Cannot clone GIT repository on network drive - windows

Using Windows 7, we have a bare GIT repository set up on a network drive so that multiple users can pull/push from it. I am able to create a new working repo on my local and multiple other networked drives. However, when I try to clone a new working repository on the same network drive (different folder) , it fails.
Using TortoiseGIT, after I right-click and choose "GIT Clone", put in all of the necessary paths to my bare repo (the new working repo is already filled in) and hit ok, I get the following error:
Cloning into 'R:\path\to\new\repo'... done.
error: refs/remotes/origin/master does not point to a valid object!
error: Trying to write ref refs/heads/master with nonexistent object 5d2164db2c61efc7a5598f6ff75ed3fbbb12456e
fatal: Cannot update the ref 'HEAD'.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)
and it fails to create the repo. It does however build the new folder & ".git" subfolder structure.
It's not a r/w permissions issue because I can r/w any other files, but just cannot seem to create this newly cloned repo. My co-worker cannot either. Even if I got to another folder on the network drive, I still cannot clone the repo successfully. Surprisingly, if I just copy/paste a repo I created in another location, then manually do a "pull", it works and updates successfully.
Any ideas on what to try next? Obviously I've Googled "exit code 128" and "cannot update the ref 'HEAD'" but cannot find a solution to my issue. It's probably something really simple that we are overlooking, but we're just getting started with GIT and this is really causing us headaches...
UPDATE: I just noticed that when I do a manual pull from GIT to my "copy", it is doing a Fast-Forward. Maybe this provides some additional clues?
From R:/path/to/repo
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating 5d2164d..d75bdb7
Fast-forward | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

Git might be trying to do some smart stuff with hardlinks that fails on the network drive. Try using git clone --no-hardlinks /r/path/to/my/repo or git clone file:///r/path/to/my/repo

Please do this via command line in msysgit
git clone /r/path/to/my/repo /r/some/other/path
Further, I would recommend using git from the command line as it is a tool that was designed to be used from the command line. You will be able to find more help, faster, with any issues that come up for you.


Git Push is working via Terminal but not via Xcode

I've created a remote git repository on my local computer inside Google Drive folder
git init --bare project.git
and added the remote path as follows
git remote add origin '~/Google Drive/git/project.git'
When I commit via Xcode, it rightly shows the push option check box with correct branch (master in this case). I marked it checked and then press 'Commit and Push' and apparently it does so but actually not pushing to remote repository. When I push from 'Source Control -> Push', it shows successful message but my remote repository doesn't get updated.
When I run the push command from terminal then it does update the remote repository successfully.
git push origin master
How to fix so that Xcode (7.1.1) can push successfully?
Edited: A side note, this has troubled me a lot by the time I realized this. As initially, I think it was working via Xcode (maybe some prior version to 7) as well.
Edited: #VonC here is how I know how git push is working. The modified date gets changed for some objects in finder.
Edited: As per instruction by #VonC, now the push is working from Xcode when project.git is moved at different location out of 'Google Drive' folder. But, I want it to work with 'Google Drive' folder.
Edited: I further moved the project.git to a folder with name including space and again xcode is not pushing but terminal is still pushing.
Xcode 7.1 doesn't push to remote repo path with a space but Terminal does provided that the path is enclosed in quotes. Hope Apple would fix it for new releases.
I've got my issue fixed by renaming the 'Goolge Drive' to 'GoogleDrive' and adjusted the remote path accordingly. Google Drive App prompted for missing folder and I pointed it to the renamed one.
my remote repository doesn't get updated.
Try simply to clone that repo repo elsewhere to see if you get back the content you just pushed:
git clone ~/Google Drive/git/project.git /somewhere/else
Don't forget that a bare repo has no working tree, so after a push, you don't see any new file.
Note: if a remote repo path with a space is problematic to XCode, a possible workaround would be to push to a path without path:
either one which is a symlink to Google Drive
or a path which is rsync'ed after to Google Drive


Recently I started getting this error everytime I commit to my local Xcode git.
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /Volumes/xxx)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
I have partitioned my HDD into 2 drives and my source code is on one of them. All my source is local and I'm just using the built in Git with Xcode. Any clues why I get this error?
Check this. You must be missing git init. This is the first command to start with. This command creates an empty Git repository - basically a .git directory

