latency updates of existing records using a primary key. Druid supports streaming inserts, but not streaming updates
Building an offline reporting system where query latency is not very important.
In case of big joins
So if you are looking for offline reporting system where query latency is not important, Hadoop may score in that scenario.

Twitter Storm v/s Apache Hadoop

It would be great if somebody can explain me the architectural differences between Twitter Storm and Apache Hadoop? I am looking out for some internals stuff beyond real time v/s batch processing. As both technologies are quiet similar in terms of writing a topology for Storm or map-reduce on Hadoop, in terms of task tracker/job tracker for Hadoop and the equivalent nimbus/supervisor for Storm, in terms of Hadoop partition and equivalent shuffling (random, field etc.) on Storm etc. (Am I correct if I say that Storm uses message queues internally for transporting data between spouts/bolt which is not exactly the case with Hadoop where in there are intermediate files created and hence an I/O involved.)
I have gone through the question Apache Storm compared to Hadoop but the accepted answer leaves me with a desire to know more than just the use case i.e. real time v/s batch processing.
The main diffence is that Storm can do realtime processing of streams of Tupple s (incoming data) while Hadoop do batch processing with MapReduce jobs.
both of them process data in a distributed way, but with storm you can have live analitics while you will have to wait the mapreduce job to finish before playing with your results.
Nathan Marz (Storm creator) is writing a book about Big Data where he discusses how to create big data systems with Hadoop, Storm and other technologies.
The book is discussing "The Lambda Architecture". Checkout this slide by Nathan Marz himself: Runaway complexity in Big Data... and a plan to stop it
