Need Ruby method to convert an array of strings into a Hash - ruby

I need Ruby method to convert an array of strings into a Hash where each key is a string and each value is the 1-indexed index of the string in the original array.
hashify(%w(a b c))
# should return
{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3}

Even though I think I'm helping someone do their homework, I can't resist taking a golf swing, because Ruby is awesome:
%w(a b c).each.with_index(1).to_h
Also, defining "hashify" is VERY un-Ruby-like. I'd suggest alternatives, but it's probably a homework assignment anyways and you don't seem to want to learn it.

def hashify(array)
hashify(%w(a b c))
#=> { "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3 }

There are (clearly) multiple ways you could achieve your goal in Ruby.
If you consider the expression %w(a b c).map.with_index(1).to_h, you can see that it is a matter of stringing together a few methods provided to us by the Enumerable class.
By first sending the :map message to the array, we receive back an Enumerator, which provides us the handy :with_index method. As you can see in the docs, with_index accepts an offset in an argument, so offsetting your indices by 1 is as simple as passing 1 as your argument to :with_index.
Finally, we call :to_h on the enumerator to receive the desired hash.
# fore!
def hashify(array)
> hashify %w(a b c)
=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}

Try this, this will add a method to_hash_one_indexed to the Array class.
class Array
def to_hash_one_indexed
Then to call it:
%w(a b c).to_hash_one_indexed
#=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}


Ruby: Is it true that #map generally doesn't make sense with bang methods?

This question was inspired by this one:
Ruby: Why does this way of using map throw an error?
Someone pointed out the following:
map doesn't make much sense when used with ! methods.
You should either:
use map with gsub
or use each with gsub!
Can someone explain why that is?
Base object
Here's an array with strings as element :
words = ['hello', 'world']
New array
If you want a new array with modified strings, you can use map with gsub :
new_words ={|word| word.gsub('o','#') }
p new_words
#=> ["hell#", "w#rld"]
p words
#=> ["hello", "world"]
p new_words == words
#=> false
The original strings and the original array aren't modified.
Strings modified in place
If you want to modify the strings in place, you can use :
words.each{|word| word.gsub!('o','#') }
p words
#=> ["hell#", "w#rld"]
map and gsub!
new_words ={|word| word.gsub!('o','#') }
p words
#=> ["hell#", "w#rld"]
p new_words
#=> ["hell#", "w#rld"]
p words == new_words
#=> true
p new_words.object_id
#=> 12704900
p words.object_id
#=> 12704920
Here, a new array is created, but the elements are the exact same ones!
It doesn't bring anything more than the previous examples. It creates a new Array for nothing. It also might confuse people reading your code by sending opposite signals :
gsub! will indicate that you want to modifiy existing objects
map will indicate that you don't want to modify existing objects.
Map is for building a new array without mutating the original. Each is for performing some action on each element of an array. Doing both at once is surprising.
>> arr = ["foo bar", "baz", "quux"]
=> ["foo bar", "baz", "quux"]
>>{|x| x.gsub!(' ', '-')}
=> ["foo-bar", nil, nil]
>> arr
=> ["foo-bar", "baz", "quux"]
Since !-methods generally have side effects (and only incidentally might return a value), each should be preferred to map when invoking a !-method.
An exception might be when you have a list of actions to perform. The method to perform the action might sensibly be named with a !, but you wish to collect the results in order to report which ones succeeded or failed.

Getting an array of hash values given specific keys

Given certain keys, I want to get an array of values from a hash (in the order I gave the keys). I had done this:
class Hash
def values_for_keys(*keys_requested)
result = []
keys_requested.each do |key|
result << self[key]
return result
I modified the Hash class because I do plan to use it almost everywhere in my code.
But I don't really like the idea of modifying a core class. Is there a builtin solution instead? (couldn't find any, so I had to write this).
You should be able to use values_at:
values_at(key, ...) → array
Return an array containing the values associated with the given keys. Also see
h = { "cat" => "feline", "dog" => "canine", "cow" => "bovine" }
h.values_at("cow", "cat") #=> ["bovine", "feline"]
The documentation doesn't specifically say anything about the order of the returned array but:
The example implies that the array will match the key order.
The standard implementation does things in the right order.
There's no other sensible way for the method to behave.
For example:
>> h = { :a => 'a', :b => 'b', :c => 'c' }
=> {:a=>"a", :b=>"b", :c=>"c"}
>> h.values_at(:c, :a)
=> ["c", "a"]
i will suggest you do this:{|key,value| given_keys.include?(key)}.values

