How to prevent DoS attack in ASP.NET MVC applications? -

I don't want someone keep F5 my site or using some tool to request the page frequently.
That is to say, prevent an Action or the Controller to be invoked frequently by one client.
How can I implement this? Is there any package I can use? just like AntiXSS library.

Most of these features are going to be found in the IIS manager. Something like Dynamic IP Restrictions should help. Read through Microsoft's Best Practices for Preventing DoS/Denial of Service Attacks, this provides a good list of thing to do.
Also according to this video, Cloud Flare is able to prevent these attacks with their free service.


Use of Apache JMeter for conducting http flood with an ASP.NET WebForms site

i want to conduct an http flood to a test website that i have designed in Visual Studio 2017. It is an ASP.NET Webforms site, so i want to ask if Apache JMeter is a proper tool for such a project. I have done some research and found from other users that Apache JMeter is having some problems with ASP.NET apps in some cases. So i'm a little confused. Also, i am considering to use two computers, one for running the website, and the other for running the JMeter script, in order to avoid the resource consumption that may lead to inaccurate metrics. Is it possible to succeed the http flood in such a way? Any other suggestions are welcome.
JMeter doesn't have any problems with ASP.NET websites (as well as any other websites), JMeter is backend-agnostic and it knows nothing about server-side technologies stack as it basically gets HTML and Headers from the server.
Just make sure to perform correlation of dynamic parameters like VIEWSTATE, EVENTVALIDATION, etc. and you should be good to go.
With regards to "flood" approach - I would rather recommend implementing real life user scenarios, to wit JMeter test should represent real usage of your web application by the real user using the real browser including business steps (login, browse, search, etc.) and technical side of things (Cookies, embedded resources, headers, cache)

Keep state between webapi calls

I need to send an information to a user via a web-api only once by session, and I used to do in asmx by storing a variable in the session.
As in web-api I can't use sessions, how can I do this ?
Started as a comment, but ended up being too long...
ASP.NET Web API is mainly used to create HTTP services and, as Microsoft claim, ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework. Such services are meant to be stateless so what you're trying to do is technically going against a pretty fundamental design goal. Having said that, things are not as clear-cut as they seem and there's some (almost religious) debate over whether a REST service should be stateless or allow state in some degree.
The following SO questions might give you some help and/or direction about achieving what you want:
ASP.NET Web API session or something?
If REST applications are supposed to be stateless, how do you manage sessions?
How to manage state in REST
Also, the following StrathWeb article gives some additional advice (with a code example) and links to other sources of information:
In a project I'm currently working on, I'm having to store some state information for token-based user authentication and, since I have access to a database, I use a table to store the information I need. Technically speaking, and certainly for some people, I'm breaking the rules. But it works for me and, at the end of the day, you have a job to do and you may not always have the time to do things 100% correctly, so you have to be pragmatic in your approach.

