Get max consecutive occurrences of value in array - ruby

Is there a more elegant way to achieve this below:
array = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
My algo:
streak = 0
max_streak = 0
arr.each do |n|
if n == 1
streak += 1
max_streak = streak if streak > max_streak
streak = 0
puts max_streak

Similar to w0lf's answer, but skipping elements by returning nil from chunk:
array.chunk { |x| x == 1 || nil }.map { |_, x| x.size }.max

Edit: Another way to do this (that is less generic than Stefan's answer since you would have to flatten and split again if there was another number other than 0 and 1 in there, but easier to use in this case):
You can use:
array.chunk { |n| n }.select { |a| a.include?(1) }.map { |y, ys| ys.count}.max
ref: Count sequential occurrences of element in ruby array

You can use Enumerable#chunk:
p array.chunk{|x| x}.select{|x, xs| x == 1}.map{|x, xs| xs.size }.max
This is more concise, but if performance was important, I'd use your approach.
Edit: If you're in Ruby 2.2.2, you can also use the new Enumerable#slice_when method (assuming your input array consists of only 0s and 1s):
array.slice_when{|x,y| x < y }.map{|slice| slice.count 1 }.max

How about
array = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
array.split(0).group_by(&:size).max.first #=> 4
The only bad thing - split(0)
Note: This only works with rails's ActiveSupport(extends Array with #split)
For ruby-only implementation
array.join.split("0").group_by(&:size).max.first #=> 4


Ruby, making a number negative

This is probably super basic, but I've tried enough things that have failed to reach out..
I want to change a number to it's negative version.
answer = []
array = [3, 5, 2, 19, 2, 1]
array.each.with_index do |x, i|
if x > array[i+1]
answer << array[i] * -1
else x =< array[i+1]
answer << array[i]
=> the answer I want is [-5] for when 'true' but I'm getting [5]
I also tried making a new 'negarray' with all the equivalent negative numbers as 'array'
answer = []
array = [3, 5, 2, 19, 2, 1]
negarray = [-3, -5, -2, -19, -2, -1]
=> again, getting [5], and not the [-5] I want.
In the actual version the questions is unclear.
If you mean with
I want to change a number to it's negative version.
that you want always a negative number, then you could try:
answer = []
array = [3, 5, 6, 19, 2, 1]
array.each do |x|
if x > 0
answer << x * -1
answer << x
p answer
array.each do |x|
answer << if x > 0
x * -1
or with a ternary operator:
array.each do |x|
answer << (x > 0 ? -x : x)
Or shorter and more ruby-esk (using a ternary operator):
array = [3, 5, 6, 19, 2, -1]
answer = { |n| n > 0 ? -n : n }
If you prefer the longer if:
answer = do |n|
if n > 0
If you don't want to use any if-structure, then you could use a negative abs-method:
answer = { |n| -n.abs }
WIth the following line
if x > array[i+1]
You are basically saying if the element at position i is greater than the position at i+1, you want to make it negative. The problem is that 5 is smaller than the next element 6 and for that reason it isn't being negated.
Let's fix up your code, and use the map method to simplify it:
out = do |x, i|
(array[i+1].nil? || x > array[i+1]) ? x : x*-1
# [-3, -5, -6, 19, 2, 1]
If you want to get the negative value of the second array element at index 1, do the following
answer << array[1] * -1
In order to change ALL values of an array to negative numbers, use the following
answer = { |n| -n }

Ruby Convert integer to binary to integer array of set bits

Lets say I have an integer 98.
The binary representation of this string would be:
(98).to_s(2) # 1100010
Now I want to convert this binary string to an integer array of all the bits that are set. This would give me:
How would I go about this?
Update: The conversion of int to int array does not necessarily need to involve String, it is just what I knew. I assume non String operations would also be faster.
Ruby is amazing seeing all these different ways to handle this!
This would work:
i = 98
(0...i.bit_length).map { |n| i[n] << n }.reject(&:zero?)
#=> [2, 32, 64]
Fixnum#bit_length returns the position of the highest "1" bit
Fixnum#[n] returns the integer's nth bit, i.e. 0 or 1
Fixnum#<< shifts the bit to the left. 1 << n is equivalent to 2n
Step by step:
(0...i.bit_length).map { |n| i[n] }
#=> [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
(0...i.bit_length).map { |n| i[n] << n }
#=> [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 32, 64]
(0...i.bit_length).map { |n| i[n] << n }.reject(&:zero?)
#=> [2, 32, 64]
You might want to reverse the result.
In newer versions of Ruby (2.7+) you could also utilize filter_map and nonzero? to remove all 0 values:
(0...i.bit_length).filter_map { |n| (i[n] << n).nonzero? }
#=> [2, 32, 64]
Reverse the string, map it to binary code values of each digit, reject zeros. Optionally reverse it again.{ |c, i| c.to_i * 2**i }.reject{ |b| b == 0 }.reverse
Or you could push the values to array with each_with_index
a = []
s.reverse.each_with_index do |c, i|
a.unshift c.to_i * 2**i
what is probably faster and more readable, but less idiomatic.
map {|x,i| x=="1" ? 2**i : nil }.compact.reverse
Phew! Let's break that down:
First get the binary String as your example (98).to_s(2)
We will need to start 0-index from right hand side, hence .reverse
.chars.each_with_index gives us pairs such as [ '1', 4 ] for character at bit position
The .map converts "1" characters to their value 2 ** i (i.e. 2 to the power of current bit position) and "0" to nil so it can be removed
.compact to discard the nil values that you don't want
.reverse to have descending powers of 2 as your example
Here are a couple of ways:
s = (98).to_s(2)
sz = s.size-1
s.each_char.with_index.with_object([]) { |(c,i),a| a << 2**(sz-i) if c == '1' }
# => [64, 32, 2]
n = 2**(98.to_s(2).size-1)
arr = []
while n > 0
arr << n if 90[n]==1
n /= 2
#=> [64, 32, 2]

