WebDriver select element that has ::before - xpath

I have 2 elements that have the same attributes but shown one at a time on the page (When one is shown, the other disappears).The only difference between the two is that the element which is displayed will have the '::before' selector. Is it possible to use an xpath or css selector to retrieve the element based on its id and whether or not it has ::before

I bet also to try with the javascript solution above.
Since ::after & ::before are a pseudo element which allows you to insert content onto a page from CSS (without it needing to be in the HTML). While the end result is not actually in the DOM, it appears on the page as if it is - you see it but can't really locate it with xpath for example (https://css-tricks.com/almanac/selectors/a/after-and-before/).
I can also suggest if possible to have different IDs or if they in different place in the DOM make more complex xpath using above/below elements and see if it is displayed.

String script = "return window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.analyzer_search_inner.tooltipstered'),':after').getPropertyValue('content')";
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
String content = (String) js.executeScript(script);


how to select the second <p> element using Xpath

I am trying to scrape full reviews from this webpage. (Full reviews - after clicking the 'Read More' button). This I am doing using RSelenium. I am able to select and extract text from the first <p> element, using the code
reviewNodes <- mybrowser$findElements(using = 'xpath', "//p[#id][1]")
which is for less text review.
But not able to extract full text reviews using the code
reviewNodes <- mybrowser$findElements(using = 'xpath', "//p[#id][2]")
reviewNodes <- mybrowser$findElements(using = 'xpath', "//p[#itemprop = 'reviewBody']")
It shows blank list elements. I don't know what is wrong. Please help me..
Drop the double slash and try to use the explicit descendant axis:
(see the note from W3C document on XPath I mentioned in this answer)
As you're dealing with a list, you should first find the list items, e.g. using CSS selector
Based on these elements, you can then search on inside the list items, e.g. using CSS selector
Of course you can also do it in 1 single expression, but that is not quite as neat imho:
div.srm p[itemprop='reviewBody']
Or in XPath (which I wouldn't recommend):
If neither of these work for you, then the problem must be somewhere else.

Get any element

I am using DHTMLX, and I have output that goes to a div. The text gets into the div using "attachHTMLString", but after it's in that div, I don't know how to access it.
I'm used to using jQuery where you can assign an ID or class and traverse the DOM and get it. With DHTMLX, it's like jQuery's powers are useless. I just cannot get the data that is right in front of me.
I'm looking for something like:
var divText = dhtmlxElement.getText();
What's the secret to traversing the DHTMLX elements?
I just figured out, the way to do it is to give the element an ID when it's created. Later, you can just call it out by ID.
What apparently does NOT work is to refer to the element on the page by its DHTMLX name and try to "get" it, or capture its text.
But what component are you asking about?
I.e. you can really get the text of tree node by ID...
var text = tree.getItemText("itemId");
And many other components provide this feature

get current element using Simple HTML DOM

I'm trying to use Simple HTML DOM to find objects via XPath.
It's working pretty well but I can't seem to get the current element:
all return an empty array
returns a normal table with HTML, so the object IS valid.
Simple HTML DOM doesn't recognize '.' for getting the current element,
in fact, it uses Regex to find elements using XPath.
In order to solve this problem I used DOMXPath instead of Simple HTML DOM,
which has a lot more options and functionality.

How to select all links on a page using XPath

I want to write a function that identifies all the links on a particular HTML page. My idea was to use XPath, by using a path such as //body//a[x] and incrementing x to go through the first, second, third link on the page.
Whilst trying this out in Chrome, I load up the page http://exoplanet.eu/ and in the Chrome Developer Tools JS console, I call $x("//body//a[1]"). I expect the very first link on the page, but this returns a list of multiple anchor elements. Calling $x("//body//a[2]") returns two anchor elements. Calling $x("//body//a[3]") returns nothing.
I was hoping that incrementing the [x] each time would give me each unique link one by one on the page, but they seem to be grouped. How can I rewrite this path so that I picks each anchor tag, one by one?
Your //body//a[1] should be (//body//a)[1] if you want to select the first link on the page. The former expression selects any element that is the first child of its parent element.
But it seems a very odd thing to do anyway. Why do you need the links one by one? Just select all of them, as a node-list or node-set, using //body//a, and then iterate over the set.
If you use the path //body/descendant::a[1], //body/descendant::a[2] and so on you can select all descendant a elements of the body element. Or with your attempt you need braces e.g. (//body//a)[1], (//body//a)[2] and so on.
Note however that inside the browser with Javascript there is a document.links collection in the object model so no XPath needed to access the links.

how to use Xpath with LibXml 2

in this address i am trying to scrape a tage (that is Larg price which is bold red one)
i use LIBXML 2.2
when i try to extract the tag through this XPATH
it works!
but to make queries easier i would like to use FireBug on Firefox.
Using FireBug it gives me this XPath
using this Xpath it does not work, seems this one does not give a complete query. how can i modify this XPath to scrape the item ?
Firefox and other browsers generate tbody tags in HTML.
In fact, the tbody is probably not there, so you can remove it in your XPath. (/html/body/div[2]/form/table[3]/tr/td/div/table/tr[2]/td[2]/span/b) You can test this by just saving the HTML from your application and viewing it in a text editor.
Since it seems the intent is to pull information from a web page however, your application will probably be more resistant to changes in the web page if you use XPath less dependent on the tree structure (i.e. //b[#class='priceLarge']).
EDIT: It seems that in addition to the tbody problem, Firefox is rendering the div (ID: divsinglecolumnminwidth) element as containing the form element (ID: handleBuy).
Looking at the html with an XML editor shows that the form element is a sibling of that div element, so the expression should start with /html/body/form/table[3].
One tool, among many others, to test your XPath expressions is HAP Testbed.
