Joomla 404 - Component not found after upgrading core files - joomla

After my Joomla got attacked, I was recommended to update my core Joomla files. I did that and I was finally able to login to the admin page. But I got the '404 - Component not found' in my index.php page.
Component not found.
Call stack
Function Location
1 JApplicationCms->execute() \index.php:49
2 JApplicationSite->doExecute() \libraries\cms\application\cms.php:257
3 JApplicationSite->dispatch() \libraries\cms\application\site.php:230
4 JComponentHelper::renderComponent() \libraries\cms\application\site.php:191
Did anyone come across this issue and got it solved. I couldn't find it so my last hope is here.

When you are manually updating Joomla you need to be careful as you have to follow certain steps after overwriting the files.
1) First you need to fix the database as the tables are now changed and overwriting files will not update database. For that you need to go to administrator and then you have to go to Extensions->manage->Database and then click on Fix Database. That will update your database too.
2) Next you have to install the extensions that came with new Joomla version. These are not yet updated in #__assets table. SO you go to Extensions->manage->Discover and then click on Discover. When it discovers new extensions just install the core Joomla extensions.


Joomla com_installer 404 not found

Everytime when i click on the extensions (com_installer) in Joomla i get a 404 error.
i updated the page from 1.5 to 3.x
i tried to override the whole joomla installation
now it is joomla 3.2.4 (newest)
when i change the administrator folder the frontend is not working any more
i have a linux root server
nothing helpful in logfiles
/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=manage is working, only install is not working
newest php version
no .htaccess in administrator folder
I think there are old files that were not deleted. Can i find the old files? Can i find the "call path" of these php files when i get the 404? access_log doesn't help either.
Download a copy of Joomla 3.3.1, upload the administrator/components/com_installer folder to the corresponding location on your website, and see if that solves the problem. If it doesn't, then you have a completely botched migration, and you will need to fix it.
You can not update from Joomla 1.5 to either 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 or 3.x. It requires a migration because the whole setup has changed.
If you have a backup of the old 1.5 site, I recommend that you make a subdomane and a new database, and reinstall it there. If ie. images are not included in the backup, you can copy them via the FTP. When it's all restored and updated to 1.5.26, you can migrate the old side - see more here!_1.5_to_3.x%3F
before you get started. Remember to always start with a fresh database and server folder
If you do not have a backup, you have to build a new page. Download pictures and files from the old page that you need and delete the rest and all database tables, so you also can here a fresh start

I get an error when ugrading magento from to

Hi for the last two days I have been upgrading my magento site gradually from to see if I can get this to the latest stable version and I have come across an error that I can't seem to get past. the error is:
a:4:{i:0;s:56:"Mage registry key "_resource_helper/core" already exists";i:1;s:1414:"
I have been following a process to upgrading I have started from backing up the directory and the database so I do have a working copy, then copied the new files in made sure they work on the frontend and the backend, then i clear the caches within the admin page then create a backup and then do the process again i got up to with out any problems then i try to go to and this error pops up. i have tried clearing the cache and this has not helped.
I just have a few questions that I would like to ask and see if anybody has any answers.
1) Has this happened because I have gone from to straight away instead of going to and then
2) Is there a way to fix this problem or would it be best to restore the site from my backup and then upgrade to or a secondary way
3) Is it something in my database that I can change or something in one of my files that I need to edit.
I fixed my problem within a few steps of it breaking i restored my database and root directory back to the working version of and then I downloaded and then went through the steps I had previously done this then created another error about having problems with renaming a certain file i then went to this directory C:\inetpub\wwwroot\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Reports\sql\reports_setup\ and deleted its contents. then i deleted the cache of the magento and also the browser then my site was working again and i can access the admin panel and everything is working there. I then backed everything up and repeated the process with and this worked as well so now i have currently got a working version of magento thanks for the help and suggestions

Feared: Blank frontPage yet accessible backend in joomla 1.5.22

I am no expert in Joomla... :)
On my local station using XAMMP, my Joomla 1.5.22 site is running fine but when I upload it to our server online, my problem began, when I visit the frontpage it pulled out nothing but I can still access its backend. I tried to search all over the net, I did some suggested fix but still failed :(
Look for error log in the root folder of your Joomla install, that will give you a hint on why this is happenning.
Also, instead of copying the files and database manually use Akeeba Backup extension for backing up complete site (all files and database) in a single archive. Then use Akeeba Kickstart script for restoring. Akeeba Kickstart will automatically change all configurations needed to run your site on the new server. The extension and the script are free and the process is very simple, look for Youtube videos that show the backup / restore process step by step.
Good luck.
I just get my site back, I just learned that a depreciated module caused the problem, because our server has been upgraded, so I just disabled all my modules on site then single by single I enable it again and find the module that caused the problem, which I did, I'm now replacing that depreciated module with new extension so that the site will be working back.
-- Update --
Now my site is back, I just found out that GD library is not installed on PHP, that's why it shows blank page in the first place, PHEW!

Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 with Jupgrade. "undefined migrating error"

I've try to migrate a website in Joomla from 1.5 to 2.5 using jUpgrade but I've receive the "undefined migrating" error.
The files was correctly transferred, but there's no change to the db, and when I try to log on, I land on a page saying "please delete installation folder" and no db was transferred/created (so I have to create it manually and create menu, article, etc. wasting so much time!)
Please help. I have already tried removing folder and changing tmp to 777 permission (with chmod) and nothing changed!
**Update: 2012-07-24
Getting more information while running jupdate in debug mode:
"========== [checks]
========== [cleanup]
========== [decompress]
========== [install_config]
========== [install_db]
========== [undefined] [undefined]
jos-Error: Table 'name_joomla.j25_users' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT
INTO j25_users
Administrator','0','1','2011-12-16 14:37:40','2012-07-24
Finally working - at this point - following the 1st solution from by removing all the plugins and reinstalling another version (from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2)
"Migrating undefined" or "[undefined][undefined]"
There may come an instance where the process will get stuck while migrating data for a specific component and (with "Debug mode" enabled) an error similar to "Migrating undefined" or "[undefined][undefined]" will be displayed.
Some causes and remedies include:
a migrate_xxx.php file that is being requested for by jUpgrade is not available or accessible
(these files are stored in the {root}/administrator/components/com_jupgrade/includes/ folder, labelled "migrate_xxx.php" where "xxx" is the section of content being transferred at the time.)
To fix: uninstall and reinstall jUpgrade (to restore all required
files) and try again.Get jupgrade 2.5.2**
• The database table from which content is being transferred is corrupt or has been modified
(jUpgrade requires that no modifications have been made to any of the core tables themselves, otherwise the migration can run into problems when dealing with custom fields)
To fix:download and install a maintenance component such as "Admin
Tools!" and run a database integrity check and repair. Alternatively
the database may have to be repaired manually using "phpmyadmin" or a
similar interface. A solution for databases with custom fields is
being looked into, but for the moment those must be migrated manually,
or if they interfere with the migration, removed. (Of course a backup
should be run before any such operation.)
• The migration runs into an issue attempting to copy content over to a database which already has content (from a previous migration, failed or not).
To fix: remove all the tables created for the new Joomla! install
during the migration and run jUpgrade again.
• the Javascript which handles the migration process has run into a problem
To fix:check in the Plugin Manager to ensure that any system plugins
related to javascript libraries, apart from the "MooTools Upgrade"
plugin (which is required) has been disabled and try running jUpgrade
again. let's give up IE and try Chrome ;-)
Well, for me it workd the followng way:
After first attempt to install joomla 2.5 with Jupgrade it stucked at migrating. I checked the mysql tables and saw that about 15 of them were new j25 tables.
So I suposed it is stuck somewhere and tried again by going again in jupgrade component and pressing again the upgrade button. It was stuck again so I checked the mysql and saw that new 10 tables were made. So I just tried one more time an it worked this time. It created all mysql tables and upgraded joomla from 1.5.26 to 2.5.2.
The ony think I did before that is extracting manually the in the target directory for the new installation and then I disabled the download, decompression and checks settings in Jupgrade.
Hope this works for someone else :)

How to overcome template installation problems in Joomla 1.5?

I'm trying to deploy a Joomla 1.5 site developed locally. I'm not using the latest version because some extensions that I need are for 1.5 only.
After migrating the database and contents a lot of issues appeared - most of them I believe have to do with Joom!Fish.
Therefore I decided to install a fresh copy of Joomla 1.5 on the targeted server (Yahoo Small Business host), install the template and rebuild the contents.
The problem has to do with the second step: installing the template. I install it using the Extension Manager (without any errors), it shows up in Extension Manager -> Templates, but it doesn't show up in the Template Manager (therefore it can't be enabled). I get the exact same disappointing result when manually FTP-ing the template files. The "jos_templates_menu" table didn't had an entry corresponding to my template; manually adding it didn't had any positive result. I believe that templatedetails.xml is correct.
I've tested other templates (free online ones). Most of them show up in Template Manager.
Odd is the fact that if I try to install my template on a freshly installed Joomla 1.5 site (on localhost), everything is OK.
Can anybody please share some thoughts (from experience or not) with respect to this particular issue? Thanks.
I've had the same issue many times in the past, and can say with near certainty that it roots back to your templatedetails.xml file. Make sure that the names that are being used all match exactly (usually case-sensitive) because Joomla starts by looking at the subfolders found in the Templates folder, and proceeding from there with the templatedetails.xml file that it finds in each.
