Xcode 4.4 - no remotes found - xcode

Post-installation of 10.8 and Xcode 4.4 when I try to push to a remote using the Xcode integration Xcode is telling me 'no remotes found'. I am still able to push successfully via command line so my actual repositories are fine. I've installed the command line tools and have tried restarting Xcode several times. Additionally, if I go to Organizer and try to select the repository all I get is a spinning activity indicator. If I select 'remotes' for a given repository it's blank. Note that Xcode does recognize git is available though as it does show which files are modified and allows commits. Reported system git version in /usr/bin/ is:
git version (Apple Git-31.1)
Is anyone else experiencing this, or do you have any suggestions for a remedy (or at least a place to look at a log to see what is going wrong)?
UPDATE 10/18/13
This issue has been resolved in Xcode 5.

When you add the remote repository in Xcode or in command line (doesn't matter from where you add it) make sure that you use the full path for your repository.
From commandline it's enough to specify
git remote add <name> gituser#gitserver:example.git
when your example.git is located in gituser's home directory. However Xcode can't deal with this annotation and says "No remotes found" when you try pushing your commits to this remote repository.
In order to satisfy Xcode you should type the whole path like:
git remote add <name> gituser#gitserver:/home/gituser/example.git

I have found this solution for Xcode with Git:
Organizer > remotes > origin
1) remove old remote
2) add new remote:
remote name: origin
location: same as before, but replace all ":/" or "//" by "/" only

I had the same problem with Xcode 4.6.3.
Here are the steps I performed to resolve the problem:
1. In Xcode I went to File -> Source Control -> Repositories (which opens the Organizer)
2. I then selected the Remotes object from the tree for the Repository I was having the problem with.
3. My remote was named origin, however when expanding it, I noticed it did not have a Branch associated with it.
4. I then selected the remote origin and pressed the Remove Remote option, which removed the remote origin from the view.
5. I then went to a terminal and re-added the remote with:-
`git remote add origin http://username#localhost:7990/scm/iac/main-repository.git`
6. I then needed to add the branch(es) to this remote, which did not worked correctly initially, so I then forced it using the -f command. The command I used was:-
`git push origin master -f`
Note: It may have been possible to skip steps 4 and 5 and just go straight to step 6. I had removed the remote, so did not have the chance to test this.
Note 2: You will need to restart Xcode (or possibly just the Organizer) to see that the remote and branch are now available.

you need first add a remote repository: git remote add yourname https://github.com/user/repo.git
and than push... and xcode find the remote repo and can push too.

I've had the same issue with SSH defined hosts.
My ~/.ssh/config looks like this:
Host myGitServer
HostName {real address goes here}
{Some more config for the host here}
My repository remote URL was in the form of ssh://myGitServer/git/project.git
The problem was that XCode did not read the SSH config to resolve "myGitServer" so the repository was always "offline" for it.
I ended up adding "myGitServer" to /etc/hosts.
I guess that among other things, the "no remotes found" issue is caused when XCode can't directly resolve the name of the GIT remote server.

I had a similar problem where remotes were failing to load, specifically for kiln as the remote host. Looking in the git config for the repository info, the URL had been changed to prepend my email address to it.
So I simply exited Xcode, and then from the command line did:
git remote set-url kiln https://...kiln repo name.git
And that seemed to fix it when I restarted Xcode - both pull & push worked again.
I have no idea why Xcode corrupted the URL. This was with Xcode 4.6.3

1- search and apply the guideline. which is mentioned about "show all hidden files in mac finder". and delete .git directory (this folder wont appear without solving article-1)
2-XCode>Prefences>Accounts>Delete github account and close xcode. than open and reconfigure same github account by adding all over.
3-click the section small icon namely "source control navigation" (which is near the project navigator). as you right click a popup will appear. and choose create blabla on github". actually this steps solved same issue.

Xcode 10.2.1
Double Check:
1) Git Acc under preferences.
2) cmd + 2, right click under remote to create a remote.


