How to decrease number of map sweeps in a job (without changing data chunk size)? - hadoop

The gist of my problem does one decrease the number of map sweeps a job may need ? The number of map tasks for a job is data_size/HDFS_BLOCK_SIZE. The number of sweeps it may take to complete this is dependent on how many map slots we have. Assuming I am running nothing else and just one job, I find that the per node CPU utilization is low (implying I could actually run more map jobs per node). I played with parameter (for example, each of my node has 32 processors and I set it to as high as 30) - but I could never increase the number of map slots and the overall CPU utilization is 60% or so. Are there any other parameters to play with? The data size I have is large enough (32GB, 8 node cluster each with 32 cpus) and it does take two map sweeps (first sweep does map 1-130 and second sweep completes the rest).

In case anyone haven't told you yet:
MapReduce is mainly IO bound, it has to read a lot of data from disk, write it back, read it and write it again. In between the reads and writes it executes your map and reduce logic.
So what I have heard lifting the CPU usage is making a cluster not IO bound anymore
RAID-0 or RAID-10 your hard disks, get the fastest harddisk out there. In consumer market there are the Western Digital VelociRaptors with 10k RPM.
SSD's don't contribute too much, since Hadoop is mostly optimized for sequencial rads.
Give as much network bandwidth as possible.
Lots of RAM for disk caching.
Even then, you should face <100% CPU utilization, but it is much better and the perfomance will skyrocket.
However, CPU utilization is not a good metric for a Hadoop cluster, as you might conclude from the points above.
Hadoop is mainly about the reliable storage of data, giving neat features to crunch it. Not given you the super-computer performance, if you need this get a MPI cluster and a PH.D to code your algorithms ;)

Sorry for the thrash - but something must have gone wrong with my installation. I happen to reinstall hadoop and it works as expected. I guess some parameter must have been conflicting.


H2O cluster uneven distribution of performance usage

I set up a cluster with a 4 core (2GHz) and a 16 core (1.8GHz) virtual machine. The creation and connection to the cluster works without problems. But now I want to do some deep learning on the cluster, where I see an uneven distribution for the performance usage of those two virtual machines. The one with 4 cores is always at 100% CPU usage while the 16 core machine is idle most of the time.
Do I have to make additional configuration during the cluster generation? Because it is odd for me that the stronger machine of the two is idle while the weaker one does all the work.
Best regards,
Two things to keep in mind here.
Your data needs to be large enough to take advantage of data parallelism. In particular, the number of chunks per column needs to be large enough for all the cores to have work to do. See this answer for more details: H2O not working on parallel
H2O-3 assumes your nodes are symmetric. It doesn't try to load balance work across the cluster based on capability of the nodes. Faster nodes will finish their work first and wait idle for the slower nodes to catch up. (You can see this same effect if you have two symmetric nodes but one of them is busy running another process.)
Asymmetry is a bigger problem for memory (where smaller nodes can run out of memory and fail entirely) than it is for CPU (where some nodes are just waiting around). So always make sure to start each H2O node with the same value of -Xmx.
You can limit the number of cores H2O uses with the -nthreads option. So you can try giving each of your two nodes -nthreads 4 and see if they behave more symmetrically with each using roughly four cores. In the case you describe, that would mean the smaller machine is roughly 100% utilized and the larger machine is roughly 25% utilized. (But since the two machines probably have different chips, the cores are probably not identical and won't balance perfectly, which is OK.)
[I'm ignoring the virtualization aspect completely, but CPU shares could also come into the picture depending on the configuration of your hypervisor.]

Shuffle phase lasts too long Hadoop

I'm having a MR job in which shuffle phase lasts too long.
At first I thought that it is because I'm emitting a lot of data from Mapper (around 5GB). Then I fixed that problem by adding a Combiner, thus emitting less data to Reducer. After that shuffle period did not shorten, as I thought it would.
My next idea was to eliminate Combiner, by combining in Mapper itself. That idea I got from here, where it says that data needs to be serialized/deserialized to use Combiner. Unfortunately shuffle phase is still the same.
My only thought is that it can be because I'm using a single Reducer. But this shouldn't be a case since I'm not emitting a lot of data when using Combiner or combining in Mapper.
Here are my stats:
Here are all the counters for my Hadoop (YARN) job:
I should also add that this is run on a small cluster of 4 machines. Each has 8GB of RAM (2GB reserved) and number of virtual cores is 12 (2 reserved).
These are virtual machines. At first they were all on a single unit, but then I separated them 2-2 on two units. So they were sharing HDD at first, now there are two machines per disk. Between them is a gigabit network.
And here are more stats:
Whole memory is occupied
CPU is constantly under pressure while the job is run (the picture shows CPU for two consecutive runs of same job)
My question is - why is shuffle time so big and how to fix it? I also don't understand how there was no speedup even though I have dramatically reduced the amount of data emitted from Mapper?
Few observations :
For a job of 30 mins, the GC time is too high (Try reusing objects rather creating a new one for each call in map()/Reduce() method)
Average map time is TOOOOO hight , 16 mins what are you doing in ur map ?
YARN memory is 99% , this signifies you are running too many services on your HDP cluster and RAM is not sufficient to support those many services.
Please increse YAN container memory, please give at least 1 GB.
This looks like a GC + overscheduled cluster problem

