How to detect "swipe from edge" on Windows Phone? - windows-phone-7

Here's a question - when using Windows 8 Metro applications we use swipe from edge gestures to show previous apps, charms bar or app bar.
How to detect similar gesture in Windows Phone 7 in case I want to implement similar app bar behavior? Thanks

What we do with SurfCube is we added a transparent Border to the edges of the screens with a width of 5 pixels (could be more though). A MouseButtonDown event on these Borders should do the trick. Make sure that the Border is on top in z-order.
Be careful though: if you want a swipe down gesture, turn off the system tray as that steals the focus and the Border won't receive the event.


How to change the titlebar color of a window in a Qt/Qml application?

I would like to change the colour of the (top) border and the titlebar of the window of my application in Qt 5.5, but can't find any solution. I know I can create a frameless windows (but then resizing doesn't work) and style my own window, I can also change the background colour of the window, but the border colour. I think there is probably since most apps in Windows 10 are able to do this.

How can you scroll in the Assistant Editor horizontally or vertically?

Is there a scrollbar to allow horizontal/vertical scrolling in the Assistant Editor preview in Xcode 6?
I know you can zoom in and zoom out but when zoomed out you can only view no more than one device at a time.
As i know theres no scroll bar
Horizontal srcolling:
but you can try
horizontal scrolling:
(shift + scrollMouseWheel up\downslide)
Vertical scrolling:
(scrollMouseWheel up\downslide)
Set active window on preview. (tested on Xcode 6.3)
Not sure about the scrolling, but if you want to view multiple devices in preview best way is to open preview up in a separate window, works very nicely and beats running on your project on 3 different simulators evertime you make a change....see a great tutorial here

windows 8 gestures on edge of screen

I have a desktop application running on windows 7 and 8. We implemented gestures using WM_GESTURE to support both windows. When running on windows 8 tablet, if user try to swipe, pan etc from of the edge i.e out side the visible screen, gestures do not work. When i logged the event(messages) application receives, it shows no gesture message.
On metro apps you see menu at bottom of screen when you swipe up from outside the screen area. I want similar functionality with my desktop application. Is this possible? Does desktop app has limitation or i am missing something? I searched over but cannot find a clear cut answer positive or negative.
Further info if of any help. It is a MFC application using both VC++ and C#. Minimum supported version of windows is 7.
One more thing. Our application runs in full screen with no task bar etc, like slide show.

Using a viewbox in PanningLayer

I am developing a panorama app for windows phone 7. I have a viewbox, which I want to stretch throughout the PanningLayer of the panorama app. I have removed the PanningTitleLayer. Everything works fine but there is a problem. When I run the app in the emulator, the viewbox is shown partially, you have to swipe it to see the hidden part of the viewbox. When I swipe the viewbox, it slides completely until it is back to the beginning. What I want is that when I swipe the viewbox, it should slide partially and stop, so that a user can see that part of the viewbox which is hidden. How do I do it?

Application Icon transparency issue (Windows Phone 7)

I'm writing a Windows Phone 7 app and have a icon (both tile icon and app icon). The icon has my little logo in the middle surrounded by a transparent background. But when I see the icons on the phone emulator the background is black. It stays black regardless of what theme is chosen (light or dark).
I would expect that the transparent background would've been filled in with the users chosen Accent Color like all the other icons on the phone (ie, settings etc) but this is not the case.
Do I have to do anything special to have a transparent background? Thanks!
My understanding is it was supposed to have been changed to work the way you expect, but for the moment it's only working for 1st party apps. My understanding is this is a bug. A timeframe hasn't been offered for resolution to my knowledge.
