Pass arguments by reference to a block with the splat operator - ruby

It seems that the arguments are copied when using the splat operator to pass arguments to a block by reference.
I have this:
def method
a = [1,2,3]
p a
method {|x,y,z| z = 0}
#=> this puts and returns [1, 2, 3] (didn't modified the third argument)
How can I pass these arguments by reference? It seems to work if I pass the array directly, but the splat operator would be much more practical, intuitive and maintainable here.

In Ruby when you write x = value you are creating a new local variable x whether it existed previously or not (if it existed the name is simply rebound and the original value remains untouched). So you won't be able to change a variable in-place this way.
Integers are immutable. So if you send an integer there is no way you can change its value. Note that you can change mutable objects (strings, hashes, arrays, ...):
def method
a = [1, 2, "hello"]
p a
method { |x,y,z| z[1] = 'u' }
# [1, 2, "hullo"]
Note: I've tried to answer your question, now my opinion: updating arguments in methods or blocks leads to buggy code (you have no referential transparency anymore). Return the new value and let the caller update the variable itself if so inclined.

The problem here is the = sign. It makes the local variable z be assigned to another object.
Take this example with strings:
def method
a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
p a
method { |x,y,z| z.upcase! } # => ["a", "b", "C"]
This clearly shows that z is the same as the third object of the array.
Another point here is your example is numeric. Fixnums have fixed ids; so, you can't change the number while maintaining the same object id. To change Fixnums, you must use = to assign a new number to the variable, instead of self-changing methods like inc! (such methods can't exist on Fixnums).

Yes... Array contains links for objects. In your code when you use yield(*a) then in block you works with variables which point to objects which were in array. Now look for code sample:
daz#daz-pc:~/projects/experiments$ irb
irb(main):001:0> a = 1
=> 1
irb(main):002:0> a.object_id
=> 3
irb(main):003:0> a = 2
=> 2
irb(main):004:0> a.object_id
=> 5
So in block you don't change old object, you just create another object and set it to the variable. But the array contain link to the old object.
Look at the debugging stuff:
def m
a = [1, 2]
p a[0].object_id
p a[0].object_id
m { |a, b| p a.object_id; a = 0; p a.object_id }

How can I pass these arguments by reference?
You can't pass arguments by reference in Ruby. Ruby is pass-by-value. Always. No exceptions, no ifs, no buts.
It seems to work if I pass the array directly
I highly doubt that. You simply cannot pass arguments by reference in Ruby. Period.


Need Ruby method to convert an array of strings into a Hash

I need Ruby method to convert an array of strings into a Hash where each key is a string and each value is the 1-indexed index of the string in the original array.
hashify(%w(a b c))
# should return
{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3}
Even though I think I'm helping someone do their homework, I can't resist taking a golf swing, because Ruby is awesome:
%w(a b c).each.with_index(1).to_h
Also, defining "hashify" is VERY un-Ruby-like. I'd suggest alternatives, but it's probably a homework assignment anyways and you don't seem to want to learn it.
def hashify(array)
hashify(%w(a b c))
#=> { "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3 }
There are (clearly) multiple ways you could achieve your goal in Ruby.
If you consider the expression %w(a b c).map.with_index(1).to_h, you can see that it is a matter of stringing together a few methods provided to us by the Enumerable class.
By first sending the :map message to the array, we receive back an Enumerator, which provides us the handy :with_index method. As you can see in the docs, with_index accepts an offset in an argument, so offsetting your indices by 1 is as simple as passing 1 as your argument to :with_index.
Finally, we call :to_h on the enumerator to receive the desired hash.
# fore!
def hashify(array)
> hashify %w(a b c)
=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}
Try this, this will add a method to_hash_one_indexed to the Array class.
class Array
def to_hash_one_indexed
Then to call it:
%w(a b c).to_hash_one_indexed
#=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}

Does Rubyist call Argument Lists and Array both Array?

