Spring setter dependency injection after all beans have been created - spring

I have a set of Spring beans created using constructor injection. Since there are (by design) circular references to other beans, I'd like to post-process the beans once they are all created to inject the references to other beans.
Initial attempts at using BeanPostProcessor show that the BeanPostProcessor is running after EACH bean is instantiated, not waiting until all have been instantiated.
Does Spring provide a mechanism for post-processing as set of beans after all have been created?

If you're creating the beans in an ApplicationContext, the ApplicationContext fires ApplicationEvents to any registered ApplicationListener callbacks. One of those should tell you when all the beans in the context are wired together via Spring.

Here's what the documentation says about circular dependencies:
If you use predominantly constructor injection, it is possible to
create an unresolvable circular dependency scenario.
For example: Class A requires an instance of class B through
constructor injection, and class B requires an instance of class A
through constructor injection. If you configure beans for classes A
and B to be injected into each other, the Spring IoC container detects
this circular reference at runtime, and throws a
One possible solution is to edit the source code of some classes to be
configured by setters rather than constructors. Alternatively, avoid
constructor injection and use setter injection only. In other words,
although it is not recommended, you can configure circular
dependencies with setter injection.
Unlike the typical case (with no circular dependencies), a circular
dependency between bean A and bean B forces one of the beans to be
injected into the other prior to being fully initialized itself (a
classic chicken/egg scenario).
I would just use setter injection in this case, or try to avoid the circular dependency in the first place. Another solution is to make one of the beans BeanFactoryAware, and to lookup the other bean from the bean factory when the reference is needed.


Difference between types of injection in Spring

Is there any difference between Bean Injection and Dependency Injection in Spring, or are they the same?
Since the dependencies are beans in our context, yes we can say that they are the same.
Any dependency that is managed by Spring is called a Spring Bean. When you register a type in Spring, when it is used as a dependency in other objects, it is injected by Spring.
On the other hand, Dependency Injection doesn't need a container like Spring. When you have a method that takes arguments, that argument is a dependency, which is a form of dependency injection instead of hard code the value of the argument in your method.

Getting Spring object instantiation right

I'm new to Spring and a little confused about how it works. I get that I can use the application context to instantiate beans and have them populated. However, is the idea that I should be able to just write Bean b = new Bean() and then have Spring to somehow automagically populate that Bean?
I'm experimenting with Spring in a web application, and as far as I can see I need to inject the ApplicationContext into, say, the servlets to be able to instantiate other beans (services, daos etc.) from there. It's a bit cumbersome, but probably works.
However, is Spring meant to be able to hook into any object instantiation which happens on classes defined as beans in applicationContext.xml?
Spring is an Inversion of Control container. A bean is an object whose life cycle is managed by Spring. If you want Spring to populate an object, it needs to go through Spring, ie. it needs to be bean.
is Spring meant to be able to hook into any object instantiation
which happens on classes defined as beans in applicationContext.xml?
Spring doesn't hook into anything. You configure your beans and the relationships between them with Spring and Spring handles creating the instances and linking them up.
For domain objects, Spring provides a solution via the #Configurable annotation: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.0.0.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/#aop-atconfigurable
It requires compile- or load-time-weaving and, thus, introduces some additional complexity but having the convenience of using the standard new Bean() syntax plus Spring's autowiring is worth it in my opinion.
Alternatively, you could define your domain objects as beans with prototype scope and use some factory to create them using the Spring ApplicationContext.getBean() method. With a scope of prototype a new instance will be returned every time and since you go through the ApplicationContext, Spring will do all the dependency injection magic as usual.
As for services and other beans with singleton scope, you would typically NOT retrieve them by first injecting the ApplicationContext and using it but instead you would inject them via either a constructor, setter or annotation-based strategy. The documentation covers that in detail: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.0.0.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/#beans-factory-collaborators

Does the test class create implementations to inject in spring dependency injection

In this example on spring dependency injection here
Whne the final test class is run, after this line:
MySpringBeanWithDependency test = (MySpringBeanWithDependency) factory
Which implementation of writer class will get injected? The test class still is responsbile for creating an actual implementation and injecting it before calling business methods on the Writer. Is it true?
In both the annotation-based example and the XML-based example, Spring will inject the NiceWriter bean into the MySpringBeanWithDependency bean.
For the annotation example, this is because the NiceWriter class is annotated with #Service (while the Writer class is not) and Spring will discover this via classpath scanning and autowire it into MySpringBeanWithDependency.
For the XML example, this is because the NiceWriter class is used to define the bean with id writer, which is referenced as the "writer" property of the bean with id mySpringBeanWithDependency.
In both cases, the MySpringBeanWithDependency bean is instantiated with dependencies injected via Spring, and is thus ready to use. It is not responsible for managing its IWriter dependency. This is why dependency injection (DI for short) usually goes hand-in-hand with inversion-of-control (IoC for short). Spring provides an IoC container that uses DI.