WHat does Cross sign indicates on a file in Git for windows

I am using Git client for windows.
I recently pulled a repository and did some modifications and deleted some files (Not shift delete).
When I undo-ed the delete I see the attached cross mark on the file/What does that mean?
If something is wrong , how can I revert back to the original situtaion.
Looks like you have deleted the file.
In order to revert (since i don't know which client you are using)
it open the git bash and follow this steps:
I assume you are using tortoise git:
# Open git bash in the desired folder
git status
# now you should see your desired file in the list marked as deleted
git checkout <file name>
Here is a screenshot for you

Git Push is working via Terminal but not via Xcode

I've created a remote git repository on my local computer inside Google Drive folder
git init --bare project.git
and added the remote path as follows
git remote add origin '~/Google Drive/git/project.git'
When I commit via Xcode, it rightly shows the push option check box with correct branch (master in this case). I marked it checked and then press 'Commit and Push' and apparently it does so but actually not pushing to remote repository. When I push from 'Source Control -> Push', it shows successful message but my remote repository doesn't get updated.
When I run the push command from terminal then it does update the remote repository successfully.
git push origin master
How to fix so that Xcode (7.1.1) can push successfully?
Edited: A side note, this has troubled me a lot by the time I realized this. As initially, I think it was working via Xcode (maybe some prior version to 7) as well.
Edited: #VonC here is how I know how git push is working. The modified date gets changed for some objects in finder.
Edited: As per instruction by #VonC, now the push is working from Xcode when project.git is moved at different location out of 'Google Drive' folder. But, I want it to work with 'Google Drive' folder.
Edited: I further moved the project.git to a folder with name including space and again xcode is not pushing but terminal is still pushing.
Xcode 7.1 doesn't push to remote repo path with a space but Terminal does provided that the path is enclosed in quotes. Hope Apple would fix it for new releases.
I've got my issue fixed by renaming the 'Goolge Drive' to 'GoogleDrive' and adjusted the remote path accordingly. Google Drive App prompted for missing folder and I pointed it to the renamed one.
my remote repository doesn't get updated.
Try simply to clone that repo repo elsewhere to see if you get back the content you just pushed:
git clone ~/Google Drive/git/project.git /somewhere/else
Don't forget that a bare repo has no working tree, so after a push, you don't see any new file.
Note: if a remote repo path with a space is problematic to XCode, a possible workaround would be to push to a path without path:
either one which is a symlink to Google Drive
or a path which is rsync'ed after to Google Drive

The working copy '<Project Name>' failed to commit files - Couldnt communicate with helper application

I've just updated to Xcode 7 general release and ive tried committing files. Its failing however, and im getting the following message;
Ive seen this question but the secondary response is different in the OP question: Xcode and Git Source Control : “The working copy XXXXX failed to commit files”
Whats the 'helper application' that it is looking for and whats the solution? Migrating to Xcode 7 and iOS9 is becoming a headache :(
I commit my files by going to 'Source Control' -> 'Commit'
Turns out the “helper application” is in fact Git. For some reason Xcode 7 is eager to associate you (the committer) with a name and an email address.
To fix it, on the command line, type the following:
xcrun git config --global user.email you#yourdomain.com
xcrun git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
If the above mentioned solutions don't work, try this one:
Add changes once with a git command. Use terminal and change to your working directory (that contains a /.git folder) and execute:
git commit -a -m "Commit title here"
After that commit via Xcode should work again.
I had the same problem.
This fixed my problem: Quit Xcode(using CMD+Q) & run it again.
The above solution did not work for me. I am running on Xcode 8 (8C1002) and I have close to 4500 files to commit at once (adding the sources of a library to my project).
The only way I can make it working (without the error message) is by committing smaller number of files multiple times instead of all at once.
This happens to me when I add new image assets.
The "fix" is to go to File > Save BEFORE you do a Git Commit.
Then the Commit works Fine.
first you check in command line follow this picture .If git is clean (add . + commit done)
also have problem same you ForceQuit Xcode and open again