MVC3 / VoiceXML Best Practices

I'm currently revamping an ancient IVR written using Classic ASP with VXML 2.0. Believe me, it was a mess, largely due to the mixing of routing logic between the ASP code and the VXML logic, featuring multiple postbacks a la ASP.NET. Not fun to debug.
So we're starting fresh with MVC 3 and Razor and so far so good. I've succeeded in moving pretty much all the processing logic to the controller and just letting most of the VXML be just voicing a prompt and waiting for a DTMF reply.
But, looking at a lot of sample VXML code, it's beginning to look like it might actually be simpler to do basic routing using multiple on a page and VXML's built-in DTMF processing and . More complex decision-making and database/server access would call the controller as it does now.
I'm torn between the desire to be strict about where the logic is, versus what might actually be simpler code. My VXML chops are not terribly advanced (I know enough to be dangerous), so I'm soliciting input. Have others used multiple forms on a page? Better or worse?
Jim Stanley
Blackboard Connect Inc.
Choosing to use simple VoiceXML and moving the logic server side is a fairly common practice. Pros/Cons below.
Server-side logic
Often difficult to get retry counters to perform the way you want if you are also performing input validation (valid for grammar, but not for host or other validation logic)
Better programming language/toolkits for making logical descriptions (I'm not a fan of JavaScript, but even if you like JavaScript, you tend to have to create a lot of forms to get the flow control you want).
Usually easier to debug. Step through logical decisions and access to logging tools.
Usually easier to create reusable components that use parameters to alter component behavior.
Client side logic
Usually more scalable. VoiceXML browsers tend to use a large amount of their resources compiling and processing pages. One larger page will typically do better than a variety of smaller pages. However, platforms vary significantly and your size may make this negligible.
Better chance of using static pages. Many platforms have highly optimized caches (more than just fetched data). Like above may only matter if you have 100s of ports per device or 1000s of ports hitting a server.
Mixing and matching isn't bad until somebody requests some sort of global behavior change. You may be making the change in multiple places. Debugging techniques will also vary so it may complicate your support paths (e.g. looking in browser logs versus server logs to see what happened on a call).
Our current framework currently uses a mix of server and client. All our logic is in the VoiceXML, and the server is used for state saving and generating recognition components. Unfortunately as all our logic is in the voicexml, it makes it harder to unit test.
Rather than creating a large voicexml page that subdialogs to each question and all the routing done on the clientside, postback to the server after each collection, then work out where to go now. Obviously this has it's pros/cons as Jim pointed out, but the hope is to abstract some of the IVR/callflow from the VoiceXML and reduce the dependency on skilling up developers in VoiceXML.
I'm looking at redeveloping using MVC3, creating different views based on base IVR functions, which can then be modified based on the hosting VoiceXML platform:
CTI Get/Set
What I'm still working out is how to create reusable components within the MVC. Whether to create something we subdialog to and return back the result (similar to how we currently do it), or redirect to a generic controller, and then redirect to the "Completed" action once the controller is done.
Jim Rush provides a pretty good overview of the pros and cons of server side versus client side logic and is pretty consistent with my discussion on this topic in my blog post "Client-side versus Server-side Development of VoiceXML Applications". I believe the pros of putting the logic on the server far outweigh putting it on the client. The VoiceXML User Group is moving towards removing most of this logic from VoiceXML in version 3.0 and suggesting using a new standard called State Chart XML (SCXML) to handle control of the voice application. I have started an open source project to make it easier to develop VoiceXML applications using ASP.NET MVC 3.0 which can be found on CodePlex and is called VoiceModel. There is an example application in this project which will demonstrate a method for keeping the logic server side, which I believe greatly improves reuse of voice objects.

Implementing Real-Time Collaboration On A Page?

I would like to create a web page which would allow multiple users to work together on a page, Imagine a web based editor that allowed to users to change the documents as an example of this type of feature.
How would more experienced programmers go about implementing this as i really cant seem to formulate any way to even begin going about this task. Would there be any programming librarys that make implementing this feature easier or is it just too complex to even think about?
I am creating this webapp primarily using GWT and SmartGWT if that helps.
Thanks for any input you may have.
There is indeed a cometd-like library for gwt -
In web development, Comet is a neologism to describe a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it. Comet is an umbrella term for multiple techniques for achieving this interaction. All these methods rely on features included by default in browsers, such as JavaScript, rather than on non-default plugins.
In practice:
In normal way client can receive resources by request->responce. It is no possible to send data directly to client without request. With comet you can hold realtime connection between client and server and exchange data in realtime.
Check out: They are using comet. is a service that used to do this. It has been since bought by Google, and the code released as open-source. You can see several links on the page for the source download and related information.

How can I integrate Oracle BI into an existing application?

I have an existing application written in Perl. Now I need to integrate this application with OBI. The plan is having a button the user can click on to open OBI in an iframe. OBI resides on a different server from the running application.
Has anyone done this before, know what is the best practice for doing this, and what is the effort of doing this?
Another question is is it possible to add customizations to the OBI displayed in the iframe.?
There are two ways to address the problem that I know of and tried out. According to your needs, one or the other might be more appropriate (or both, they're not mutually exclusive). In both cases, the documentation is good and readily available.
The "Go URL"
The Go URL is documented more thoroughly in the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide. It provides a quick and easy interface to the reports you've already defined, in the form of a URL. All that's needed to get it running is to fill in a few query parameters to direct to the report you want. You might need to include authentication tokens too.
Pros: very easy to try out.
Cons: harder to get security right.
The web services
The presentation server comes with a series of web services that enable a more programmatic way of querying your repository. The functionality offered through this channel goes further: for example most catalog management, including report creation and editing is possible. The full list fills a guide of its own: the Oracle Business Intelligence Web Services Guide.
Pros: better integration (i.e., no need for an IFRAME); easier to get the security right.
Cons: harder to setup; lots of XML; more advanced features (e.g. in-place drilldown) need an HTTP bridge that was a bitch to get right in my case. The generated HTML might clash a bit with yours and require cleaning up, notably in the CSS.
Embedding OBIEE reports inside a non-ADF web app is tough. If you have an option to re-write your web application in ADF, your life will be a lot easier. Just drag and drop reports and visualizations into your web application. Oracle's own Fusion Applications also follow this approach. If your app is analytics heavy, it might be a good option to explore. Here's a link to the Oracle doc.