Setting up a Git repository on MacOS X with network drive

The given:
A mac with my work folder set up as Git repository.
A network drive (Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Home, if that helps).
The task:
Set up the specific folder on my network drive as a place where a backup of my repository can be stored.
What I tried:
Setting up the location through Volumes path as a Remote (via Add Remote in Git GUI) - returned with:
fatal: GIT_WORK_TREE (or --work-tree=<directory>) is not allowed without specifying GIT_DIR (or --git-dir=<directory>
Then, I tried
git --git-dir=Volumes/xxxxxxx/GoFlex_Home/Personal/xxxxxxxx
in the terminal, and though it did not turn up with an error, it does not appear to be of result, as another try to add remote ended with the same error as above.
After that, I started to have doubts if specifying the path to network drive through Volumes and/or trying to add it as remote are the right things to do to solve the task. Maybe there are other ways to accomplish the goal that I am not yet aware of?
I assume you get these errors because nothing exist yet in the network share. A remote must point to an existing repository, so you first have to clone it: in the original repo do:
git clone --bare . /Volumes/xxxxxxx/GoFlex_Home/Personal/xxxxxxxx
This will copy your repository data to the network folder.
Then you can add it as a remote:
git remote add --mirror=push backup /Volumes/xxxxxxx/GoFlex_Home/Personal/xxxxxxxx
You will be able to synchronize both with:
git push backup

Git post-update hook cannot pull

I am currently setting up a git schema as described here.
The server in question is running Windows Server 2008 R2, using copSSH and msysGit.
The jist of it is a pair of git repos: one bare repo that is pushed to and then another non-bare repo that contains a live application.
The repo that is pushed to contains a post-update hook that looks as follows:
echo "**** Pushing data to Live Server."
cd /cygdrive/c/Repositories/Live || exit
unset GIT_DIR
git pull hub master
exec git-update-server-info
Of note: Live is the non-bare repo which is, as the name implies, live. Live.git is the bare repo which contains the above hook and is pushed to. I was unable to cd to the repo without /cygdrive/, which was uncovered by echoing $pwd in a diagnostic push.
Pull is successfully called in the Live repo, the problem comes in locating the Live.git repo in that update. I get "odd ball" errors that read like:
remote: Pushing data to Live Server.ommand not foundnd not foundle or directory
remote: : not foundpdate-server-infoand not foundand not founddommand not found
hub is defined as a remote repository via the local git shell as both /c/Repositories/Live.git and /cygdrive/c/Repositories/Live.git.
I've replaced "hub" with direct folder paths, even trying things like "../Live.git"
Everything I have tried has ended in a git update failure. All of the attempted paths for Live.git in the update command were attempted via a git bash with the working directory set to the Live repo and worked.
Thank you for any leads or help!
An update:
My schema requires that I pull from the hub repository, it would take an unnecessary amount of room to explain why, but such is the case.
I have done more testing and found more out about my issue:
When I push via SSH to my repository, the prime hub is successfully mounted and the pull command is executed. When said pull command tries to resolve the hub repository it fails (as I detailed above), but it turns out with a series of ls commands in the hook that no folders can be seen. I even ran an ls on /cygdrive/c/ and can only see a folder called usr. I have ensured that the copSSH user has full administrative privileges on the entire file system (only for testing and debugging purposes).
I do not know why my paths have to use the /cygdrive/ path, I do not have cygwin installed besides the cygwin packaged in copSSH. Is this indicative of a problem in my configuration? or is this normal for copSSH + msysGit setups? How is it possible that I can mount the prime repository from the hook, even if ls will not list the repositories folder?
You shouldn't need /cygdrive in paths with msysgit, unless you also have cygwin installed (in which case the combination of msysgit mingw and cygwin might be the source of your problem)
You shouldn't try to run git pull from a repo hook. While some people will say that it works fine, it does not and the behavior can be unpredictable due to various factors.
Instead you should use a method such as this one.
That method uses a post-receive hook in a bare repo that calls git checkout to update a directory.

How to pull and check-out remote Git repository

OK, total noob question, for msysgit on Windows 7, but I have a remote repository (on unfuddle), create on one PC, and now I want to pull it down to another PC. I tried 'Fetch' using Git Gui, but the folder still only has a .git subfolder. It took a while pulling it down, so I assume there is something in the repo, but how do I check it out to a working copy. Nothing I have tried seems to work.
It's not directly in his answer, but VonC below pointed me to the unfuddle help documentation for Git, which is as terse as the Git man-pages are dense. The follwing single command got me the working copy and local repository I needed:
$ git clone
Following the Git documentation on Unfuddle, did you declare your unfunddle repo as a remote?
$ cd /path/to/repository
$ git remote add unfuddle
Try also gitk --all: if the fetch has succeded, you should the remote tracking branches (like unfuddle/master). You can then merge it to your master branch in order to finally see files in your (still empty) working tree.
You could also have done a git pull to combine the two steps together (fetch+merge). See this blog post for illustration.
Actually, the OP ProfK reports a cloning issue:
I did already have the unfuddle remote added
git clone
is more suited to get a local repo with the right remote already added to it.
