boost i/o streams documentation [closed] - boost

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Closed 4 years ago.
Improve this question is experiencing some problems with documentation - it just wouldnt open. Is there any other resource or decent documentation on boost io streams?

If you have Boost installation, full documentation is in the doc directory. For example, on my computer it is C:\Program Files\Boost\boost_1_48_0\doc\html\index.html
To see this documentation, it is not necessary to build the Boost library, just to extract files from archive.


How to download bzip2 sources for linux? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I used to download
But now does not exists anymore.
The source tarball is now at .
The linux from scratch project also keeps a copy at

How can two people work on a single project in Xcode on two computers? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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As the title says. How is this best done?
I have done a lot of Googling but no luck
Using a version control system, like Git. You can create a free repository on Github.
Some getting started links:
How to use Git?
Or natively in XCode:

Does Go have built-in package to create DNS-server? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I don't know much about building DNS servers, but still.. Does Go have built-in packages to create DNS-server?
As the search on the language reference doesn't find something, I'd agree that there is no dns in the standard library (Search on golang reference).
Though I've already seen libraries on github.

Spree Commerce: any themes? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I searched whole morning, and find out that there aren't any themes either to purchase or download for Spree. It seems that I have to build custom store front myself.
Spree seems to be very limited in this aspect when compared to OpenCart and PrestaShops.
Am I right?
There are a few themes publicly available:
As well as other available here:

is there a Windows API to unmount a mount point [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am writing a virtual file system using dokan.lib.
This lib do not have unmountPoint function, it has unmountDrive.
Either I am looking for a dokan lib which will support unmountpoint call
or windows API which will remove this mounted point while leaving the app.
I found the other version of lib, which has this API, but still its not doing my job.
Thinking of going to CBFS. Hope they have answers to my questions.
