how can i create dylib with init function - xcode

I am trying to create a dylib in xcode. I can able to create dylb by choosing c/c++ Library template in Xcode.
I want to add "init" method for this dylib. I don't know how to add "init" method for dylib.
My idea is to call this "init" on runtime with the help of dlopen().
Thanks for your valuable feedback.

If you code in C++, you could have static objects in your dlopen-ed library; their constructors get called at dlopen time (and their destructor is running at dlclose time).
If your code is compiled by gcc (be it in C, or in C++, or perhaps even some other languages) you could use the constructor and destructor function attributes
(You could use the obsolete symbols _init and _fini but this is an obsolete feature of dlopen (at least on Linux, and probably on MacOSX). Then you would have to declare them extern "C" void _init(void); in C++.)
Don't forget that dlsym deals with unmangled names, so you want to declare extern "C" the C++ names for it.
You could also have your own convention that your dynamically loaded things should have, for example, a function named my_initialization and your code doing the dlopen would later use dlsym to find it. You should have documented conventions on what symbols are dlsym-ed and how they are used.
I don't know well MacOSX, but I googled this documentation


Calling Internal Functions in a Shared Library

I want to call an unexported function in glibc. Precisely, I want to call ptmalloc_init(). The problem is that the symbol is not exported. I have access to the glibc source code. Therefore, I added a function called ptmalloc_init_caller() in glibc source code and compiled the library. But again I can not see anything in the nm -D output and, as a consequence, can not call the added function from outside. Is there something special about building glibc that is omitted?
You need to make the ptmalloc_init function non-static and add it to malloc/Versions, e.g. under the GLIBC_PRIVATE section. Then it will be exported. Without the change to malloc/Versions, the function will not be mentioned in the generated version script (see in the build tree), and its symbol will have hidden visibility.

g++ library not found but not for gcc

I want to use my school custom library in a C++ project but the library linking seems not working... When I create my program in C and I try to compile it, it work...
See by yourself:
I think that the X11 and/or Xext libraries dependencies of the Mlx are in cause, there can be some
#if __cplusplus
void *x11_mlx_function_wanted(void);
I had already check if the mlx contains some check like that and I saw nothing.
Thank you in advance
And I succeed in objective-c.
The problem is C++ name-mangling. If you declare a function in C11, it ends up with a "mangled" name, which encodes the namespace and the types of the arguments. That's necessary because in C++, various overloads can exist for the same function name. The overloads are independent functions; they do not even have to be in the same object library.
In the object library itself, the functions will have ordinary C names. But since the header file is processed with a C++ compiler, the declared functions will be named as though they were C++ functions.
One possible solution might be to declare all the included functions to be C functions:
extern "C" {
#include "/usr/X11/include/mlx.h"

dlopen and dylib : main application and dylib address space

My main application statically links to a static library A with a function ABC and my dynamic library xyz.dylib also statically links to the same static library A which has the same function ABC. The function ABC uses a globally defined variable.
Now when the main application Loads xyz.dylib using dlopen on runtime. The initializer gets called where i have called ABC function. This function ABC and uses the global variable from main application address space.
On Osx, functions which are inline the dylib linker will use the first one that is used. So for example, if an inline function is used in your main executable first, and then used in the loaded dylib, it will use the one in the main executable.
This is normally fine, unless your inline makes reference to a global symbol, in which case you are now be using one if your globals for both the dylib, and your executable.
Again this is usually fine, since the same version is used consistently.
The problem happens when you have 2 inline functions that reference a global that is in both executable and dylib, and one function gets used first in the executable, and another one used first in the dylib. Then you have a mismatched pair. For example:
class MagicAlloc
void* Alloc() { return gAlloc.get(); }
void Free( void* v ) { v ); }
static RealAllocator gAlloc;
Suppose you call MagicAlloc::Alloc in the executable, then call it in the dylib, now for all allocations in both you will use the gAlloc in the executable. Then the first call to MagicAlloc::Free happens in the dylib. Then you will try to free something allocated in the binary on the globals from the dylib.
There are two solutions:
Don't use inlines to reference globals/statics. Move the global structure, and the function definitions into the same translation unit ( object file ). Mark the globals "static" so they aren't even visible outside the TLU. Now your functions will be resolved statically in the link step, and bound to the right global.
Hide all the symbols in the executable except the plugin api. Link as normal, but when linking the binary itself pass the following to the linker:
Where export file is a list of link symbols that should be exported. E.g. you will need to at least have "_main" in that file. Now when your dylib runs it won't be able to dynamically link to the wrong inlines, because they won't be in the dynamic symbol table. The second solution is also more secure, since a malicious plugin won't be able to access globals as easily.

