ElasticSearch / Tire & Keywords. Right way to match "or" for a keyword list? - ruby

I've got an Entity model (in Mongoid) that I'm trying to search on its keywords field which is an array. I want to do a query where I pass in an array of potential search terms, and any entity that matches any of the terms will pass.
I don't have this working well yet.
But, why I'm asking this question, is that it's more complex. I also DONT want to return any entities that have been marked as "do not return" which I do via a "ignore_project_ids" parameter.
So, when I query, I get 0 results. I was using Bonsai.io. But, I've moved this to my own EC2 instance to reduce complexity/variables on solving the problem.
So, what am I doing wrong? Here are the relevant bits of code.

You want a terms query rather than a term query - a term query is only interested in equality, whereas a terms query requires that the field match any of the specified values.
Given that you don't seem to care about the query score (you're sorting by another attribute), you'll get faster queries by using a filtered query and expressing your conditions as filters


ElasticSearch: term vs match query decision

Being new to ElasticSearch, need help in my understanding.
What I read about term vs match query is that term query is used for exact match and match query is used when we are searching for a term and want result based on a relevancy score.
But if we already defined a mapping for a field as a keyword, why anyone has to decide upon between term vs match, wouldn't it be always a term query in case mapping is defined as a keyword?
What are the use cases where someone will make a match query on the keyword mapping field?
The same confusion is vice versa.
A text field will be analyzed (transformed, split) to generate N tokens, and the keyword itself will become a token with no transformations. At the end, you have N tokens referencing a document.
By doing a match query, you will treat your query as a text as well, by analyzing it before performing the matching (transforming it), and the term will not.
You can create a field with a term mapping, but then perform a match query on top of it (for example if you want to be case insensitive), and you can create a text mapping for a n-gram and perform a term query to match exactly what you're asking for.

How to overcome maxClauseCount error when using multi_match query

I have 10+ Indexes on my Elasticsearch server.
Each Index has 1 or more fields with different kind of Analyzers: keyword, standard, ngram and etc...
For Global search I am using multi_match without specifying any explicit fields.
For querying I am using using elasticsearch-dsl library, the code is bellow:
def search_for_index(indice, term, num_of_result=10):
s = Search(index=indice).sort({"_score": "desc"})
s = s[:num_of_result]
s = s.query('multi_match', query=term, operator='and')
response = s.execute()
return response.to_dict()['hits']['hits']
I get very good result, and search is working just fine, but sometimes someone enters a bit longer text, and I am getting maxClauseCount error.
For example, search that raises an error when search term term is equal to:
term=We are working on your request and will keep you posted at the earliest.
Or any other little longer text raises the same error.
Can you help me figure it out maybe some better approach for my Global search so that I can avoid this kind of error?
First of all - this limitation is there for a reason. The more boolean clauses you have - the heavier search would be. Think of it as crossing (AND) or joining (OR) subset of document ids for each of the clause. This is very heavy operation, that is why initially it has a limit of 1024 clauses.
General recommendation would be to try reduce number of fields you're searching. Maybe you have fields which consist no text data or just have some internal ids. You could cross them out during multi_match query by specifying fields section explicitly.
If you're still decided to go with current approach and you're using Elasticsearch 5.5+ and higher you could alter those by adding following line in elasticsearch.yml and restart your instance.
indices.query.bool.max_clause_count: 250000
If you're using pre-5 version of Elasticsearch the setting is called index.query.bool.max_clause_count

