Spree Commerce: any themes? [closed] - themes

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I searched whole morning, and find out that there aren't any themes either to purchase or download for Spree. It seems that I have to build custom store front myself.
Spree seems to be very limited in this aspect when compared to OpenCart and PrestaShops.
Am I right?

There are a few themes publicly available:
As well as other available here: https://github.com/search?langOverride=&q=spree+theme&repo=&start_value=1&type=Repositories


Can I set a stackoverflow site on my owner LAN [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I really like the way questions & answers are organized on this site. Is there an easy way I can set up such a site? Any open-source project that helps create such an environment on the LAN?
I tried SharePoint but it doesn't have all the cool features stackoverflow has.

Is there a Bootstrap-sass equivalent in Flutter? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm usually a backend developer so whenever I need to make website look nice I just apply bootstrap themes to do the job extremely efficiently and well. Is there an equivalent framework with much support and resources that could help my Flutter apps not look so basic?
Why do you need Bootstrap, when you have Materal and Cupertino?
If you're looking for more widgets, check out Flutter Awesome.

How can I include a cache on my website? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to make the performance of my own website a bit better.
So I want to implement a cache on my website.
Do you have any tutorials how I can do this?
This is my page.
go to these sites and take idea from them http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_app_cache.asp

Magento Extension for FREQUENTLY PURCHASED TOGETHER option [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to implement "FREQUENTLY PURCHASED TOGETHER" in my product view page. Also, to implement Color and Size Swatch. Please guide me best to or best extension to implement same. Thanks
Below mentioned extensions are widely used for frequently bought together option.

Can help me find a Magento courses [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have started to learn Magento, I am currently using 1.x version.
Does someone know good courses on Magento, preferably free?
Try looking at this course on magento.com: Quick Start to Magento Customization