How to remove elements of array in place returning the removed elements

I have an array arr. I want to destructively remove elements from arr based on a condition, returning the removed elements.
arr = [1,2,3]
arr.some_method{|a| a > 1} #=> [2, 3]
arr #=> [1]
My first try was reject!:
arr = [1,2,3]
arr.reject!{|a| a > 1}
but the returning blocks and arr's value are both [1].
I could write a custom function, but I think there is an explicit method for this. What would that be?
Update after the question was answered:
partition method turns out to be useful for implementing this behavior for hash as well. How can I remove elements of a hash, returning the removed elements and the modified hash?
hash = {:x => 1, :y => 2, :z => 3}
comp_hash, hash = hash.partition{|k,v| v > 1}.map{|a| Hash[a]}
comp_hash #=> {:y=>2, :z=>3}
hash #=> {:x=>1}
I'd use partition here. It doesn't modify self inplace, but returns two new arrays. By assigning the second array to arr again, it gets the results you want:
comp_arr, arr = arr.partition { |a| a > 1 }
See the documentation of partition.
All methods with a trailing bang ! modify the receiver and it seems to be a convention that these methods return the resulting object because the non-bang do so.
What you can to do though is something like this:
b = (arr.dup - arr.reject!{|a| a>1 })
b # => [2,3]
arr #=> [1]
Here is a link to a ruby styleguide which has a section on nameing - although its rather short
To remove (in place) elements of array returning the removed elements one could use delete method, as per Array class documentation:
a = [ "a", "b", "b", "b", "c" ]
a.delete("b") #=> "b"
a #=> ["a", "c"]
a.delete("z") #=> nil
a.delete("z") { "not found" } #=> "not found"
It accepts block so custom behavior could be added, as needed

Pass arguments by reference to a block with the splat operator

It seems that the arguments are copied when using the splat operator to pass arguments to a block by reference.
I have this:
def method
a = [1,2,3]
p a
method {|x,y,z| z = 0}
#=> this puts and returns [1, 2, 3] (didn't modified the third argument)
How can I pass these arguments by reference? It seems to work if I pass the array directly, but the splat operator would be much more practical, intuitive and maintainable here.
In Ruby when you write x = value you are creating a new local variable x whether it existed previously or not (if it existed the name is simply rebound and the original value remains untouched). So you won't be able to change a variable in-place this way.
Integers are immutable. So if you send an integer there is no way you can change its value. Note that you can change mutable objects (strings, hashes, arrays, ...):
def method
a = [1, 2, "hello"]
p a
method { |x,y,z| z[1] = 'u' }
# [1, 2, "hullo"]
Note: I've tried to answer your question, now my opinion: updating arguments in methods or blocks leads to buggy code (you have no referential transparency anymore). Return the new value and let the caller update the variable itself if so inclined.
The problem here is the = sign. It makes the local variable z be assigned to another object.
Take this example with strings:
def method
a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
p a
method { |x,y,z| z.upcase! } # => ["a", "b", "C"]
This clearly shows that z is the same as the third object of the array.
Another point here is your example is numeric. Fixnums have fixed ids; so, you can't change the number while maintaining the same object id. To change Fixnums, you must use = to assign a new number to the variable, instead of self-changing methods like inc! (such methods can't exist on Fixnums).
Yes... Array contains links for objects. In your code when you use yield(*a) then in block you works with variables which point to objects which were in array. Now look for code sample:
daz#daz-pc:~/projects/experiments$ irb
irb(main):001:0> a = 1
=> 1
irb(main):002:0> a.object_id
=> 3
irb(main):003:0> a = 2
=> 2
irb(main):004:0> a.object_id
=> 5
So in block you don't change old object, you just create another object and set it to the variable. But the array contain link to the old object.
Look at the debugging stuff:
def m
a = [1, 2]
p a[0].object_id
p a[0].object_id
m { |a, b| p a.object_id; a = 0; p a.object_id }
How can I pass these arguments by reference?
You can't pass arguments by reference in Ruby. Ruby is pass-by-value. Always. No exceptions, no ifs, no buts.
It seems to work if I pass the array directly
I highly doubt that. You simply cannot pass arguments by reference in Ruby. Period.

Ruby Hash/Array delete_if without a block

According to Ruby Hash/Array documentation, the delete_if method returns an enumerator if no block is given. How is this useful? Can someone give an example to demonstrate this pattern?
There are some methods defined on Enumerator that give flexibility to iterators. One such method I often use is with_index.
p %w[a b c d e f].delete_if.with_index{|_, i| i.even?}
# => ["b", "d", "f"]
If this was to be done without Enumerator class, all kinds of methods have to be defined, including delete_if_with_index, and that is not a good thing.
The enumerator will just allow you to run the block later. For example, if you had a method that specifically handled the delete if for several different objects, you could pass it the enumerator.
In the example below, it will print 1, 3, 5
arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
enumerator = arr.delete_if
enumerator.each { |el| el.even? }
puts arr.join(', ')
