Directly go to Product Detail page on click the category? - magento

In my store, one of the category has only one product. Is it possible to take the user directly to the product detail page of this one product whenever they click this category in the nav bar? i want to use some code to get this?

Put this in the product grid or list foreach loop in /app/design/frontend/default/[template]/template/catalog/product/list.phtml
<?php if ($_productCollection->count() == 1) {
$url = $_product->getProductUrl();
Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getResponse()->setRedirect($url); }


How to add Rating of a product in products listing?

I am displaying products of a particular category to the homepage content section.
I have made a separate .phtml file to display my homepage.
Now I want to show the ratings of a product (products are already rated). How do I show it?
If you look at the category listing template it's pretty easy to work out how category pages render out the review summary to show the rating block.
First load the product in question:
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($id);
Then create a product listing block to give access to the correct methods:
$block = Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock('catalog/product_list');
Finally run the getReviewsSummaryHtml() method and pass it the product to get the summary HTML.
$html = $block->getReviewsSummaryHtml($product, 'short');
You can do this.
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($id);
if ($_product->getRatingSummary() && $rating = $this->getReviewsSummaryHtml($_product, 'short')) :
echo $rating;
echo "<a href='$_product->getProductUrl()'>" . $this->__('Be the first to review this') . "</a>";

Hide (configurable) products with attribute

I'm working on a Magento website, and what I would like to do is the following: I created an attribute to hide certain products. On a grid view page, I'm using the following code to exclude them from the list:
<?php if ($_product->getAttributeText('hideproduct')):?>
<?php else: ?>
Basically, it's just saying that when 'hideproduct' shows up, don't show anything.
This works for simple products, but for configurable products, it's a bit more complex, and it doens't seem to work with this. Let's say that I want to hide a product with a certain color, it always keeps appearing in the dropdown menu of the configurable product.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
This is what i did for one of my task (if there is a better way please let me know)
You have to extend Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable for this purpose.
In it
public function getAllowProducts()
if (!$this->hasAllowProducts()) {
$products = array();
$allProducts = $this->getProduct()->getTypeInstance(true)
->getUsedProducts(null, $this->getProduct());
foreach ($allProducts as $product) {
if ($product->isSaleable()) {
$products[] = $product;
return $this->getData('allow_products');
eco_report is my attribute label.
So this is how it works... if for a simple product ( of a particular configurable product) if attribute eco_report is set then that product wont show in the configurable product's drop down list (on view page).
So all simple product's eco_report attribute has to be set so that it wont be shown on the configurable product's dropdown...

how not to show category name in magento breadcrumb?

I am working with a magento website. I have used a featured category to display homepage slider products. So when I click on the product it shows featured as a category in the breadcrumb.
Would it be possible not to show featured in the breadcrumb ? I want category name in the breadcrumb for the rest of categories .
actually not getting your question but you can get some idea from here:
in page/html/breadcrumb.phtml file near line 34-36 change, $_crumbInfo['label'] to $_crumbInfo['title']
<?php elseif($_crumbInfo['last']): ?>
<strong><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_crumbInfo['title']) ?></strong>
then in catalog/block/breadcrumb.php add 2 lines after
$path = Mage::helper('catalog')->getBreadcrumbPath();
$currentCategory = Mage::registry('current_category');
$metaname = $currentCategory['name'];
and change foreach loop like
foreach ($path as $name => $breadcrumb) {
$breadcrumb['title'] = $metaname;
$breadcrumbsBlock->addCrumb($name, $breadcrumb);
$title[] = $breadcrumb['label'];
and check it,
hope you get some idea..
Why no simpler than that?
Try to use CSS. Your category will have an automatic and specific class for it. For example:
<li class="category4">
<strong>ARCHERY HUNTING</strong>
In this piece of code, I have a category that I created, called "Archery hunting". The code auto-created the class="category4", So, only write on your CSS:
.category4 strong { display: none; }
And it will hide only that category.
Instead of using
to fetch URL, use this:
$_product->unsRequestPath()->getUrlInStore(array('_ignore_category' => true))
Then you need to unset last visited category id at the end of your featured block:
This is all because key part for forming breadcrumbs is the following code:
$categoryId = $params->getCategoryId();
if (!$categoryId && ($categoryId !== false)) {
$lastId = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/session')->getLastVisitedCategoryId();
if ($product->canBeShowInCategory($lastId)) {
$categoryId = $lastId;
basically, current category is determined by either URL params (hence the modified URL call), or through the session object (hence the removal of last visited category id)
so, to recapitulate, in your Featured block, instead of regular productUrl call, use the one I provided, and at the end of your featured product block listing, remove the lastVisitedCategoryId using the code I gave you

How to call mycart product names in sidebar

I'm using magento I included new sidebar in my cart page where it'll show product title, total amount & proceed to checkout button as one by one. I included total amount by calling <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('totals'); ?> and proceed to checkout button by calling <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('methods') ?>
But i don't know how to call Product name.
Anyone know how to call my cart products name which are currently added in basket? Please share your idea to do this!
You can get access to your cart object via Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart').
Calling Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getItems() will get you your current cart item collection that you can iterate through to get product names as well as other details.
$items = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getItems();
foreach ($items as $item) {
echo $item->getName();

Magento: Random "Featured Product"

My client needs a a small box on CMS pages and on Category landing pages that will show thumbnail/price/short description of a random item related to that category (separate from the grid view)
Any thoughts on what would be the best way to accomplish this?
go to template/catalog/product/view/ and make a new phtml file random_product.phtml with the following code
$catId = $this->getCat_id();
$prodCollection = $cat->getProductCollection();
foreach($prodCollection as $product)
echo $randProductId;
now if your category id is for example 10, make a static block and paste the following code in the contents
{{block type="catalog/product" cat_id="10" template="catalog/product/view/random_product.phtml"}}
now when you will view the static block, you will see a random product id every time you refresh.
THen,you can write your own custom html in the phtml file after loading the product.
To load your product from here you can do $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($randProductId); then call methods such as $product->getName() etc to get the details you need to output.
