How to activate links for Twitter Bootstrap Affix component? - jquery-plugins

I am using the Twitter Bootstrap Affix JS component. My UL list is affixing properly when I scroll the page down. Also - when I click on the individual list items (much like Twitter does on its docs page), it scrolls down to my anchor ID in my document, but the LI element does not receive the Twitter 'active' class. Nor does it get the 'active' class when I scroll my document.
I would expect the appropriate link to be active when I have scrolled to the particular part in the document (much like scroll-spy works), but I can't seem to get this to work.
Is there something special I need to set up so that Bootstrap will add the 'active' class when appropriate?

Yes, you need to also use the ScrollSpy plugin. You can activate it through markup or through JS. Letting #scroll-pane be the element that triggers scroll events and #navbar be the element containing the ul.nav, the following should get it working:
<div id="scroll-pane" data-spy="scroll" data-target="#navbar">
$('#scroll-pane').scrollspy({target: '#navbar'});
Use either the HTML or the JS, but not both.
Additional Info
When the ScrollSpy plugin is passed a target, like scrollspy({target: '#navbar'}), this is used to construct a selector of the form
target + ' .nav li > a'
which, in this example would give
'#navbar .nav li > a'
It is important to understand the stipulations that this selector creates.
The original target must be an element which contains an element with class nav. So .nav should probably never be your target.
The .nav element must contain list items.
Those list items must have a <a> as a direct child.
The <a> elements selected by this are then filtered out by those whose data-target or href begin with a '#'. These href's are in turn used to select the elements contained in the element to which the ScrollSpy plugin is attached. Offsets of those selected are stored, and when a scroll occurs, a comparison of the current scroll offset is made with the stored values, updating the corresponding <a> element with the class active.
Hopefully, this summary can aid in better understanding what one might be tripping over when attempting to implement the plugin, without having to dig into the code in further detail.


Xpath syntax to grab listed elements based on ID above containing word

I want to grab li element text and links from a list. The challenge is, the span sometimes has different class names BUT always has the word 'notable' featured in them, example:
<span class="mw-headline" id="Notable_alumni">Notable alumni</span>
<span class="mw-headline" id="Notable_former_pupils">Notable former pupils</span>
So I need to use "contains" somehow, so I am along these lines:
But can't get this right.
Another issue is these blocks of text and headers are not in the same containing div either. Added an image to simplify and you can see the code.
Assuming that the span with the #id is always under the h2 (you could make more generic by using * instead of h2 if that doesn't hold true). If you anchor to that containing element, then look for the first ul that is a following-sibling, you can select the text() from all of it's li elements:
//h2[span[contains(#id,'Movie Title')]]/following-sibling::ul[1]/li//text()

WebDriver select element that has ::before

I have 2 elements that have the same attributes but shown one at a time on the page (When one is shown, the other disappears).The only difference between the two is that the element which is displayed will have the '::before' selector. Is it possible to use an xpath or css selector to retrieve the element based on its id and whether or not it has ::before
I bet also to try with the javascript solution above.
Since ::after & ::before are a pseudo element which allows you to insert content onto a page from CSS (without it needing to be in the HTML). While the end result is not actually in the DOM, it appears on the page as if it is - you see it but can't really locate it with xpath for example (
I can also suggest if possible to have different IDs or if they in different place in the DOM make more complex xpath using above/below elements and see if it is displayed.
String script = "return window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.analyzer_search_inner.tooltipstered'),':after').getPropertyValue('content')";
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
String content = (String) js.executeScript(script);

