Magento - Limit number of products returned on specific pages? - magento

I have some specific pages I am linking to from this page -
Top of page, New to the store and Customer Favorites both link to custom pages, but we'd like to limit the # of products displayed on those pages. Exclusive is fine, it can return a page with pagination as it currently does.
So if you click on New to the store, you'll get to a page that dumps an array with all the products with pagination. I would like to limit the amount of products on this page to 25, with no pagination. Same with Customer Favorites page.
I am using Grid Mode only, and the code I have currently building the array is -
<?php $_collectionSize = $_productCollection->count(); ?>
<?php $_columnCount = $this->getColumnCount(); ?>
<?php $i=0; foreach ($_productCollection as $_product): ?>
<?php if ($i++%$_columnCount==0): ?>
<ul class="products-grid">
<?php endif ?>
The issue I am having is, if I just remove the toolbar top and bottom from the custom page, it removes it from ALL list of grid type pages, so the simple idea in this case doesn't seem to be working.
Is there a way to limit the number of products shown to 25 for these 2 specific pages, with NO pagination?
Any ideas?

Try limit $collection with:
->setPage(1, 25)
But works only if collection not already initialized.

Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List is the Block that handles the list display. You could add a function here that defines if this is a no pagination category, say function isNoPagination(). You can then edit the catalog/product/list.phtml template to only display the toolbar when !$this->isNoPagination() and set max collection size to 25 when !$this->isNoPagination().
The function isNoPagination could be based on for example getLayer()->getCategoryId().

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I ended up just doing this using XML in the deisng of the page, workes as I need it to now :-)


Magento Active Filters on Search Page

I want to implement active filters on my magento ecommerce site.
I have been successful in implementing it, but the issue is, the code works on only category pages and not search page
Here's the code that I'm using
<?php /*Create filter dependencies*/
$_activeFilters[] = array();
$_filters = Mage::getSingleton(‘Mage_Catalog_Block_Layer_State’)->getActiveFilters();
foreach ($_filters as $_filter):?>
<?php echo $this->stripTags($_filter->getLabel()) ?><a href=”<?php echo $_filter- >getRemoveUrl() ?>” title=”<?php echo $this->__(‘Remove This Item’) ?>”><?php echo $this->__(‘Remove This Item’) ?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
I'm using this code in toolbar.phtml. Any clue as in why its not working on search page. Any Solutions would be of great help.
You can use this code for fetching filters on either category list page or search results page
if(Mage::registry('current_category')) {
$_filters = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->getState()->getFilters();
} else {
$_filters = Mage::getSingleton('catalogsearch/layer')->getState()->getFilters();
I have used this code in toolbar.phtml, to show removable filters below the toolbar, like flipkart does.
The problem is with this line:
$_filters = Mage::getSingleton(‘Mage_Catalog_Block_Layer_State’)->getActiveFilters();
This gets a singleton which only contains the necessary data when on a category page.
See this question for more details: Magento - How to add Layered Navigation to Advanced Search?

Directly go to Product Detail page on click the category?

In my store, one of the category has only one product. Is it possible to take the user directly to the product detail page of this one product whenever they click this category in the nav bar? i want to use some code to get this?
Put this in the product grid or list foreach loop in /app/design/frontend/default/[template]/template/catalog/product/list.phtml
<?php if ($_productCollection->count() == 1) {
$url = $_product->getProductUrl();
Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getResponse()->setRedirect($url); }

How to call mycart product names in sidebar

I'm using magento I included new sidebar in my cart page where it'll show product title, total amount & proceed to checkout button as one by one. I included total amount by calling <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('totals'); ?> and proceed to checkout button by calling <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('methods') ?>
But i don't know how to call Product name.
Anyone know how to call my cart products name which are currently added in basket? Please share your idea to do this!
You can get access to your cart object via Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart').
Calling Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getItems() will get you your current cart item collection that you can iterate through to get product names as well as other details.
$items = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getItems();
foreach ($items as $item) {
echo $item->getName();

Magento: Random "Featured Product"

My client needs a a small box on CMS pages and on Category landing pages that will show thumbnail/price/short description of a random item related to that category (separate from the grid view)
Any thoughts on what would be the best way to accomplish this?
go to template/catalog/product/view/ and make a new phtml file random_product.phtml with the following code
$catId = $this->getCat_id();
$prodCollection = $cat->getProductCollection();
foreach($prodCollection as $product)
echo $randProductId;
now if your category id is for example 10, make a static block and paste the following code in the contents
{{block type="catalog/product" cat_id="10" template="catalog/product/view/random_product.phtml"}}
now when you will view the static block, you will see a random product id every time you refresh.
THen,you can write your own custom html in the phtml file after loading the product.
To load your product from here you can do $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($randProductId); then call methods such as $product->getName() etc to get the details you need to output.

Magento - registry and current category

I have a question about Mage::registry and categories: I'm a on a category page, I retrieve current category by Mage::registry('current_category'). I've noticed that it works only for root categories, in fact if I visit a subcategory page I retrieve always the root category with Mage::registry('current_category'). So the question is: is something about backend configuration, cache or something else?
If you are in a template (e.g. catalog/category/view.phtml) you can get the current category with
If you are in a model, controller or else, try this (found here):
However, Mage::registry('current_category') is the normal way to go.
OOB, current_category is set in Mage_Catalog CategoryController::_initCategory() (ref here) and will always be equal to the category currently being viewed.
If your data is different then your app has non-standard functionality or you are seeing cached results.
For all categories:-
<?php $_helper = Mage::helper('catalog/category') ?>
<?php $_categories = $_helper->getStoreCategories() ?>
For Current Category
<?php $currentCategory = Mage::registry('current_category') ?>
Works for me.
