Let's say I have 4 characters, A, P, B, N. I want to be able to compare them such that:
A > P > B > N > A
How would this be accomplished in Ruby?
From your comments, it seems that you are not trying to put these elements in order, but rather define some binary relation between some of them. It's possible to do that in Ruby in many ways, depending on how you intend to use that relation later.
The simplest one is just to define ordered pairs of related elements:
MAP = [
['A', 'P'],
['P', 'B'],
['B', 'N'],
['N', 'A']
And then use it whenever you need to "compare" two elements.
def beats? one, other
MAP.member?([one, other])
beats? 'A', 'B'
# => false
beats? 'A', 'P'
# => true
beats? 'N', 'A'
# => true
PS. You can generate the map from a string using something like
MAP = 'APBNA'.chars.each_cons(2).to_a
One of the possible solutions is to create a class with, for example, character and weight or something. And implement <=> operator (method) in it.
Don't forget to include Comparable mixin into this class.
class ComparableCharacter
include Comparable
attr_accessor :character, :weight
def <=>(another)
weight <=> another.weight
a = "APBN"
h = {};(0...a.size).each{|i| h[a[i].chr] = i}
b = ['A','P','A','N', 'B','P']
b.sort_by{|t| h[t] }
Of course this can not work with your example as you have a bad ordering - you can never have A > P > A, but at least it shows you how to sort according to an order you want.
If someone can be interested, this is my proposal (ternary comparison - because comparison is not a binary operation!!!):
class RockPaperScissors
def self.compare(item, other_item)
new(item).compare other_item
def initialize(item)
# input validations?
#item = item
def compare(other_item)
# input validations?
indexes_subtraction = ITEMS.index(#item) - ITEMS.index(other_item)
case indexes_subtraction
when 1, -1
- indexes_subtraction
indexes_subtraction <=> 0
require 'test/unit'
include MiniTest::Assertions
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('A', 'A'), 0
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('P', 'P'), 0
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('B', 'B'), 0
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('N', 'N'), 0
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('A', 'P'), 1
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('P', 'A'), -1
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('P', 'B'), 1
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('B', 'P'), -1
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('B', 'N'), 1
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('N', 'B'), -1
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('N', 'A'), 1
assert_equal RockPaperScissors.compare('A', 'N'), -1
Equality: (A, A) comparison
Indexes: iA: 0; iA: 0
iA - iA = 0
A is equal to A, so we could return 0
Majority: (A, P)
Indexes: iA: 0; iP: 1
iA - iP = -1
A > P, so we must obtain 1; we can use the - function: - (-1) -> 1
Minority: (P, A)
Indexes: iP: 1; iA: 0
iP - iA = 1
P < A, so we must obtain -1; we can use the - function: - (1) -> -1
Edge case 1: (N, A)
Indexes: iN: 3, iA: 0
iN - iA = 3
N > A, so we must obtain 1; we can use the <=> function: (3 <=> 0) -> 1
Edge case 2: (A, N)
Indexes: iA: 0, iN: 3
iA - iN = -3
A < N, so we must obtain -1; we can use the <=> function: (3 <=> 0) -> 1
The rest is refactoring: 0 can be converted to 0 with the <=> function.
In the following code:
def solve(a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2)
#score index: 0 = james, 1 = sam
score = Array.new(2, 0)
calcScore = lambda do |x,y|
if ( x > y )
score[0] += 1
if ( x < y )
score[1] += 1
0.upto 2 do |index|
Is there a more eloquent DRY way to achieve the dynamic variable reference without using:
While local_variable_get and eval could seem to do their job here, the right approach would be:
def solve(a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2)
a, b = [a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2]
# deal with score
0.upto 2 do |index|
calcScore.call(a[index], b[index])
Or, better and more DRY:
def solve(*as_and_bs)
raise unless as_and_bs.size == 6
a, b = as_and_bs(0..2), as_and_bs(3..5)
# deal with score
0.upto 2 do |index|
calcScore.call(a[index], b[index])
Use binding.local_variable_get:
0.upto 2 do |index|
eval is evil. Don't use it. Here's an equivalent code, which should work for any number of scores. It uses the fact that a <=> b returns -1, 0 or 1.