I'm simply curious about how the terms are used, so I have a question.
First, let me quote where the terms are used.
quote from Active Record document:
Active Record Query Interface — Ruby on Rails Guides
2 Conditions
Conditions can either be specified as a string, array, or hash.
2.2 Array Conditions
Now what if that number could vary, say as an argument from somewhere? The find
would then take the form:
Client.where("orders_count = ?", params[:orders])
I was confused
Client.where("orders_count = ?", params[:orders])
I was confused the document. Does the document refer to ^^^ part as Array?. I think ruby Array is [ ].
I found other site call this Argument Lists.
Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
In Ruby It does what is called?
def f(a, b)
f(1, 2)
Array or List?
Array and List?
How do you distinguish Array and List in Ruby?
Client.where("orders_count = ?", params[:orders]) ... this is Array?
No, this is not an array. These are two arguments.
How do you distinguish Array and List in Ruby?
Argument list refers to a method's arguments, it's not a class.
You can provide an argument list when defining a method:
def foo(a, b)
p a: a, b: b
foo is the method name and a, b is the argument list.
When calling a method, the passed arguments may also be called argument list:
foo 1, 2 # prints {:a=>1, :b=>2}
1, 2 is the argument list.
Converting between array and argument list
You can convert an array into a argument list by using *:
foo *[1, 2] # prints {:a=>1, :b=>2}
You can also convert an argument list to an array by prefixing an argument with * in the method definition:
def bar(*args)
p args
This allows the method to take a variable number of arguments:
bar 1, 2 # prints [1, 2]
In Ruby an argument list can be handled as both - an array or single arguments - depending on the assignment:
a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
a #=> 1
b #=> 2
c #=> 3
array = 1, 2, 3
array #=> [1, 2, 3]

Unexpected result with splat operator

I have a hash, whose values are an array of size 1:
hash = {:start => [1]}
I want to unpack the arrays as in:
hash.each_pair{ |key, value| hash[key] = value[0] } # => {:start=>1}
and I thought the *-operator as in the following would work, but it does not give the expected result:
hash.each_pair{ |key, value| hash[key] = *value } # => {:start=>[1]}
Why does *value return [1] and not 1?
Because the []= method applied to hash takes only one argument in addition to the key (which is put inside the [] part), and a splatted/expanded array, which is in general a sequence of values (which coincidentally happens to be a single element in this particular case) cannot be directly accepted as the argument as is splatted. So it is accepted by the argument of []= as an array after all.
In other words, an argument (of the []= method) must be an object, but splatted elements (such as :foo, :bar, :baz) are not an object. The only way to interpret them as an object is to put them back into an array (such as [:foo, :bar, :baz]).
Using the splat operator, you can do it like this:
hash.each_pair{|key, value| hash.[]= key, *value}
sawa and Ninigi already pointed out why the assignment doesn't work as expected. Here's my attempt.
Ruby's assignment features work regardless of whether you're assigning to a variable, a constant or by implicitly invoking an assignment method like Hash#[]= with the assignment operator. For the sake of simplicity, I'm using a variable in the following examples.
Using the splat operator in an assignment does unpack the array, i.e.
a = *[1, 2, 3]
is evaluated as:
a = 1, 2, 3
But Ruby also allows you to implicitly create arrays during assignment by listing multiple values. Therefore, the above is in turn equivalent to:
a = [1, 2, 3]
That's why *[1] results in [1] - it's unpacked, just to be converted back to an array.
Elements can be assigned separately using multiple assignment:
a, b = [1, 2, 3]
a #=> 1
b #=> 2
or just:
a, = [1, 2, 3]
a #=> 1
You could use this in your code (note the comma after hash[key]):
hash = {:start => [1]}
hash.each_pair { |key, values| hash[key], = values }
#=> {:start=>1}
But there's another and more elegant way: you can unpack the array by putting parentheses around the array argument:
hash = {:start => [1]}
hash.each_pair { |key, (value)| hash[key] = value }
#=> {:start=>1}
The parentheses will decompose the array, assigning the first array element to value.
Because Ruby is acting unexpectedly smart here.
True, the splash operator will "fold" and "unfold" an array, but the catch in your code is what you do with that fanned value.
Take this code into account:
array = ['a', 'b']
some_var = *array
array # => ['a', 'b']
As you can see the splat operator seemingly does nothing to your array, while this:
some_var, some_other_var = *array
some_var # => "a"
somet_other_var # => "b"
Will do what you'd expect it does.
It seems ruby just "figures" if you splat an array into a single variable, that you want the array, not the values.
EDIT: As sawa pointed out in the comments, hash[key] = is not identical to variable =. []= is an instance Method of Hash, with it's own C-Code under the hood, which COULD (in theory) lead to different behaviour in some instances. I don't know of any example, but that does not mean there is none.
But for the sake of simplicity, we can asume that the regular variable assignment behaves exactly identical to hash[key] =.

