WIX Change Product Name and Install directory from command line parameters - visual-studio

I ran into a typical scenario where it required to change product name as supplied from command line parameters as below
MSBuild.exe ApplicationSetup.wixproj /p:AssemblyTitle=%USER_SPECIFIED_NAME% /p:ProductVersion=%VERSION% /p:ProductCode=%PRODUCT_CODE% /p:UpgradeCode=%UPGRADE_CODE% /t:Clean;Rebuild"
I am using those supplied parameters in .wxi file. as below :
<Product Id="$(var.ProductCode)" Name="$(var.AssemblyTitle)" Language="4"
Manufacturer="!(loc.Manufacturer)" UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeCode)">
This code compiles successfully. But the name of product in add/remove program is not reflecting correctly. I read that Product name cannot be supplied directly, it should be hard coded.Please advise on this.
Another typical requirement is to have multiple version installed of same product on a machine. I somewhat achieved this by doing following change in Product tag in .wxi file
<Product Id="*" Name="$(var.AssemblyTitle)" Language="4"
Manufacturer="!(loc.Manufacturer)" UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeCode)">
Now here come the issue that second installation will overwrite the file generated during first installation. So it is required to change install directory dynamically.
I have posted this after struggling for couple of days and tried many solution, but all in vain. Any help will be highly appreciated.


How could I do a massive install of a PrestaShop module?

I have a problem, I have to do a massive install of a custom PrestaShop module on 1500 e-commerce, but I don't know if this is possible, I was thinking to include a file called install.php and run through a.sh, this file may contain the next.
For example:
include "meli.php";
$meli = new Meli();
I called this file and initially, nothing happened so I check the possible reason and was:
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
So I commented this and run it again but this show me this error:
Fatal error: Class 'Module' not found in /home/dev2al5/public_html/modules/meli/meli.php on line 7
Does someone know how I can do this process?
Indeed I would do 3 things in the SH script:
Copy of the modules files in each site in the modules folder
Copy of a sql file containing the instructions to be executed
Calling a URL present in each module that would execute the SQL and then delete the SQL file in question

Setting environment variable with WiX, losing filename at end of path

I am utilizing the WiX "Environment" element to set an environment variable.
<Environment Action="create" Name="My_Certificates" System="yes" Id="certificate_env" Value="[CERT_XML_PATH]" Permanent="yes" />
CERT_XML_PATH gets set to the following: c:\this\is\my\path\myfile.xml
If that file actually exists, the environment variable is set properly and points to the file.
If that particular file doesn't exist at the time of the install, the environment variable is created and set, but the path is truncated to remove the myfile.xml portion.
This installer is part of a larger suite. It has its own standalone MSI. Installing one of the packages creates this xml file, but not the particular one I'm working on. If the xml file has been created, everything works fine. But if this installer is ran first, it will set the environment variable to
The environment variable "My_Certificates" gets created, but set to:
Instead of:
The install log shows the property being set to the proper location.
MSI (s) (70:80) [15:27:44:988]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CERT_XML_PATH property. Its value is 'c:\this\is\my\path\myfile.xml'.
Then we see the installer doing a WriteEnvironmentStrings a utilizing the proper path, including the xml file.
MSI (s) (70:80) [15:27:50:644]: Executing op: UpdateEnvironmentStrings(Name=My_Certificates,Value=c:\this\is\my\path\myfile.xml,Delimiter=[~],Action=536870914,)
WriteEnvironmentStrings: Name: My_Certificates, Value: c:\this\is\my\path\myfile.xml, Action 536870914
screen shot of system variables showing it not set properly
Any insight into why the file name is being truncated would be greatly appreciated.
Found the issue. There is a custom action in the installer that is also trying to set the Environment Variable. When disabling that custom action, everything works as intended.

Redprob.ado file installation

I’m trying to use the dynamic RE panel logit model.
I downloaded the redprob.ado, redprob.hlp, redpmod_ll.ado files from Prof. Mark Stewart's website and installed as follows.
Create ado and personal folder in my C: drive.
Save those 3 files in personal folder.
Typed net set ado c:\ado\personal
Typed adopath + "c:\ado\personal”
Type ssc install redprob
But the following message came out.
ssc install: "redprob" not found at SSC, type -findit redprob-
(To find all packages at SSC that start with r, type -ssc describe r-)”
What is the way to install and use redprob?
As you noted these files should be downloaded from Mark Stewart's site, namely http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/staff/academic/stewart/stata
The third file is called redpmod_ll.ado, and not as you originally typed.
They are not on SSC, so the ssc command is completely irrelevant. What you did is like saying "fetch me this program from Warwick" and then "and now fetch me this program from Connecticut" when it is only at Warwick.
The StataCorp recommendation is to use c:\ado\plus, but what you did should have worked.
Try it with
which redprob
and Stata should be able to find the program and tell you where it is.
If you have manually downloaded the files, simply pasting them into c:\ado\personal should do the work. Stata will automatically load commands from this folder when it starts. Create the folder if it doesn't exist.

WiX can'f find my file : unable to load file, error LGHT0103

I am using WiX 3.5 and making an installer. I have used heat.exe to bundle all the files.
It produced a WiX file. I referred in main wxs files as componentgroup ref. When I build my installer, it throws the following exception.
light.exe : error LGHT0103 : The system cannot find the file
with type ''.
It is able load many files from this location, except the above file, even though the file is present.
Looks like you've hit the linker bug. As far as I can see, it was already reported to the WiX team, and was scheduled for v4.0. The comment to the issue states the path is more than 255 characters, so a possible workaround for you is to re-work the files/folders layout to avoid the paths of that length.
Hope this helps.
The answer of Ravz1234 works ! I used it with a environment variable e.g. env.SourcePath.
1) Set an environment variable to show on your Source Dir e.g. C:\SourceDir
2) On heat.exe add the argument -var env.SourcePath along with the other arguments
I used the variable for the directory, sys.SOURCEFILEDIR, and it worked well.

Install a pfx certificate in a users store in Windows using WiX

Please, can someone provide me with a WiX snippet or solution for the mentioned scenario. I need to include the pfx file in the WiX msi and the user will download my msi to his machine via the internet explorer and Click install and I need also the certificate to be installed on his machine.
You need the Certificate element. It is part of the IIS extension for wix, but can be used for non-IIS related installations also.
You need to
declare a prefix for the iis namespace, for
example like this in the root Wix element:
<Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'
Embed the PFX file as a binary
stream in your install package. Add
a Binary element under the
product element like this:
<Binary Id="MyCertificateBinaryStream"
SourceFile="c:/path/to/mycertificate.pfx" />
Declare a component with a <iis:Certificate> element, for
example like this. Look at the
documentation, you need to fill in some
more attributes. Note that you don't need CertficatePath if you use the BinaryKey attribute.
<Component Id="MyCertificateComponent" Guid="MY-GUID-HERE">
<iis:Certificate Id="MyCertificate"
... some more attributes ...
Activate the IIS extension by adding
the option -ext WixIISExtension
option when invoking the wix command line tools. If you use visual studio, this is just a matter of adding a reference in your wix project to WixIISExtension.
To expand on the answer a little, the following set of attributes worked for me:
Name="My Friendly Certificate Name"
StoreLocation="localMachine" />
Where the <Product> element contained a <Binary> child as follows:
SourceFile="$(var.ProjectDir)MyCertificate.pfx" />
(I included the PFX file within my WiX project).