Your input format isn't very convenient. This code uses each_slice and transpose to transform [1,2,3,4,5,6] into [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]. You can then iterate over the games to calculate the total score:
def calc_score(a, b)
[[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]][a <=> b]
def solve(*scores)
size = scores.size
raise 'Need an even number of scores' unless size.even?
raise 'Need at least two scores' unless size > 0
scores.each_slice(size / 2).to_a.transpose.inject([0, 0]) do |(a_total, b_total), (a, b)|
a_score, b_score = calc_score(a, b)
[a_total + a_score, b_total + b_score]
or even shorter :
def solve(*scores)
size = scores.size
raise 'Need an even number of scores' unless size.even?
raise 'Need at least two scores' unless size > 0
scores.each_slice(size / 2).to_a.transpose.map do |a, b|
calc_score(a, b)
end.transpose.map{ |s| s.inject(:+) } # .map(&:sum) in Ruby 2.4
As an example:
solve(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
# [0, 3]
solve(2, 0, 0, 3)
# [1, 1]
If you combine a1, a2, and a3 into an array and do the same thing with b, then you can use regular [] indexing:
def solve(a, b)
#score index: 0 = james, 1 = sam
score = Array.new(2, 0)
calcScore = lambda do |x,y|
if ( x > y )
score[0] += 1
if ( x < y )
score[1] += 1
0.upto 2 do |index|
calsScore.call(a[index], b[index])
You could also add a custom error checking for the array lengths:
raise(ArgumentError) unless [a,b].all? { |arr| arr.length == 3 }
Is there a more elegant way to achieve this below:
array = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
My algo:
streak = 0
max_streak = 0
arr.each do |n|
if n == 1
streak += 1
max_streak = streak if streak > max_streak
streak = 0
puts max_streak
Similar to w0lf's answer, but skipping elements by returning nil from chunk:
array.chunk { |x| x == 1 || nil }.map { |_, x| x.size }.max
Edit: Another way to do this (that is less generic than Stefan's answer since you would have to flatten and split again if there was another number other than 0 and 1 in there, but easier to use in this case):
You can use:
array.chunk { |n| n }.select { |a| a.include?(1) }.map { |y, ys| ys.count}.max
ref: Count sequential occurrences of element in ruby array
You can use Enumerable#chunk:
p array.chunk{|x| x}.select{|x, xs| x == 1}.map{|x, xs| xs.size }.max
This is more concise, but if performance was important, I'd use your approach.
Edit: If you're in Ruby 2.2.2, you can also use the new Enumerable#slice_when method (assuming your input array consists of only 0s and 1s):
array.slice_when{|x,y| x < y }.map{|slice| slice.count 1 }.max
How about
array = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
array.split(0).group_by(&:size).max.first #=> 4
The only bad thing - split(0)
Note: This only works with rails's ActiveSupport(extends Array with #split)
For ruby-only implementation
array.join.split("0").group_by(&:size).max.first #=> 4
I need to check whether the sum of any 2 elements of an array equals to the given number. This is what I came up with, but it doesn't seem to do the comparison
def sum_comparison(int_array, x)
n = int_array.length
(0..n).each do |i|
(1..n).each do |j|
if ((int_array[i].to_i + int_array[j].to_i) == x)
return true
return false
Your solution seems overly complicated and strongly influenced by the programming style of low-level procedural languages like C. One apparent problem is that you write
n = int_array.length
(0..n).each do |i|
# use int_array[i].to_i inside the loop
Now inside the each loop, you will get the numbers i = 0, 1, 2, ..., n, for example for int_array = [3,4,5] you get i = 0, 1, 2, 3. Notice that there are four elements, because you started counting at zero (this is called an off by one error). This will eventually lead to an array access at n, which is one beyond the end of the array. This will again result in a nil coming back, which is probably why you use to_i to convert that back to an integer, because otherwise you would get a TypeError: nil can't be coerced into Fixnum whend doing the addition. What you probably wanted instead was simply:
int_array.each do |i|
# use i inside the loop
For the example array [3,4,5] this would actually result in i = 3, 4, 5. To get the combinations of an array in a more Ruby way, you can for example use Array#combination. Likewise, you can use Array#any? to detect if any of the combinations satisfy the specified condition:
def sum_comparison(array, x)
array.combination(2).any? do |a, b|
a + b == x
When your function compare first element, it's immediately returns false. You need to return only true when iterating and return false at the end if nothing were found, to avoid this issue:
def sum_comparison(int_array, x)
n = int_array.size
(0...n).each do |i|
(1...n).each do |j|
if (int_array[i].to_i + int_array[j].to_i) == x
return true
To simplify this you can use permutation or combination and any? methods as #p11y suggests. To get founded elements you could use find or detect.