elasticsearch: decide which query should run first

We have a simple web page, where the user can provide some input and query the database. We currently use mongodb but want to migrate to elasticsearch, since the queries are faster.
There are some required search fields, like start and end date, and some optional ones, like a search string to match an entry, or a parent search string, to match parent entries. Parent-child relations are just described through fields containing each entry's ancestors ids.
The question is the following: If both search and parent search string are provided, is there a way to know before executing the queries, which query should be executed first, in order to provide results faster and to be more performant?
For example, it could be that a specific parent search results in only 2 docs/parent entries, and then we can fetch all children matching the search string. In that case we should execute firstly the parent query and then the entry query.
One option would be to get the count of both queries and then execute first the one with the smallest count, but isn't this solution worse, since the queries are going to be executed twice? Once for the count and once for the actual query.
Are there any other options to solve this?
PS. We use elasticsearch v1.7
Let's say the user wants to search for all entries matching the following fields.
searchString: type:BLOCK AND name:test
parentSearchString: name:parentTest AND NOT type:BLOCK
This means that we either have to
fetch all entries (parents) matching the parentSearchString and store their ids. Then, we have to fetch all entries that match the searchString and also have to contain any of the parent ids in the ancestors field.
fetch all entries that match the searchString and store all ancestors ids. Then fetch all entries that match the parentSearchString and their id is one of the ancestors ids.
Just to clarify, both parent and children entries have the exact same structure and reside in the same index. We cannot have different indices since the pare-child relation can be 10 times nested, so an entry can be both a parent and a child. An entry looks more or less like:
id: "e32452365321",
name: "name",
type: "type",
ancestors: "id1 id2 id3" // stored in node as an array of ids
First of all, I would advise you, to upgrade your Elasticsearch version, if possible. There happened a lot since 1.7 and to be honest, I can't tell if all of what's written in the following article is valid for such an old version (probably it isn't).
But to your actual question: Hopefully I am understanding you correctly, but you try to estimate how costly a query for Elasticsearch is? Well, you don't have to. If you provide all 'queries' in one nested query, Elasticsearch will do that for you: https://www.elastic.co/blog/elasticsearch-query-execution-order
Regarding speed, there is one other thing I can mention: calculating score does take time. So if sorting is not based on the elasticsearch _score, you want to use boolean filter queries. This would also apply, if you want to sort only by _score of parent matches, then you could put the query for children into a filter.
Thanks to your example, I now see the problem. Self referencial Parent-Child relations are unfortunately not supported by ElasticSearch, so your approach is probably right. You might want to check out the short chapter of the documentation about application-joins.
So yes, in general, you want to send the second query with the least possible amount of ids/terms. While getting counts for both queries is not as bad as you might think, because the results are most likely still cached, does it actually help? Because if you're going from child to parent, you would have to count the ancestors (field values), and not the actual document count.
I would argue, that the most expensive operation is very often fetching result source from disk. So whichever way you go, you probably should only fetch what you need in the first query. So your options are:
Fetch only the id of parent matches, and then use a terms filter on ancestors in the second query.
Or, fetch only the ancestors field of child matches, and use an id filter in your second query.
Unfortunately, I can't help you more than that, since I don't have enough experience in comparing speed of those approaches. My guess would be, that an id filter might be faster in general. But that's just a guess...

Elasticsearch multi term search

I am using Elasticsearch to allow a user to type in a term to search. I have the following property 'name' I'd like to search, for instance:
'name': 'The car is black'
I'd like to have this document returned if the following is used to search black car or car black.
I've tried doing a bool must and doing multiple terms ['black', 'car'] but it seems like it only works if the entire string is a match.
So what I'd really like to do is more of a, does the term contain both words in any order.
Can someone please get me on the right track? I've been banging my head on this one for a while.
If it seems like it only works if the entire string is a match, first make sure that in index mapping your string property name is analysed, i.e. mapping for this property doesn't contain "index": "not_analyzed". If it isn't so, you'll need to reindex your index in order to be able to search for tokens rather than for the whole phrase only.
Once you're sure your strings are analysed you can use:
Terms query with "minimum_should_match" parameter equalling to the number of words entered.
Bool query with must clause containing term queries per each word.
Common terms query which has a nice clean syntax for this purpose (you don't need to break down input string and construct more complex query structure in your app like with previous two) in addition to taking a smarter approach to stopwords analysing.

RethinkDB: custom scoring (like Elasticsearch)

I recently discovered RethinkDB, and find it's query language to be much simpler than Elasticsearch. The only use case I haven't been able to find a solution for is specifying how to score results based on the document's fields, like you can do in Elasticsearch (http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/script-score.html). Is there a way to score the query results in RethinkDB and return only the top-n results?
If you have a query like r.table('comments').filter(r.row('name').eq('tldr')), then you can do something like r.table('comments').filter(r.row('name').eq('tldr')).map({score: CALCULATE_SCORE(r.row), row: r.row}).orderBy('score').limit(n) to return the top n results. Note that his does work proportional to the number of results in the original query. If that's too expensive, you can do something similar with an index by writing r.table('comments').indexCreate('score', CALCULATE_SCORE(r.row)) and then writing r.table('comments').orderBy({index: 'score'}).limit(n).