Checking to see if 2 numbers in array sum to 0 in Ruby

I've been going at this problem for a few hours, and I can't see why I can't get it to run properly. The end game to this method is having 2 numbers in an array equaling zero when added together. Here is my code:
def two_sums(nums)
i = 0
j = -1
while i < nums.count
num_1 = nums[i]
while j < nums.count
num_2 = nums[j]
if num_1 + num_2 == 0
return "There are 2 numbers that sum to zero & they are #{num_1} and #{num_2}."
return "Nothing adds to zero."
i += 1
j -= 1
The problem I'm having is unless the first and last number in the array are the positive and negative of the same number, this will always return false.
For example, if I had an array that was [1, 4, 6, -1, 10], it should come back true. I'm sure my 2 while statement is the cause of this, but I can't think of a way to fix it. If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be helpful.
You can find the first pair that adds up to 0 like this:
nums.combination(2).find { |x, y| x + y == 0 }
#=> returns the first matching pair or nil
Or if you want to select all pairs that add up to 0:
nums.combination(2).select { |x, y| x + y == 0 }
#=> returns all matching pairs or an empty array
Therefore you can implement your method like this:
def two_sums(nums)
pair = nums.combination(2).find { |x, y| x + y == 0 }
if pair
"There are 2 numbers that sum to zero & they are #{pair.first} and #{pair.last}."
"Nothing adds to zero."
Or if you want to find all pairs:
def two_sums(nums)
pairs = nums.combination(2).select { |x, y| x + y == 0 }
if pairs.empty?
"Nothing adds to zero."
"The following pairs sum to zero: #{pairs}..."
Here's another way:
def sum_to_zero(arr)
arr.group_by { |e| e.abs }
.select { |a| (a.size > 1 && a.first == 0) || a.uniq.size > 1 }
sum_to_zero [1, 4, 6, -1, 10] #=> [[1, -1]]
sum_to_zero [1, 4, 1, -2, 10] #=> []
sum_to_zero [1, 0, 4, 1, 0, -1] #=> [[1, 1, -1], [0, 0]]
This method is relatively fast. Let's try it with an array of 200,000 elements, each a random number between -500,000 and 500,000.
require 'time'
t =
arr = { rand(1_000_001) - 500_000 }
arr.size #=> 200000
sum_to_zero(arr).size #=> 16439 - t
#=> 0.23 (seconds)
#=> [[-98747, 98747],
# [157848, -157848],
# [-459650, 459650],
# [176655, 176655, -176655],
# [282101, -282101],
# [100886, 100886, -100886]]
If you wish to group the non-negative and negative values that sum to zero:
sum_to_zero(arr).map { |a| a.partition { |e| e >= 0 } }.first(6)
#=> [[[98747], [-98747]],
# [[157848], [-157848]],
# [[459650], [-459650]],
# [[176655, 176655], [-176655]],
# [[282101], [-282101]],
# [[100886, 100886], [-100886]]]
If you only want a single value for each group (a non-negative value, say):
sum_to_zero(arr).map { |a| a.first.abs }.first(6)
#=> [98747, 157848, 459650, 176655, 282101, 100886]
I think the most Ruby way would be:
nums.combination(2).any? { |x,y| (x+y).zero? }
Here's a way that should work well for large arrays. The methods above which go through every possible combination of two numbers are perfectly fine for small cases but will be very slow and memory hungry for arrays with lots of elements.
def two_sums nums
h =
nums.each do |n|
return true if h[-n]
h[n] = true
Well, given it's tagged as #ruby, here's the most "ruby way" I could think of tackling this problem:
def two_sums(arr)
numbers = arr.combination(2).select { |a| a.reduce(:+) == 0 }.flatten
if numbers.empty?
"Nothing adds to zero."
"There are 2 numbers that sum to zero & they are #{numbers.first} and #{numbers.last}."
array.combination(2).select{|x|x[0] + x[1] == 0}