def sum_comparison(a, x)
a.combination(2).any? { |i, j| i + j == x }
a.combination(2).detect { |i, j| i + j == x }
# sum_comparison([1,2,3, 4], 6) => [2, 4]
Using an enumerator:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def sum_comparison(int_array, x)
enum = int_array.to_enum
loop do
n = enum.next
enum.peek_values.each do |m|
return true if (n + m) == x
puts sum_comparison([1, 2, 3, 4], 5)
Your method is equivalent to:
def sum_comparison(int_array, x)
return int_array[0].to_i + int_array[1].to_i == x
int_array = [1,2,4,16,32,7,5,7,8,22,28]
sum_comparison(int_array, 3) #=> true, just lucky!
sum_comparison(int_array, 6) #=> false, wrong!
Here is a relatively efficient implemention, certainly far more efficient than using Enumerable#combination.
def sum_comparison(int_array, x)
sorted = int_array.sort
smallest = sorted.first
sorted_stub = sorted.take_while { |e| e+smallest <= x }
p "sorted_stub = #{sorted_stub}"
return false if sorted_stub.size < 2
loop do
return false if sorted_stub.size < 2
v = sorted_stub.shift
found = sorted_stub.find { |e| v+e >= x }
return true if found && v+found == x
sum_comparison([7,16,4,12,-2,5,8], 3)
# "sorted_stub = [-2, 4, 5]"
#=> true
sum_comparison([7,16,4,12,-2,5,8], 7)
# "sorted_stub = [-2, 4, 5, 7, 8]"
#=> false
sum_comparison([7,16,4,22,18,12,2,41,5,8,17,31], 9)
# "sorted_stub = [2, 4, 5, 7]"
#=> true
The line p "sorted_stub = #{sorted_stub}" is included merely to display the array sorted_stub in the examples.
If e+smallest > x for any elements f and g in sorted for which g >= e and f < g, f+g >= e+smallest > x. Ergo, sorted_stub.last is the largest value in sorted that need be considered.
For a given value v, the line found = sorted_stub.find { |e| v+e >= x } stops the search for a second value e for which v+e = x as soon as it finds e such that v+e >= x. The next line then determines if a match has been found.
I've been going at this problem for a few hours, and I can't see why I can't get it to run properly. The end game to this method is having 2 numbers in an array equaling zero when added together. Here is my code:
def two_sums(nums)
i = 0
j = -1
while i < nums.count
num_1 = nums[i]
while j < nums.count
num_2 = nums[j]
if num_1 + num_2 == 0
return "There are 2 numbers that sum to zero & they are #{num_1} and #{num_2}."
return "Nothing adds to zero."
i += 1
j -= 1
The problem I'm having is unless the first and last number in the array are the positive and negative of the same number, this will always return false.
For example, if I had an array that was [1, 4, 6, -1, 10], it should come back true. I'm sure my 2 while statement is the cause of this, but I can't think of a way to fix it. If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be helpful.
You can find the first pair that adds up to 0 like this:
nums.combination(2).find { |x, y| x + y == 0 }
#=> returns the first matching pair or nil
Or if you want to select all pairs that add up to 0:
nums.combination(2).select { |x, y| x + y == 0 }
#=> returns all matching pairs or an empty array
Therefore you can implement your method like this:
def two_sums(nums)
pair = nums.combination(2).find { |x, y| x + y == 0 }
if pair
"There are 2 numbers that sum to zero & they are #{pair.first} and #{pair.last}."
"Nothing adds to zero."
Or if you want to find all pairs:
def two_sums(nums)
pairs = nums.combination(2).select { |x, y| x + y == 0 }
if pairs.empty?
"Nothing adds to zero."
"The following pairs sum to zero: #{pairs}..."
Here's another way:
def sum_to_zero(arr)
arr.group_by { |e| e.abs }
.select { |a| (a.size > 1 && a.first == 0) || a.uniq.size > 1 }
sum_to_zero [1, 4, 6, -1, 10] #=> [[1, -1]]
sum_to_zero [1, 4, 1, -2, 10] #=> []
sum_to_zero [1, 0, 4, 1, 0, -1] #=> [[1, 1, -1], [0, 0]]
This method is relatively fast. Let's try it with an array of 200,000 elements, each a random number between -500,000 and 500,000.
