sharepoint calendar solution - visual-studio-2010

I need some directions developing something in Sharepoint.
i know c# , but never worked on sharepoint before, what i would like to do is to have a visual component ( a calendar) in which i would like to place events i pull from a database, or without placing events in that calendar, i would like the user to click a day on the calendar and get details.
my question is does anyone know about a tutorial, step by step, to develop a solution in sharepoint 2007 ? i have visual studio 2010 installed in my machine, and we do have a sharepoint installed in a remote server.
please help.

I would not recommend you develop a calendar solution inside of SharePoint.
Instead, I would recommend you develop a web service that serves the calendar data to the Outlook clients from the data source. Most users of Outlook have it open most of the day to do email and calendar, and so you can feed this event data to their outlook calendar, via a subscription and they can overlay and view the data directly. You dont have to write any Outlook plug ins, just write a web service in C# and and you are good to go.
There is a protocol, called stssync - that was developed to do just this. The following blog post is a great introduction, step-by-step, and has sample source code to help you get started.
His design allows you to easily add your own data source type to get the event data into outlook.
The post is rather old, but trust me it works with the new clients (2007 and 2010). Most of the users appreciate that the data they want to see is inside the outlook client and they don't have to go to SharePoint to get the data.
Hope this helps.


Microsoft Teams Development linking to desktop apps

In Outlook, excel and Word I’ve created context menus, which when chosen by the user, allows the user to jump to a desktop application (passing along the context of course as well). It all seems old school these days but think VSTO, Addins or even vba.
Is something like this possible from a Teams conversation?
EDIT - Example:
In a conversation in MS Team John types a message to Fred "Hey Fred please look at file number 123456." Now currently Fred has to highlight and copy this number, open a Desktop app and paste the number to search for the information.
If John writes the same message as an EMAIL to Fred, then because Fred has my addin installed, the addin recognizes the number 123456 and Fred simply right clicks on the number and chooses a context menu. (The addin sends a message through a WCF connection to the Desktop app) The Desktop app springs up to the foreground and displays the file to Fred.
So far from my reading of MS Teams I only read and see things about the http protocol which is nice but I am hoping there is something more.
From what I can understand developing with Teams currently means web only addons/extension or whatever they call them now. Communication with native applications is not possible for developers, even Microsoft is still trying to link documents in Teams to their own desktop apps.
I never want to open the document in Teams, or in Office Online. I always want to use the native desktop program. Would be nice if there was a global setting so documents always opened in desktop applications. (Microsoft Teams UserVoice December 2017)
It appears that Microsoft Teams does not support any of the coding opportunities currently available for Outlook, Word or Excel as according to the comments above these are "Advanced Threat Protection blocks unsafe protocols".
Sadly web only addons/extension and the requirement for them to be centrally uploaded effectively makes things very difficult for people working within a corporate environment where there is
an IT department who creates so much red tape that your application for something ends with a negative result. Gone are the days where people can code up something for a few people to use in their organization.
If you have landed here from a Google Search my suggestion would be to create a browser extension with a native host. You can do whatever it is you want with the Teams user interface and
send the information through the native host to your desktop applications. This will not work with the Microsoft Teams App, however as this app is simply the website in a window it is possible that people will just use a browser anyway.

Microsoft Outlook on PC does not update calendar via iCal link (google calendar) but does on iPhone

so this is a real brain buster. I have searched and tried every different setting there is.
For some reason, my google calendar adds updates in via my outlook on my iPhone, and via the google calendar app, but when I type in a new appointment on my computer and hit update, it erases all of the appointments I put in on my computer and downloads them from the server.
I have done the following:
I added in 4 different types of calendar, with
I even tried contacting Microsoft's support, and they told me it was impossible that my iPhone was updating the google calendar, as it is not supported. The support person refused to acknowledge that my phone was in fact updating my calendar, and they claimed it was my other exchange account doing it. However that makes no sense, as I removed my other Exchange email account to make sure that was not happening, and it surely was not.
So my question, why in the world would Outlook the IOS app be able to update my google calendar perfectly, but my PC cannot? I am pretty sure I saw some add-ins online that I could use to do this, but I was trying to do it without downloading more software. The fact that my phone can do it and my computer cannot is really irritating to me, both using Microsoft Outlook.
Thank you in advance guys.

Outlook JS Add-In - handling object save

I'm developing an Outlook Add-In using the new JavaScript API.
All is nice and works, but now I have a use case, that I want to save some custom data from my add-in side-pane when the user clicks "Save/Send" on an Calendar Event. I don't see any way to achieve that in the documentation, is it possible at all?
This is not possible with Office.js API. You may vote up this feature for upcoming release at Office Developers User Voice. Still nobody knows if it will be implemented any time soon. For now review the logic of your app to make it independent from Outlook events.

Opening a Dynamics CRM 2013 form in Outlook instead of CRM

thank you for taking the time to read this. I have a client who wants a button to be placed on the Appointment form that, when clicked, opens a copy of the Appointment form inside of Outlook as opposed to CRM. I've been looking at Microsoft.Crm.Outlook.SDK and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook but neither of of them seems to have any methods that jump out as being able to accomplish this. Has anyone run into this that could possibly point me towards an example or a decent tutorial? I've been checking google and the msdn as well but I'm not having any luck. Thank you.
The CRM client can be accessed through a browser or through outlook. If a user is accessing CRM through the outlook client and he opens a link to an appointment - then that appointment will open within outlook. If the user is accessing CRM through a web browser I do not think it is possible to launch an appointment though the web browser directly.
What you could do is generate an outlook appointment (.ics) file - through code - when the user opens this file it will open in Outlook by default. There is a format for creating iCalendar or outlook appointment (.ics) files - just google it - plenty of examples of creating them though code.

Allow admins to publish html via Windows Live Writer and/or Word

Currently I have a WYSIWYG editor for admins to post HTML pages on an MVC3 website (with forms authentication.) However I saw this video (~4:45 mins in, if it doesn't take you there,) where a person is able to publish to the MVC3 site by clicking the publish button on Windows Live Writer (and maybe Word, but I don't have either to confirm or play around with;) and everything was published quite easily.
I looked into this cool feature of these programs, but wasn't able to find any information on how to implement it on an MVC3 website. I saw some info on how to use this with Blogger or WordPress, but not MVC (it doesn't help that I don't have either Live Writer or Word on my windows system.)
So I'm asking if anyone knows how to do this, can you point me to a tutorial about this Windows editor feature and how to use it in an MVC3 program? Thanks!
Here you go, courtesy of Scott Hanselman.