Use/Purpose of beans in Spring

Could someone give an overview or a summary of what the purpose of beans in a Spring framework context?
I understand the standard Java bean (no arg constructor, getters/setters, often serialized), but the Spring bean purpose seems to be different.
Is it a way of implementing the Singleton design pattern (one instance, for like factory classes) in a simple, reusable fashion?
I've mainly used Spring with annotations, but I feel I need to grasp this in order to understand Spring.
Beans are objects that form the backbone of the application.
A bean is simply an object that is instantiated, assembled and otherwise managed by a Spring IoC container; other than that, there is nothing special about a bean.It is in all other respects one of probably many objects in your application.
Spring beans are defined in a spring configuration file or by using annotations, instantiated by the Spring container, and then injected into your application.
Spring beans will not be singleton design pattern until you explicitly make them to be.The singleton design pattern and the spring scope 'singleton' are different things.You can define different bean scopes depending on your requirements.
The scopes could be :
singleton – Return a single bean instance per Spring IoC container
prototype – Return a new bean instance each time when requested
request – Return a single bean instance per HTTP request.
session – Return a single bean instance per HTTP session.
globalSession – Return a single bean instance per global HTTP
The default scope is singleton.
I understand the standard Java bean (no arg constructor,
getters/setters, often serialized), but the Spring bean purpose seems
to be different.
You mean always serialized. Why do you think the purpose seems different?
In the end, you write classes. A lot of time these are POJOs, Plain Old Java Objects. Sometimes you implement an interface or extend a class, but its all just classes.
Beans are just classes. Don't overcomplicate it.
Now Spring might take your beans (classes) and manage them for you via any of a number of policies (prototype, singleton) but that doesn't change what a bean is, it speaks to how Spring manages the bean.
To understand best, you should get familiar with dependency injection. In a few words dependency injection allows you to use objects, or services without explicitly creating them (of course, it gives other benefits, but let's focus on the question). This is achieved by maintaining a dependency container that is - roughly said - a collection of beans.
A bean is a service/component you use in your application. Unlike the EJB, with Spring the bean is not constrained to constructor arguments or specific annotations (especially if you use xml contexts). You register a bean with a container (by defining a context), and when you require it, the container will provide you with an instance of that bean. In order to create the bean, the container examines its class and constructors, and uses any other registered beans within that context, to call the appropriate constructor or property setter.
You can configure a bean to be a singleton - this is not a singleton as in the design pattern term. Singleton beans are created once within the container, and the same instance is used whenever the bean is requested from that container. You can also use the prototype scope to force the container to create a new instance each time.

when to go for constructor injection and when to go for parameter injection in Spring

I'm a fresher, I'm recently started learning Spring.In spring dependency injection,we
can inject a bean in 2 ways,one is through constructor and the other one is through
setter method.My question is, for what situations constructor injection is better and
for what situations setter method injection is better. my focus only on where to use?
Give me an example if possible... waiting for your valuable reply..
There is a third way: Field injection.
You can directly apply the Annotation #Resource, #Inject or #Autowire at a (even private) field. This field even does not need to hava a getter or setter.
If you are building a Spring application, and there is no plan to use the classes in a not Spring application or a library, then the field injection is enough for 90% of the classes.
I prefer it, because it is less code.
Of course if you use a constructor for mandatory references then there is no way to forget one of them when creating a new instance. But (and this is my point of view, that differs from Alef Arendsen in his 3 year old Spring 2.0 blog entry "Setter injection versus constructor injection and the use of #Required") you have a spring bean and not a simple class. And this bean is created by spring, not directly by you. So if you use #Resource, #Inject or #Autowire for fields or setter spring checks them too and do not put the bean and the whole application in service if not all references can be satisfied.
I'd say go for constructor injection.
In some cases go for setter injection if dependency is optional.
If you forced to use setter injection and use Spring, the use #Required to ask Spring to enforce it.
Apply common sense in all cases :)