require 'time'
t = Time.now
arr = Array.new(200_000) { rand(1_000_001) - 500_000 }
arr.size #=> 200000
sum_to_zero(arr).size #=> 16439
Time.now - t
#=> 0.23 (seconds)
#=> [[-98747, 98747],
# [157848, -157848],
# [-459650, 459650],
# [176655, 176655, -176655],
# [282101, -282101],
# [100886, 100886, -100886]]
If you wish to group the non-negative and negative values that sum to zero:
sum_to_zero(arr).map { |a| a.partition { |e| e >= 0 } }.first(6)
#=> [[[98747], [-98747]],
# [[157848], [-157848]],
# [[459650], [-459650]],
# [[176655, 176655], [-176655]],
# [[282101], [-282101]],
# [[100886, 100886], [-100886]]]
If you only want a single value for each group (a non-negative value, say):
sum_to_zero(arr).map { |a| a.first.abs }.first(6)
#=> [98747, 157848, 459650, 176655, 282101, 100886]
I think the most Ruby way would be:
nums.combination(2).any? { |x,y| (x+y).zero? }
Here's a way that should work well for large arrays. The methods above which go through every possible combination of two numbers are perfectly fine for small cases but will be very slow and memory hungry for arrays with lots of elements.
def two_sums nums
h = Hash.new
nums.each do |n|
return true if h[-n]
h[n] = true
Well, given it's tagged as #ruby, here's the most "ruby way" I could think of tackling this problem:
def two_sums(arr)
numbers = arr.combination(2).select { |a| a.reduce(:+) == 0 }.flatten
if numbers.empty?
"Nothing adds to zero."
"There are 2 numbers that sum to zero & they are #{numbers.first} and #{numbers.last}."
array.combination(2).select{|x|x[0] + x[1] == 0}
Tried web resources and didnt have any luck and my visual quick start guide.
If I have my 2d/multidimensional array:
array = [['x', 'x',' x','x'],
['x', 'S',' ','x'],
['x', 'x',' x','x']]
print array.index('S')
it returns nil
So then I go and type:
array = ['x', 'S',' ','x']
print array.index('S')
it returns the value I am looking for 1
My first guess something is being called wrong in the .index() and it needs two arguments one for both row and column? Anyways how do I make .index work for a multidimensional array? This is step one for solving my little maze problem
This will do it:
array = [['x', 'x',' x','x'],
['x', 'S',' ','x'],
['x', 'x',' x','x']]
p array.index(array.detect{|aa| aa.include?('S')}) # prints 1
If you also want 'S's index in the sub array you could:
row = array.detect{|aa| aa.include?('S')}
p [row.index('S'), array.index(row)] # prints [1,1]
You can use the method Matrix#index:
require 'matrix'
#=> [1, 1]
a.each_index { |i| j = a[i].index 'S'; p [i, j] if j }
Update: OK, we can return multiple matches. It's probably best to utilize the core API as much as possible, rather than iterate one by one with interpreted Ruby code, so let's add some short-circuit exits and iterative evals to break the row into pieces. This time it's organized as an instance method on Array, and it returns an array of [row,col] subarrays.
a = [ %w{ a b c d },
%w{ S },
%w{ S S S x y z },
%w{ S S S S S S },
%w{ x y z S },
%w{ x y S a b },
%w{ x },
%w{ } ]
class Array
def locate2d test
r = []
each_index do |i|
row, j0 = self[i], 0
while row.include? test
if j = (row.index test)
r << [i, j0 + j]
j += 1
j0 += j
row = row.drop j
p a.locate2d 'S'
You could find first in which is the absolute position by flattening the array:
pos = array.flatten.index('S')
Then get the number of columns per row:
ncols = array.first.size
row = pos / ncols
col = pos % ncols
Non-Ruby specific answer: You're trying to print 'S' in both examples, but only the latter has 'S' in the array. The first has ['x', 'S', ' ', 'x']. What you will need to do (If Ruby doesn't do this for you) is look at each member in the array and search that member for 'S'. If 'S' is contained in that member then print it.
array = [['x', 'x',' x','x'],
['x', 'S',' ','x'],
['x', 'x',' x','x']]
class Array
def my_index item
self.each_with_index{|raw, i| return i if raw.include? item}
p array.my_index("S") #=>1
p array.my_index("Not Exist Item") #=> nil
Specifies both indexes of the first occurrence of element for one pass on subarrays
a = [[...],[...],[...],[...]]
element = 'S'
result_i = result_j = nil
a.each_with_index do|row, i|
if (j = row.index(element))
result_i, result_j = i, j