How to return two separate arrays of keys and values

Please explain how this piece of code can return two arrays.
def keysAndValues(data)
[data.keys, data.values]
keysAndValues method does return a single array (of two arrays inside of it), but its output can be interpreted as two arrays. Let me explain:
single_array = ["hello", "world"]
puts single_array # => ["hello", "world"]
first_element, second_element = single_array
puts first_element # => "hello"
puts second_element # => "world"
The reason this notation is possible is the implementation of Ruby's assignment (=) operator. Thus, calling a, b = keysAndValues(data) makes both variables a and b filled. But beware, although the outcome technically makes sense this might be unexpected in some situations:
first, second = 1 # first is 1, second is nil
There are also some other uses for multiple assignment, consider the following case:
a, b, *c = [1, 2, 3, 4] # note the asterisk symbol here
puts a # => 1
puts b # => 2
puts c # => [3,4]
Ruby supports parallel assignment. This is a simple example:
foo, bar = 1, 2
foo # => 1
bar # => 2
Your method is returning two values inside an array:
a: 1,
b: 2
).size # => 2
which are assigned via = to the two values on the left side of the equation. The values in the array are references to where the keys and values sub-arrays are located:
foo, bar = keys_and_values(
a: 1,
b: 2
foo.object_id # => 70159936091440
bar.object_id # => 70159936091420
Ruby isn't unique with supporting parallel assignment; It is used in other languages too. Any decent Ruby manual will talk about this. It's good to understand because the assignment to variables, or passing multiple parameters to methods is something you'll encounter repeatedly in Ruby. Do a search for more information.
Also, in Ruby we don't name methods using camelCase, such as "keysAndValues". Instead we use snake_case: keys_and_values.

Strange ruby for loop behavior (why does this work)

def reverse(ary)
result = []
for result[0,0] in ary
assert_equal ["baz", "bar", "foo"], reverse(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
This works and I want to understand why. Any explanations?
If I were to rewrite this using each instead of for/in, it would look like this:
def reverse(ary)
result = []
# for result[0,0] in ary
ary.each do |item|
result[0, 0] = item
for a in b basically says, take each item in the array b and assign it to expression a. So some magic happens when its not a simple variable.
The array[index, length] = something syntax allows replacement of multiple items, even 0 items. So ary[0,0] = item says to insert item at index zero, replacing zero items. It's basically an unshift operation.
But really, just use the each method with a block instead. A for loop with no body that changes state has to be one of the most obtuse and hard to read thing that doesn't do what you expect at first glance. each provides far fewer crazy surprises.
You are putting the value in ary at the first location of result. So lets say we had the array:
a = ["baz", "bar", "foo"]
So a[0,0] = 5 will make a equal to [5, "baz", "bar", "foo"]
Since you iterate over the entire array, you are inserting each element into the beginning of the result array while shifting the existing elements, thus reversing the original one.