Github Mac Permission Issue

I'm using the latest Github for Mac as a new Git user. When I try to sync a repo (that I first cloned, then created a new branch, commited changes, and then merged with master), I got the error:
Authentication Failed.
You may not have permission to access repo111. Check Preferences to make sure you’re still logged in.
I searched for similar questions, but the answer seemed to be add SSH keys to github, so I followed: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys.
When I do ssh -T git#github.com, I get:
Hi User111! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
I'm logged in as the correct user, and have rights to the repo, so I'm not sure why I'm not authenticated?
It could be that you entered a password incorrectly and it's stored in your keychain.
For my situation, I was using GitHub for Mac to work with a BitBucket repository. Long story short, I mistyped my BitBucket password and GitHub for Mac could not authenticate (because the password stored in my keychain was wrong).
Thanks to the helpful folks at GitHub, they quickly responded when I asked for help:
Open Keychain Access.app (in /Applications/Utilities) and search for "GitHub for Mac." There should be an entry like "GitHub for Mac — bitbucket.com". Delete that entry
Steps to fix if using GitHub for Mac to manage a BitBucket repo
If you see this:
… then you might have a BitBucket keychain/password problem.
Open Keychain Access.app (in /Applications/Utilities) and search for bitbucket:
Right-click on the entry and get info:
Click on "Access Control" to confirm that it's truly the GitHub for Mac BitBucket password/login keychain item:
Rather than deleting the keychain entry/item, I just edited my password:
You should now be able to use GitHub for Mac without authentication failures. :)
Had the same problem, but it was not a password problem, since other repositories worked just fine.
Finally compared .git/config with a working repository and found this:
This failed:
[remote "origin"]
url = github#github.com/path/to/repository
This worked:
[remote "origin"]
url = https://github.com/path/to/repository
Still have no idea how or why this changed.
I had to try some other stuff after the solutions above didn't work out for me.
Dont know why I got this issue, or why was fixed after:
deleting the existing keys:
restarting GitHub Desktop, which automatically regens the keys
add new keys to repo host (bitbucket etc)
I had the same problem, then I followed this steps:
Login to BitBucket and go to the repository you want to use
Click the “Clone” button, and change the drop down option to HTTPS.
Copy the command that appears (something like: git clone https://username#bitbucket.org/team-name/repository-name.git)
Open terminal in your mac and navigate to wherever you want the theme files to be stored.
Paste the clone command in the terminal, press enter and then enter your password when requested.
In Github for Mac go to the repositories screen and click the + sign in the status bar.
Select Add Local Repository – and then select the repository of the folder you want to add.
If you have created remote repository on GitHub and merged with local repository or project .
you can add that local repository to GitHub desktop app
than go to Repository > repository settings > Remote >
under remote You'll find primary remote repository (origin)
there's a ssh remote url delete that And
Go to your GitHub account.
Open Your Remote repository
click on Clone or Download
Copy the https URL
paste that in the GitHub desktop app
click on fetch in the Desktop GitHub App
It'll work Great :)
If your password is correct and you still see have this problem, chances are your .git/config file has some miss configuration.
In my case, it had a pushurl value under [remote "origin"] which was not needed (I was working on a cloned project).
Comment that line by adding a # before it and you are good to go :)
Also, if you get an error saying:
This repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting .git/hooks/pre-push
just delete that by doing
rm .git/hooks/pre-push
now you are all set. This happened to me also using github desktop app for mac, with a remote bitbucket repo.
hint: if you commit changes and refresh bitbucket to see the changes, those might not show, but navigate to the root of the project and then back to the file and you'll see the changes. Probably some cache issue but it can drive you mad if you don't know this hint.

Cannot clone GIT repository on network drive

Using Windows 7, we have a bare GIT repository set up on a network drive so that multiple users can pull/push from it. I am able to create a new working repo on my local and multiple other networked drives. However, when I try to clone a new working repository on the same network drive (different folder) , it fails.
Using TortoiseGIT, after I right-click and choose "GIT Clone", put in all of the necessary paths to my bare repo (the new working repo is already filled in) and hit ok, I get the following error:
Cloning into 'R:\path\to\new\repo'... done.
error: refs/remotes/origin/master does not point to a valid object!
error: Trying to write ref refs/heads/master with nonexistent object 5d2164db2c61efc7a5598f6ff75ed3fbbb12456e
fatal: Cannot update the ref 'HEAD'.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)
and it fails to create the repo. It does however build the new folder & ".git" subfolder structure.
It's not a r/w permissions issue because I can r/w any other files, but just cannot seem to create this newly cloned repo. My co-worker cannot either. Even if I got to another folder on the network drive, I still cannot clone the repo successfully. Surprisingly, if I just copy/paste a repo I created in another location, then manually do a "pull", it works and updates successfully.
Any ideas on what to try next? Obviously I've Googled "exit code 128" and "cannot update the ref 'HEAD'" but cannot find a solution to my issue. It's probably something really simple that we are overlooking, but we're just getting started with GIT and this is really causing us headaches...
UPDATE: I just noticed that when I do a manual pull from GIT to my "copy", it is doing a Fast-Forward. Maybe this provides some additional clues?
From R:/path/to/repo
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating 5d2164d..d75bdb7
Files.py | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
Git might be trying to do some smart stuff with hardlinks that fails on the network drive. Try using git clone --no-hardlinks /r/path/to/my/repo or git clone file:///r/path/to/my/repo
Please do this via command line in msysgit
git clone /r/path/to/my/repo /r/some/other/path
Further, I would recommend using git from the command line as it is a tool that was designed to be used from the command line. You will be able to find more help, faster, with any issues that come up for you.