Identify runs on array with ruby

If we have an array
array = [1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3 ]
How can we identify the run (amount of consecutive numbers with same value) of a given number?
By example:
run_pattern_for(array, 0) -> 2
run_pattern_for(array, 3) -> 1
run_pattern_for(array, 1) -> 1
run_pattern_for(array, 2) -> 0
There are no runs for 2 because there are no consecutive apparitions of two.
There are one run for 3 because there are only one apparition with the tree as consecutive numbers.
class Array
def count_runs(element)
chunk {|n| n}.count {|a,b| a == element && b.length > 1}
a = [1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3 ]
a.count_runs 0 #=> 2
a.count_runs 3 #=> 1
a.count_runs 1 #=> 1
a.count_runs 2 #=> 0
I agree with #BroiSatse that Enumerable#chunk should be used here, but I would like to show how an enumerator could be employed directly to solve this problem, using the methods Enumerator#next and Enumerator#peek.
def count_em(array)
return [] if array.empty?
h =
enum = array.each
loop do
x =
if x == enum.peek
h[x] += 1 until (enum.peek != x)
h[x] = 0 unless h.key?(x)
array = [1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3 ]
count_em(array) #=> {1=>1, 0=>2, 2=>0, 3=>1}
array = [1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2]
h =
enum = array.each
#=> #<Enumerator: [1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2]:each>
x = #=> 1
enum.peek #=> 1
so x == enum.peek #=> true, meaning there is a run of at least two 1's, so wish execute:
h[x] += 1 #=> h[1] += 1
which means
h[1] = h[1] + 1
Since h does not have a key 1, h[x] on the right side of the equality set to zero, the default value we established when creating the hash. Therefore, the hash h is now { 1=>1 }. Now we want need to enumerate and discard any more 1's in the run: until (enum.peek != x) #=> 1
enum.peek #=> 1 #=> 1
enum.peek #=> 0
Now go back to the top of the loop:
x = #=> 0
enum.peek #=> 2
Since (x == enum.peek) => (0 == 2) => false, and h.key?(x) => false, we set
h[0] = 0
and the hash is now { 1=>1, 0=>0 }. Returning again to the top of the loop,
x = #=> 2
enum.peek #=> 2
Since (x == enum.peek) => (2 == 2) => true, we execute:
h[2] += 1 #=> 1
so now h => {1=>1, 0=>0, 2=>1}. Now when we execute
x = #=> 2
enum.peek #=> StopIteration: iteration reached an end
The exception is rescued by Kernel#loop. That is, raising a StopIteration error is one way to break out of the loop, causing the last line of the method to be executed and returned:
h #=> {1=>1, 0=>0, 2=>1}
(Note this result differs from that in the example above because it is for a different array.)
Ruby 2.2, which was released roughly seven months after this question was posted, gave us a method that has application here, Enumerable#slice_when:
array.slice_when { |i,j| i != j }.each_with_object( { |a,h|
h[a.first] += (a.size > 1) ? 1 : 0 }
#=> {1=>1, 0=>2, 2=>0, 3=>1}
It's a simple task; Here are two different ways I've done it:
array = [1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3 ]
hash = Hash[array.group_by { |e| e }.map{ |k, v| [k, v.size] }]
# => {1=>2, 0=>5, 2=>1, 3=>4}
hash ={ |h,k| h[k] = 0 }
array.each { |e| hash[e] += 1 }
hash # => {1=>2, 0=>5, 2=>1, 3=>4}
Once you have the hash the rest is easy:
hash[0] # => 5
hash[1] # => 2
hash[2] # => 1
hash[3] # => 4
If it's possible you'll request a count for a number that didn't exist in the array, and want a numeric response instead of nil, use something like:
Integer(hash[4]) # => 0
Integer(...) converts nil to 0 for you.
In the first example above, group_by will do the heavy lifting, and results in:
array.group_by { |e| e } # => {1=>[1, 1], 0=>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 2=>[2], 3=>[3, 3, 3, 3]}
The map statement simply converts the array to its size.

Modify particular items in array while traversing in reverse order in Ruby

Is there a way to modify particular array elements (based on some condition) while traversing it in reverse order in Ruby?
To be more clear lets say,
problem is replace even numbers in [1,2,3,4,5] with x
output should be [1,x,3,x,5] (same array) but replace should happen from right to left..traversing from 5 to 1.
Thanks in Advance!
This works: (arr.length -1).downto(0) { |x| do something with arr[x] }
p [1,2,3,4,5]{|e| e.odd? ? e : e/2} #[5, 2, 3, 1, 1]
I understand you want to traverse in reverse order, not get the output also reversed. Maybe this:
xs = [1, 2, 3]
xs.reverse_each.with_index { |x, idx| xs[xs.size-1-idx] = x.to_s if x == 2 }
xs #=> [1, "2", 3]
I appreciate and love Ruby's humane syntax, but you may want to consider more verbose options such as:
ary = [1,2,3,4,5]
i = ary.count - 1
while i >= 0 do
ary[i] = "x" if ary[i] % 2 == 0
i -= 1
puts ary.join(",")
