Magento remove reindex bar in admin - magento

I have an API script that updates the prices in Magento and does a reindex. This occurs every minute. So when this happens you can see the "One or more of the Indexes are not up to date" in the backend.
Is there a way that I can easily remove this bar from the backend?

You could probably do that via CSS, but I honestly have to question the motivation of updating prices once per minute. That is going to be incredibly costly in terms of bandwidth and CPU time, unless you have like 5 products.


algolia magento module ordered_qty as ranking attribute blocking cron executions

We moved Algolia search from our local development environment to our staging environment. On staging we have 144,000 sample orders and 100,000 products. Both of these numbers are smaller than our production environment.
We inserted our app id and other credentials and saved. We're using AOE scheduler to execute our crons. algoliasearch_run_queue has been running for 5 hours now and it seems to be making the same queries:
SELECT SUM(order_items.qty_ordered) AS ordered_qty, AS order_items_name, `o....
I believe this is related to ranking = ordered_qty. This cron is holding up all processing of subsequent crons, meaning other magento task, (order emails, indexing, etc) will not take place during the time this one is running.
What is the fix for this?
An improvement has been done in 1.4.3 but will probably not resolve the issue for such big store. Computing ordered_qty can indeed be long but it's used to have a good relevance.

Magento Reindexing Data - Risks

I have a Magento site in which the cross-selling products do not seem to be appearing.
After looking on Stack and Google it seems that 'reindexing the data' has solved this issue for a lot of individuals.
My question is, are there any risks associated with performing this task? Or is it a relatively straight forward procedure?
Indexing is a fundamental part of Magento and will not effect your site in a negative way.
Magento uses a complex EAV (entity-attribute-value) database structure that can sometimes require heavy database queries to retrieve simple results. Because of this, the Magento developers have implemeted Index tables that query all of this data, and store it into a single table structure. This allows Magento to quickly query the single Index table, rather than making complex joins across multiple tables.
With that being said, Reindexing does not alter your existing data. It simply queries your existing data and copies it to it's own tables.
To reindex your site, you can simple go to System > Index Management, check off all the indexes that you wish to reindex, then submit.
If you have a large set of products, I recommend reindexing your site from the shell command line.
Login to your site using an SSH program (such as Putty)
Once logged in, cd to your magento/shell/ (where magento is your Magento root directory)
Run the following command to reindex your site: php indexer.php reindexall
Wait for the index processes to complete.
Lastly, ensure that your Catalog is using the Flat index tables. To do this:
Go to System > Configuration > Catalog > Frontend (section)
Set Use Flat Catalog Category to Yes
Set Use Flat Catalog Product to Yes
Click Save Config
No, you're safe to reindex whenever you see the notice appear.
If you know you're going to make a lot of changes, you can wait until you're done, saving yourself some time but only running it once at the end.
The only exception where this is not safe is if you have tens of thousands of products and/or lots of store views. It may end up running for hours and hours, slowing down your site leading to an undesirable experience for the customer.
I have found on sites with a large number of products, running the price reindex can cause a database lock, which can cause certain actions to be unavailable and for orders to be duplicated during that time. It also can affect performance and eat resources. I recommend performing this late at night only if possible.

Could disabled products slow down the site?

I have more and more disabled products and I am wondering if they could slow down my site.
All operations will be much faster on a smaller database.
Each product has tens of records in the EAV tables. 10-20k inactive products will have a major impact on anything that is not cached. Reindexing will take longer.
You should take into consideration the following when you delete products:
Reorder will not work (as the same product ordered is expected to exist)
Check if you have some custom reports/extensions that full the data from the product tables
Orders/Invoices created already will display all the informations
if you know how to optimize the whole thing, and your site was working fine before, deactivating products is not much impact on the speed of the store as a whole.

Magento catalog_product_price index issue

I am using Magento with 600,000 products. Indexing is a major issue, especially catalog_product_price index.
1/ Towards the end of the indexing process a query is run DELETE FROM catalog_product_index_price . This has the effect of removing every item from our site so that the site displays 'There are no products matching the selection.' for all categories, the home page, search results.
2/ The process to insert from catalog_product_index_price_idx into catalog_product_index_price takes 10 minutes so we have a 10 minute window with no products on the site. I am absolutely certain this is a bug, there is no way someone intended for indexing to remove all products for a period of time - even if it was only 10 seconds this is not right for an ecommerce website
3/ For some reason the process of DELETE FROM catalog_product_index_price sometimes leaves a few products in the table therefore when the process of inserting from catalog_product_index_price_idx into catalog_product_index_price runs the indexer throws up an integrity constraint issue because of duplicate entries. This ends the indexing process and leaves the site with no products on. We run indexing in the early hours of the morning so sometimes we have a number of hours with no products on site if the index fails.
Does anyone know of a fix to these issues or a better way to update prices on the site that does not require us to index?
Firstly well done for running Magento with 600k products, that is the most I have heard of.
The best way to work around this I think would be to override the indexing process so that instead of truncating and rebuilding the price index, it replaces line by line. It is likely that this would take longer over all but would resolve the issue of it having this window with no products.
One thing you could try is to replace DELETE FROM with TRUNCATE TABLE which might be more reliable for your "still some items in the table" issue.
Ultimately though I think you are going to be building a bespoke optimised indexer.

Disabling store views in Magento for improving performance

I need to improve indexing times, specifically "Product Prices".
I would like to know if I need to actually delete a store view in order to improve indexing performance, or would it be enough to disable it. I'm talking about store views in different websites in a multi-site Magento installation.
How much does an extra store view affect performance with tens of thousands of products, each with different prices per store view (the other attributes are the same)?
Thank you.
Magento does not check if store view is disabled. If you will not index this data you must delete the store view, create your own indexer or rewrite magento's indexing behavior.
