Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 with Jupgrade. "undefined migrating error" - joomla

I've try to migrate a website in Joomla from 1.5 to 2.5 using jUpgrade but I've receive the "undefined migrating" error.
The files was correctly transferred, but there's no change to the db, and when I try to log on, I land on a page saying "please delete installation folder" and no db was transferred/created (so I have to create it manually and create menu, article, etc. wasting so much time!)
Please help. I have already tried removing folder and changing tmp to 777 permission (with chmod) and nothing changed!
**Update: 2012-07-24
Getting more information while running jupdate in debug mode:
"========== [checks]
========== [cleanup]
========== [decompress]
========== [install_config]
========== [install_db]
========== [undefined] [undefined]
jos-Error: Table 'name_joomla.j25_users' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT
INTO j25_users
Administrator','0','1','2011-12-16 14:37:40','2012-07-24

Finally working - at this point - following the 1st solution from by removing all the plugins and reinstalling another version (from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2)
"Migrating undefined" or "[undefined][undefined]"
There may come an instance where the process will get stuck while migrating data for a specific component and (with "Debug mode" enabled) an error similar to "Migrating undefined" or "[undefined][undefined]" will be displayed.
Some causes and remedies include:
a migrate_xxx.php file that is being requested for by jUpgrade is not available or accessible
(these files are stored in the {root}/administrator/components/com_jupgrade/includes/ folder, labelled "migrate_xxx.php" where "xxx" is the section of content being transferred at the time.)
To fix: uninstall and reinstall jUpgrade (to restore all required
files) and try again.Get jupgrade 2.5.2**
• The database table from which content is being transferred is corrupt or has been modified
(jUpgrade requires that no modifications have been made to any of the core tables themselves, otherwise the migration can run into problems when dealing with custom fields)
To fix:download and install a maintenance component such as "Admin
Tools!" and run a database integrity check and repair. Alternatively
the database may have to be repaired manually using "phpmyadmin" or a
similar interface. A solution for databases with custom fields is
being looked into, but for the moment those must be migrated manually,
or if they interfere with the migration, removed. (Of course a backup
should be run before any such operation.)
• The migration runs into an issue attempting to copy content over to a database which already has content (from a previous migration, failed or not).
To fix: remove all the tables created for the new Joomla! install
during the migration and run jUpgrade again.
• the Javascript which handles the migration process has run into a problem
To fix:check in the Plugin Manager to ensure that any system plugins
related to javascript libraries, apart from the "MooTools Upgrade"
plugin (which is required) has been disabled and try running jUpgrade
again. let's give up IE and try Chrome ;-)

Well, for me it workd the followng way:
After first attempt to install joomla 2.5 with Jupgrade it stucked at migrating. I checked the mysql tables and saw that about 15 of them were new j25 tables.
So I suposed it is stuck somewhere and tried again by going again in jupgrade component and pressing again the upgrade button. It was stuck again so I checked the mysql and saw that new 10 tables were made. So I just tried one more time an it worked this time. It created all mysql tables and upgraded joomla from 1.5.26 to 2.5.2.
The ony think I did before that is extracting manually the in the target directory for the new installation and then I disabled the download, decompression and checks settings in Jupgrade.
Hope this works for someone else :)


VS2015 Setup Project not updating Access Database included in package when reinstalling

I'm trying to build a Visual Studio Installer Setup Project that deploys multiple C# projects and some other files. Included in these other files, there are Access Database with forms that needs updates.
To illustrate the problem, I simplified it :
1- Create a new Access Database file, add a simple form to it with a button and a label and save it.
2- Add the file to the setup project;
3- Set DetectNewerInstalledVersion and RemovePreviousVersion to true
4- Build the project.
5- Run the setup executable.
To that point, everything has worked fine
6- Reopen the Access Database file, add a button or a label to the form, save it.
7- Change the Version number of the Setup project, and at the same time the ProductCode as suggested by VS2015.
8- Rebuild the setup project.
9- Reinstall the software.
Expected: the Access data should have been updated with the new button/label.
What is happening: The file hasn't been updated.
Why is that ? I've seen people talking about the Assembly version number of projects included in a setup project, but that's not my case since I'm not deploying the ouput of a project. I'm simply deploying a file that should have been removed during the uninstall process.
If I do the exact same steps as described before but with a text file in which I add text, it works fine, but for some reason in does not work with an Access Database.
What's wrong ?
If you install a data file, and then run a program that updates it you've added user data to that file, or database. The file overwrite rules don't allow a modified data file to be replaced in the kind of update that VS setups do:
Basically it would be a bad idea to ship a product that installs a database that the user updates with potentially large amounts of data, only to have the new version of the product delete the entire database. It's not clear to me how your app deals with updates (do you want that added button/label just to be completely lost, or do you save them in some way?) so recommending a solution is difficult, but maybe you need an uninstall custom action to delete the database, or on an upgrade you add the updates to the existing DB instead of removing it and starting again.
I found a solution. The file wasn't updating because the modified date had changed.
From MSFT site:
Nonversioned Files are User Data—If the Modified date is later than
the Create date for the file on the computer, do not install the file
because user customizations would be deleted. If the Modified and
Create dates are the same, install the file. If the Create date is
later than the Modified date, the file is considered unmodified,
install the file.
Since I had two Access databases (front-end with the forms, backend with the data tables) and needed only one to be updated (the frontend where the forms are), here's the workaround:
1) Change REINSTALLMODE property to amus instead of the default omus. It will force the reinstallation of all files. To do that, I used a PostBuildEvent as explained here.
2) Set the backend file property Permanent to true
3) Add a Launch Condition: Search Target Machineto check if the backend file exists on the computer. Name it something like BACKENDEXISTS
4) Add a Condition value to the backend file in the File System view to install the file only if it hasn't been found by the Launch Condition. In this case, it will be not BACKENDEXISTS. If this is a first install, it will install the file because it hasn't been found. If this is an update, it will find the file because of the Permanent property and will not replace it.

