Application Icon transparency issue (Windows Phone 7) - windows-phone-7

I'm writing a Windows Phone 7 app and have a icon (both tile icon and app icon). The icon has my little logo in the middle surrounded by a transparent background. But when I see the icons on the phone emulator the background is black. It stays black regardless of what theme is chosen (light or dark).
I would expect that the transparent background would've been filled in with the users chosen Accent Color like all the other icons on the phone (ie, settings etc) but this is not the case.
Do I have to do anything special to have a transparent background? Thanks!

My understanding is it was supposed to have been changed to work the way you expect, but for the moment it's only working for 1st party apps. My understanding is this is a bug. A timeframe hasn't been offered for resolution to my knowledge.


Can I change the border color in Apps I write in Windows 10?

I have noticed that the border color of desktop applications I create in Windows 10 is an awful White. There is no Red surrounding the X in the close button. However the same application in Visual Studio is the traditional Blue and the Close button is Red. Why does it change in the Run mode? Is there any way to change the color?
Windows 10 is very flat in this issue. I don't know if I understand your question, but this can be helpful.
Maybe put more informations. Thanx!

Icon with no transparent pixels gets funny tint in Mac's Finder

Is there any special requirement for icons used by Mac applications that such icons should have transparent pixels in the top-left corner or some other place?
I'm currently trying to prepare a Mac build of a Unity3D-based game and noticed that if the icon of the game is a full-bleed square with NO transparent pixels, it gets some funny green-red-yellow tint when shown in Finder in small size (when viewed in List, Columns or Cover Flow). The icon is displayed fine on Desktop or if the folder is viewed in "as Icons" mode.
If the icon has a transparent frame, no such problem happens. I don't know anything about Mac development and neither googling or searching here brought up anything helpful, but sorry if this is really a basic question. Is it maybe a bug of Finder on Mac? I have 10.7.5 and Mid-2012 13' MacBook Pro.
The issue happens with this icon:
But doesn't happen with this icon:
Make sure the texture you're using as the icon in Unity is set to "Automatic Truecolor." You could be getting artifacts from whatever texture compression you're using on the texture.

Why is my application's window border grey in Windows 8, rather than being based off the desktop like other windows?

I have a large legacy application which is showing up with a perpetually grey border on every Windows 8 machine we run it on, while the other windows for other apps accurately use a color derived from the desktop background. For the life of me I can't find out why.
I've tried my best google-fu to crawl MSDN for APIs to control this but came up empty. The app looks like all others in Windows XP, Vista, and 7...just Windows 8 is grey in color. We definitely haven't added Win8 specific code to treat this otherwise.
It's just an MFC window on the outside, but inside it embeds a .NET/WPF component and a Direct3D 9-enabled visual area.
My best guess is it could somehow be related to having a Direct3D surface in the window, but I couldn't validate that anywhere.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: The grey matches the effect of not having focus, and we definitely do play games with window that could be it.
The problem was a developer overloaded OnNcActivate() and returned TRUE at the end. They needed to call up to the baseclass's (CWnd) OnNcActivate instead.
This was visible on Windows 7 as well if you looked close enough.
The Desktop in Windows 8 does not use transparency in window borders like Windows 7 and Vista did with the Aero Themes. If you are move the focus to another top window in your app, this could explain why your seeing the grey border. Try changing the colors for windows without the focus to something discernable from grey to verify that is what you are seeing.

Change Application Bar icon color in light theme - Windows Phone 7

I have a favourite icon on the ApplicationBar that I want to change to yellow image when the item is favourited. This works well on Dark Theme but when the user change to White Theme, it becomes black all the time. Actually, the color changes to yellow for around 1 second and then change to black.
I am testing on Windows Phone 7 Emulator, not test with device yet
The best answer I have found for this so far is from the UI Design and Integration Guide for Windows Phone 7 v2.0. It says colored icons cause the Application Bar to display unpredictably.
Extract below:
"Application Bar Icon images should be 48 pixels by 48 pixels and have a white foreground on a transparent background using an alpha channel. The Application Bar will colorize the icon according to the current style settings and colored icons can cause this effect to display unpredictably."

Windows API to make Windows Vista and 7 semi-transparent screenshots

Windows Vista and Windows 7 display semi-transparent forms when Aero is activated. And some screen-taking applications such as WinSnap or Windows Clippings are able to capture those windows as a semi-transparent PNG image. What Windows API are they using to obtain such a beautiful capture ?
There isn't any, to my knowledge. If you look closely, at least WindowClippings takes two separate screenshots. One with white background and one with black background. It then uses those two screenshots to calculate the transparency of the glass pixels.
