Slow Indexing in Magento EE 1.12 - magento

We have 4000 products with 4 stores and around 80 categories. We are running a dedicated DB server having SSD and followed the white paper of optimizing DB as well as App Server. Each product also have 12 custom options. Now Indexing is very slow. Any suggestions. Would it make any difference to reduce number of categories in the store etc.

Indexing is dramatically slowed when multi store setups are used. On one of our servers 3000 products on a single store setup takes approx 60 seconds to index everything. But 3000 products on a multi store setup (7 stores) can take up to 10 minutes. We have it set up to manual index only. You could set the indexing to run on a cron which might help you. (Throwing more resources at the server will obviously help too).

Reduce Catalog price rules if in use
Reduce all attributes not required for Search Index - the default Magento install includes attributes like "Tax Status" in the Search Index and then this is multiplied 4x for your multi stores
Same can be said for URL rewrites - 4x increase
12 custom options per product ? Could common attributes be used instead ?
Run indexing from SSH rather than from the Magento admin
In the web root in the shell/ folder you will find indexer.php
php indexer.php --help will give you some options
You can then time each of the nine indexes to see which is taking the most time which may help narrow the problem down
By running from command line you can increase the php memory limit just for that one process which may improve results
I set up a cron job to re-index the site in off peak times and in Magento admin, change to Manual Update only


algolia magento module ordered_qty as ranking attribute blocking cron executions

We moved Algolia search from our local development environment to our staging environment. On staging we have 144,000 sample orders and 100,000 products. Both of these numbers are smaller than our production environment.
We inserted our app id and other credentials and saved. We're using AOE scheduler to execute our crons. algoliasearch_run_queue has been running for 5 hours now and it seems to be making the same queries:
SELECT SUM(order_items.qty_ordered) AS ordered_qty, AS order_items_name, `o....
I believe this is related to ranking = ordered_qty. This cron is holding up all processing of subsequent crons, meaning other magento task, (order emails, indexing, etc) will not take place during the time this one is running.
What is the fix for this?
An improvement has been done in 1.4.3 but will probably not resolve the issue for such big store. Computing ordered_qty can indeed be long but it's used to have a good relevance.

Magento Backoffice Catalog->Product slow

I have a issue in my Magento Backoffice.
If i try to browser Catalog-> Manage products it takes up to 15seconds to open the page (20 results per page). Also if I try to move from page 1 to page 2 of the results it takes the same time.
If i open all other section menu of backoffice it takes maximum 0.5 sec.
Please note i have 160.000 sku in Magento
I am on a dedicated server with 24 Gb RAM and 250 SSD RAID 1
I have FastCgi Ngnix APC Memcached installed
It's this log delay maybe related to same table issue?
How can a 20 page result take all this time to open?
Things looks better now,
here what i did:
I discovered core_url_rewrite table was over 5 gb !!!
and Flat catalog and Flat categry in Magento backoffice where setted on "No".
I did a trucante of core_url_rewrite and enabled Flat Catalog and Poduct in magento backoffice.
I then did a full reindex.
Now timing is decreased from 15 sec to 4-6 seconds.
Hope it can help someone

Magento Reindexing Data - Risks

I have a Magento site in which the cross-selling products do not seem to be appearing.
After looking on Stack and Google it seems that 'reindexing the data' has solved this issue for a lot of individuals.
My question is, are there any risks associated with performing this task? Or is it a relatively straight forward procedure?
Indexing is a fundamental part of Magento and will not effect your site in a negative way.
Magento uses a complex EAV (entity-attribute-value) database structure that can sometimes require heavy database queries to retrieve simple results. Because of this, the Magento developers have implemeted Index tables that query all of this data, and store it into a single table structure. This allows Magento to quickly query the single Index table, rather than making complex joins across multiple tables.
With that being said, Reindexing does not alter your existing data. It simply queries your existing data and copies it to it's own tables.
To reindex your site, you can simple go to System > Index Management, check off all the indexes that you wish to reindex, then submit.
If you have a large set of products, I recommend reindexing your site from the shell command line.
Login to your site using an SSH program (such as Putty)
Once logged in, cd to your magento/shell/ (where magento is your Magento root directory)
Run the following command to reindex your site: php indexer.php reindexall
Wait for the index processes to complete.
Lastly, ensure that your Catalog is using the Flat index tables. To do this:
Go to System > Configuration > Catalog > Frontend (section)
Set Use Flat Catalog Category to Yes
Set Use Flat Catalog Product to Yes
Click Save Config
No, you're safe to reindex whenever you see the notice appear.
If you know you're going to make a lot of changes, you can wait until you're done, saving yourself some time but only running it once at the end.
The only exception where this is not safe is if you have tens of thousands of products and/or lots of store views. It may end up running for hours and hours, slowing down your site leading to an undesirable experience for the customer.
I have found on sites with a large number of products, running the price reindex can cause a database lock, which can cause certain actions to be unavailable and for orders to be duplicated during that time. It also can affect performance and eat resources. I recommend performing this late at night only if possible.

Magento remove reindex bar in admin

I have an API script that updates the prices in Magento and does a reindex. This occurs every minute. So when this happens you can see the "One or more of the Indexes are not up to date" in the backend.
Is there a way that I can easily remove this bar from the backend?
You could probably do that via CSS, but I honestly have to question the motivation of updating prices once per minute. That is going to be incredibly costly in terms of bandwidth and CPU time, unless you have like 5 products.

How many Queries per second is normal for this site?

I have a small site running Flynax classifieds software. I get 10/15 users concurrent users at the most. Sometimes I get very high load avg that results in outages and downtime problems on my server.
I run
root#host [~]# mysqladmin proc stat
and I see this :
Uptime: 111346 Threads: 2 Questions: 22577216 Slow queries: 5159 Opens: 395 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 285 Queries per second avg: 202.766
Are 202.766 queries per second is normal for a small site like mine ?!
The hosting company is saying, my app is poorly coded and must be optimized.
The Flynax developers are saying, the server is poor and weak and must be replaced.
I'm not sure what to do? any help is much appreciated.
202.766 queries per second isn't normals for small website you described.
Probably some queries run in a loop and that is why you have such statistics.
As far as I know the latest flynax versions has mysql debug option, using this option
you can see how many queries run on the page and how much time each query executes.
