During openning my project in Visual Studio 2010 this issue came out.
So, how can I fix it? Can't open DataSet and contiu any other work in VS. Please, tell me what can be th ereason?
For me, the error disappeared after disabling Source Code Control integration. To disable SCC, do like this:
In the IDE Go to Tools->Options->Source Control->Plug-in Selection dialog page.
Select None from the drop-down box labeled Current Source Control plug-in:.
My bookmark window looks like this:
Yesterday though suddenly and out of nowhere there were one check box at the left of each bookmark. Until then I didn't know (or didn't care) that you can enable and disable bookmarks in Visual Studio (2012).
Today the checkboxes are gone. :-( I can still enable and disable them via the menu option Edit -> Bookmarks -> Enable Bookmark. I could assign this function to a shortcut key combo, I guess.
But how can I get the check boxes back?
Update: The same applies to VS2013.
Update: ... and to VS2015.
Update: Also to VS2017.
From my point of view this is a VS-Bug.
My CheckBoxes are also "away" or better seems to be away. When you click the position where the CheckBox actually is it still works.
Means: When I click left to the bookmark "flag" (where check box normally is) the bookmarks still can be enable/disabled.
This has been fixed in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
BTW: This is the original thread in connect.microsoft:
Bookmark Window: Checkbox for enabling/disabling bookmarks is invisible
I am facing something strange in my Visio Add-in:
I have a CommandBar, with CommandButtons on it and I just launch my debug mode.
The first page is OK (the start page of Visio) but if I open a file or create a new file, I can click all I want on my buttons, nothing is working !
It worked perfectly on the start page but not on my new visio file...
I tried to comment parts of my code, but the issue seems to come from nowhere... I really do not understand.
If someone already faced this kind of behaviour, please help, I just do not know what to do...
You could try setting ".Tag" property for your button to some unique value.
More info here:
"Maintaining references to command bar controls when contexts change"
I am having a problem thats not about the code, it's about the screen in Microsoft visual studio 2008.
Actually problem is i created one utility from couple of weeks i didn't opened that utility today i opened (in Microsoft visual studio the screen appearing blank no controls are visible in that.But all the controls properties are there. I tried a lot but i didn't get solution. Last when the same thing happened i created the controls again. Now i don't want to go to create all the controls again. If any one have the solution please help me.
Before screen is like this:
Now its blank (like new page)
From your description I'm not sure if this is a application/code build issue or an IDE issue, what you could try is to reset the settings in visual studio and see if this helps.
You can do this by going to Tools -> Import/Export settings and then following the wizard to reset the settings, you may also want to perform a backup before resetting them (this is also part of the wizard) then they can be restored if this causes you further issues.
I don't have a copy of 2008 available at the moment so some menu entries may be slightly named different.
Hope this helps!
Now there is more information, this looks like there may be a problem with the code in the
method of the form.designer file (e.g. if you are using c# this would be something like Form1.Designer.cs and can be found by expanding the corresponding form in the solution explorer), if you remove/comment the lines that say
(NameOfControl is where you would see your declared controls name)
then you get the behaviour that you are seeing, the controls do not render as they are never added to the forms controls collection but as they are declared you will still see them in the properties drop down and wont be able to add another control with the same name.
There it is! A BUG in Visual Basic Express 2010:
I have several ToolStrip controls docked within several panels of a tabPanel.
And sometimes, some toolstrip disappear from the design page.
Still exists since I can see its name in the bottom under the design surface.
If I click that name, kazaaaaam!!!, if shows back, but if I click another control elsewhere it vanishes again.
And after compiling and running the project, user can't see it neither.
Only solution is insert a fresh new toolstrip and copy/paste the bad one's buttons!
Any clue?
There appears to be a weird bug in VS2008 and VS2010. For some reason it sets the .Visible property to False. If you go to the Properties section of your Project, select the ToolStrip and then set the .Visible property to True, it should work.
I am wondering if anyone knows how to pull this off. Here goes.
I have a multi monitor setup, and I maximize Visual Studio to both windows. I create a new vertical document tab control, so that I have one document tab control in each physical screen. This is fine.
Now, I want to be able to make them work as if they were connected. I want to have the designer on one side, and the code related to the displayed designer on the other window.
I'd like it to have the following functionality:
If a item is double clicked on the solution explorer, open designer/code in both tabs.
When a document is selected in either pane, open appropriate file in the other pane.
Make the designer view refresh on edit, or periodically.
Any ideas on how I could pull this off?
Try to check (wait) for VS 2010 (beta now). There should be multi monitor support.