Behat/Mink - trouble finding buttons

My application under test has been developed by external suppliers so I have no control over the HTML structure. The application is extremely Javascript and Ajax heavy, with numerous dynamically generated buttons and auto-complete lists.
In other words, the characteristics of the pages are that they are filled with:
Elements with no fixed IDs (IDs are generated on the fly and have
numbers or other text dynamically added to them)
The same happens with some classes
Most of the times the buttons have no text associated with them since they are either custom coded 'down' arrows for lookup lists
(which aren't lookup lists but hidden divs) or '+' and '-' icons to
maximise or minimise portions of the content. -
It is therefore very difficult to identify these elements, especially the buttons.
I am trying to write a generic 'I click on the button near y' type of step so that it is not necessary to hardcode each and every button (assuming I can even get something to identify them with) into each and every test.
The thinking behind this is that normally there is a label of some sort close to the button at least.
What I want to to is to find the text label, then see if there is a button inside the same scope, and if there is not, move 'back' through the parent elements, and check if there is a button inside the scope of each parent level, up to 5 parents.
There might be all sorts of problems with this approach but I am just curious to see if this will work in general. I have run into some problems.
First I tried to use Xpaths, so I got the Xpath of the parent through :
$parentelement = $element->getParent();
This would give me an Xpath of : (//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1] and moving up through the parent elements all the time, they would become successively:
(//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1]
(//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1]/..[1]
and so forth.
The actual button is located in: (//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1]/..[1]//button but it has to go through all the parent elements in order to get there, so it will start with (//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]//button and should end with (//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1]/..[1]//button where it should find the button.
Trying to use Xpath I used:
$button_element = $session->getPage()->find('xpath',$parentXpath."//button")
I soon saw that the 'find' command appends an //html to the front of your xpath string so the Xpath that it tried to use ended up being (for each parent Xpath, but using this one as an example):
(//html(//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1])
I then stripped out the brackets as well as the //html, leaving me with:
//span[text()='Cost center'][1]/..[1]
but when I tried:
$button_element = $session->getPage()->find('xpath',$strippedParentXpath."//button")
I got the following error:
SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'evaluate' on 'Document': The string '(//html//span[text()='Cost center'][1]/..[1]//button)[1]' is not a valid XPath expression
However, Firepath can execute this expression and does not show a syntax error for it, although it does not find the actual button (since the button is actually located one level up, where Firepath DOES find it).
So my question 1 is: What is wrong with my Xpath that I can't use it in the find? It actually looks as if //span[text()='Cost center'][1]//button does not throw the same exception, since as I said, I am looping through the parent Xpaths, and it starts with //span[text()='Cost center'][1]//button. It crashes on //span[text()='Cost center'][1]/..[1]//button.
My second option was to get the parent element each time, starting with finding the text on the page, but then to search for a button inside the scope of the parent element using the findbutton functionality.
Looping through the parent elements (up to a maximum of 5):
$parentelement = $parentelement->getParent();
$butonelement = $parentelement->findbutton('xxx');
In other words, find ANY button in the scope of the parent element. The problem I have is how to specify a generic 'button'.
One has to associate SOME text with the button (depicted by the 'xxx' above).
But this is a typical example of buttons in the application:
<button class="autocomplete_button" type="button" id="button_OM_1"> </button>
Where the class is used more than once, and the ID is auto-generated and not the same number all the time. There is no text associated with the button since the class specifies an image.
Question 2: So how can I use 'findbutton' to generically find a 'button' no specific distinguishing characteristics? Please note that I actually did try findbutton("button"), taking the chance that there might be a 'button' somewhere in a button, but this did not work either. At least, it doesn't work consistently and by that I mean that the same test randomly seems to either find or not find the same button when I run the test a couple of times.
After doing some more investigation on this issue I have found the following:
My method of trying to find the closest button to a piece of text via traversing 'up' through the scope of the divs and spans around the text (using xpath) is actually working.
What is NOT working is SAHI, which I am using as the web driver. In other words, it is not a Behat/Mink problem, it is SAHI specific issue.
I tried the same code using Selenium2 and it executes perfectly.
I still require an answer to question 2 - how can I use findbutton() without a specific parameter such as the ID, name or value but I will see if I can find an answer to that question separately and on the Behat user group since I do think that is a Behat/Mink specific issue.
I normaly use css selector and with that, I use to navigate to the class and ID's that the button is inside. it is easier than xpath I think, like you can use
$this->getSession ()->getPage ()->find ( 'css', '.parrent1 .parrent2 .autocomplete_button ' );
I think this will help you as you know which button your gonna use in each scenario

How to select all links on a page using XPath

I want to write a function that identifies all the links on a particular HTML page. My idea was to use XPath, by using a path such as //body//a[x] and incrementing x to go through the first, second, third link on the page.
Whilst trying this out in Chrome, I load up the page and in the Chrome Developer Tools JS console, I call $x("//body//a[1]"). I expect the very first link on the page, but this returns a list of multiple anchor elements. Calling $x("//body//a[2]") returns two anchor elements. Calling $x("//body//a[3]") returns nothing.
I was hoping that incrementing the [x] each time would give me each unique link one by one on the page, but they seem to be grouped. How can I rewrite this path so that I picks each anchor tag, one by one?
Your //body//a[1] should be (//body//a)[1] if you want to select the first link on the page. The former expression selects any element that is the first child of its parent element.
But it seems a very odd thing to do anyway. Why do you need the links one by one? Just select all of them, as a node-list or node-set, using //body//a, and then iterate over the set.
If you use the path //body/descendant::a[1], //body/descendant::a[2] and so on you can select all descendant a elements of the body element. Or with your attempt you need braces e.g. (//body//a)[1], (//body//a)[2] and so on.
Note however that inside the browser with Javascript there is a document.links collection in the object model so no XPath needed to access the links.

CKEditor : How to prevent bookmarks to be wrapped in paragraphs?

I'm trying to use CKEditor for a project and I found the need for bookmarks. The documentation says that the intrusive way to create bookmarks add span elements in the source. This is just fine with me and that is exactly what I would want it to do.
However, I can see in the source that the span elements are wrapped in p elements.
<p><span id="cke_bm_147S" style="display: none;"> </span> </p>
This creates problems for me with the way the text is displayed and mainly when trying to navigate the document.
I didn't find anything that even mentions the creation of these p elements. Could I have set something wrong? Is there a way to prevent these to be created?
Thank you
The span bookmark is an inline element so it cannot be the root element of the content. It is wrapped in a block element (which is by default a paragraph).
This behaviour depends on editor enterMode. If it is a default one - ENTER_P - you will have a p element as a wrapper. For ENTER_DIV you will have a div element. And for ENTER_BR there will be no wrapper which means it is the effect you would like to achieve.
Check this codepen for demo.
Please keep in mind that enterMode other that ENTER_P is not recommended due to some caveats. So maybe in your case it will be better to reconsider some different solutions instead of changing enterMode.