Do I have to specify extern "C" when exporting symbols?

I am wondering if extern "C" is a must or not?
Only if you want to call your code from C (or a different C++ compiler, which you should treat like C).
It is to disable name-mangling.
See this article on the C++ FAQ:
No, you use extern "C" to provide a C-linkage to your C++ functions, so they won't be 'decorated' like normal C++ functions and to allow them to be called from C (or Objective-C).
Function decoration is used to implement the C++ function overloading feature and gives each variation of the function a different signature while allowing the developer to use the name he assigned.
Your C++ functions will be exported automatically by simply not using the static keyword. However if you have implemented your C++ functions within a Windows DLL it's necessary to use the declspec dllexport/dllimport keywords to access them externally.
Use of extern "C" switches off name mangling. If you don't do this you may make if hard for a client of your DLL to import your symbols.
Remember that different C++ compilers have different name mangling rules and so your mangled exported names may differ from the names used on import.
However, since it is wrong to import a class from a DLL if you are using a different compiler than that used for the DLL, this is rather a moot point.
So, if you are exporting classes (usually a bad idea anyway) it is easier to leave mangling on. Otherwise switch it off with extern "C".

Using GetProcAddress when the name might be decorated

What is the correct way to use GetProcAddress() on a 32 bit DLL? On win32, there are three calling conventions, cdecl, stdcall and fastcall. If the function in the DLL is foo they will decorate the name in the following ways _foo, _foo#N and #foo#N.
But if the author of the dll has used a .def file, then the exported name will be changed to just "foo" without any decoration.
This spells trouble for me because if I want to load foo from a dll that is using stdcall, should I use the decorated name:
void *h = LoadLibraryEx(L"foo.dll", NULL, 0);
GetProcAddres((HMODULE)h, L"_foo#16");
Or the undecorated one:
void *h = LoadLibraryEx(L"foo.dll", NULL, 0);
GetProcAddres((HMODULE)h, L"foo");
? Should I guess? I've looked at lots of 32 bit DLL files (stdcall and cdecl) and they all seem to export the undecorated name. But can you assume that is always the case?
There's really no shortcut or definitive rule here. You have to know the name of the function. The normal scenario is that you know at compile time the name of the function. In which case it does not matter whether the exported name is mangled, decorated, or indeed completely unrelated to the semantic name. Functions can be exported without names, by ordinal. Again, you need to know how the function was exported.
If you are presented with a header file for a library, and want to link to it with explicit linking (LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress) then you will need to find out the names of the function. Use a tool like dumpbin or Dependency Walker to do that.
Now, the other scenario which might lead to you asking the question is that you don't know the name at compile time. For instance, the name is provided by the user of your program in one way or another. Again, it is quite reasonable to require the user to know the exported name of the function.
Finally, you can parse the PE meta data for the executable file to enumerate its exported function. This will give you a list of exported function names, and exported function ordinals. This is what tools like dumpbin and Dependency Walker do.
If __declspec(dllexport) is used during compilation and __declspec(dllimport) in header file, as well as extern "c", then you do not need to decorate those functions. The __declspec helps in using the undecorated names, but function overloads, namespaces, and classes still require same way to distinguish them.
Usually, object oriented functions are exported using function ordinals instead of their decorated names. Cast the ordinal as (char*)(unsigned short)ordinal, thus, GetProcAddress(module, (char*)(unsigned short)ordinal);
Edit: while most of Windows use UTF-16, GetProcAddress uses UTF-8, so it cannot use a wide character string.
GetProcAddress(module, L"foo") is identical to GetProcAddress(module, "f");