Joomla 404 - Component not found after upgrading core files

After my Joomla got attacked, I was recommended to update my core Joomla files. I did that and I was finally able to login to the admin page. But I got the '404 - Component not found' in my index.php page.
Component not found.
Call stack
Function Location
1 JApplicationCms->execute() \index.php:49
2 JApplicationSite->doExecute() \libraries\cms\application\cms.php:257
3 JApplicationSite->dispatch() \libraries\cms\application\site.php:230
4 JComponentHelper::renderComponent() \libraries\cms\application\site.php:191
Did anyone come across this issue and got it solved. I couldn't find it so my last hope is here.
When you are manually updating Joomla you need to be careful as you have to follow certain steps after overwriting the files.
1) First you need to fix the database as the tables are now changed and overwriting files will not update database. For that you need to go to administrator and then you have to go to Extensions->manage->Database and then click on Fix Database. That will update your database too.
2) Next you have to install the extensions that came with new Joomla version. These are not yet updated in #__assets table. SO you go to Extensions->manage->Discover and then click on Discover. When it discovers new extensions just install the core Joomla extensions.

upgrading from Magento, database export/import issues

Trying to upgrade from to 1.4.
I set up MAMP and created an empty database into which I imported the exported database from the online site (done via phpMyAdmin from the cpanel of the site).
Copied 1.4 files into htdocs and got the installation screens.
After entering the details for the imported database, the process crashed and I got a blank screen.
I've tried changing the base url string in the core_config_data table and redone the whole process but to no avail.
I've also tried setting up a clean install of 1.4 and using the database repair tool to perhaps bring the old database up to spec but that didn't work either.
I basically need a proper way to upgrade this site to the latest version (1.8.1) but I thought I'd start with 1.4 first. At the very least I'd like to have a database that can work in a fresh 1.8.1 install.
You need to find out what the error is before you can begin to fix it. The blank screen means that you are not getting those errors. It may be a simple timeout. What is in your php.ini for error reporting and timeouts?
With your 'MAMP' you can try a vanilla Magento install and see if that works. Try 1.3.2 with the demo data in the db first. Then point it at your copy of the live db and see if it still works or if it dies due to some module dependencies.
That should get you to the starting point. As for where you are now, check the apache log files to see if the error - maybe just a timeout - is in there.
On upgrade Magento does loads of stuff, as per the upgrade scripts with each module. This is database intensive stuff and by doing a dry run on a vanilla database you can see what you are up against.
Hope that helps.

Class 'JObject' not found

Hello everybody trying to solve my problem!
2 days ago I tried to install an extension (simpleslideshow). After the installation was not successful and I got an error about the privileges and then site went blank. I cannot even access the admin page. Now I tried to delete the extension folder via FTP and the site still doesn't work. I'm getting the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'JObject' not found in *domainpath* /public_html/libraries/joomla/application/base.php on line 23
Any idea?
The extension should not be enabled if the install didn't complete, but just to be sure look at the end of the #__extensions table and disable / delete the newly added lines.
Then delete all files (administrator, component, modules, plugins) that were packed with the extension.
Finally, apply a clean Joomla update package to your site, just to make sure your installation didn't compromise the core
Clear the cache, tmp and you should be back to where you were.
Next time, make backups before doing anything to reduce the risk and the hassle.

How to overcome template installation problems in Joomla 1.5?

I'm trying to deploy a Joomla 1.5 site developed locally. I'm not using the latest version because some extensions that I need are for 1.5 only.
After migrating the database and contents a lot of issues appeared - most of them I believe have to do with Joom!Fish.
Therefore I decided to install a fresh copy of Joomla 1.5 on the targeted server (Yahoo Small Business host), install the template and rebuild the contents.
The problem has to do with the second step: installing the template. I install it using the Extension Manager (without any errors), it shows up in Extension Manager -> Templates, but it doesn't show up in the Template Manager (therefore it can't be enabled). I get the exact same disappointing result when manually FTP-ing the template files. The "jos_templates_menu" table didn't had an entry corresponding to my template; manually adding it didn't had any positive result. I believe that templatedetails.xml is correct.
I've tested other templates (free online ones). Most of them show up in Template Manager.
Odd is the fact that if I try to install my template on a freshly installed Joomla 1.5 site (on localhost), everything is OK.
Can anybody please share some thoughts (from experience or not) with respect to this particular issue? Thanks.
I've had the same issue many times in the past, and can say with near certainty that it roots back to your templatedetails.xml file. Make sure that the names that are being used all match exactly (usually case-sensitive) because Joomla starts by looking at the subfolders found in the Templates folder, and proceeding from there with the templatedetails.xml file that it finds in each.