Tasks taking longer over time in Apache Spark

I have a large dataset that I am trying to run with Apache Spark (around 5TB). I have noticed that when the job starts, it retrieves data really fast and the first stage of the job (a map transformation) gets done really fast.
However, after having processed around 500GB of data, that map transformation starts being slow and some of the tasks are taking several minutes or even hours to complete.
I am using 10 machines with 122 GB and 16CPUs and I am allocating all resources to each of the worker nodes. I thought about increasing the number of machines, but is there any other thing I could be missing?
I have tried with a small portion of my data set (30 GB) and it seemed to be working fine.
It seems that the stage gets completed locally in some nodes faster than in others. Driven from that observation, here is what I would try:
Cache the RDD that you process. Do not forget to unpersist it, when you don't need it anymore.
Understanding caching, persisting in Spark.
Check if the partitions are balanced, which doesn't seem to be
the case (that would explain why some local stages complete much
earlier than others). Having balanced partitions is the holy grail
in distributed-computing, isn't it? :)
How to balance my data across the partitions?
Reducing the communications costs, i.e. use less workers than you
use, and see what happens. Of course that heavily depends on your
application. You see, sometimes communication costs become so big,
they dominate, so using less machines for example, speeds up the
job. However, I would do that, only if steps 1 and 2 would not suffice.
Without any more info it would seem that at some point of the computation your data gets spilled to the disk because there is no more space in memory.
It's just a guess, you should check your Spark UI.

Map Job Performance on cluster

Suppose I have 15 blocks of data and two clusters. The first cluster has 5 nodes and a replication factor is 1, while the second one has a replication factor is 3. If I run my map job, should I expect any change in the performance or the execution time of the map job?
In other words, how does replication affect the performance of the mapper on a cluster?
When the JobTracker assigns a job to a TaskTracker on HDFS, a job is assigned to a particular node based upon locality of data (preference is same node first, then same network switch/frame). By having different replication factors, you limit the ability for the JobTracker to assign a node local to the data (JobTracker will still assign the task nodes, but without the benefits of locality). The effect is to restrict the number of TaskTracker nodes which are both local to the data (either data on task node, or data on same switch frame), thus affecting performance for work on your task (reducing parallelization).
Your smaller cluster likely has a single switch, so data is local to the network/frame, so the only bottleneck you might experience would be data transfer from one TaskTracker to another, as the JobTracker is likely to assign jobs to all available TaskTrackers.
But with a larger hadoop cluster, the replication factor = 1 would limit the number of TaskTracker nodes local to the data and thus able to efficiently operate on your data.
There are several papers which support data locality,, this paper which you cited also supports data locality,, and this one, (which tested a 5 node cluster, same as the OP).
This paper quotes significant benefits to data locality,, and observes that an increase in replication factor gives better locality.
Note that this paper claims little difference between network throughput and local disk access (8%),, but reports orders of magnitude difference in performance between local memory access and either disk or network access. Furhtermore, the paper quotes a large fraction of jobs (64%) find their data cached in memory "in large part due to the heavy-tailed nature of the workload", as most jobs "access only a small fraction of the blocks".
EDIT: This part of my answer is obsolete now that the other answer was edited: "The other answer is not entirely correct." This was meant to address the incorrect implication that less replicas = fewer paralelism. The rest of my answer (below) still applies.
Any node can execute your tasks, regardless of whether the data is located in that node or not. Hadoop will try to achieve data locality (preference order is: node-local, then rack-local, then any node), but if it can't, then it will chose any node that has available compute capacity to run your task.
Performance wise, in a typical multi-rack installation, rack-local performs almost as good as node-local, since the bottleneck occurs when transmitting data across racks. However, with high-end networking equipment (i.e., full-bisection bandwidth), then it wouldn't matter if your computation is rack-local or not. For more details on this, read this paper.
How much performance improvement can you expect from having more replicas (and thus achieving higher data locality)? Not much; 5-20% maximum improvement. But this is an upper limit, when you implement additional popularity-based replication as in this and this projects. NOTE: I did not just make-up those performance improvement numbers; they come from the papers I linked.
Since vanilla Hadoop does not have these mechanisms in place, I would expect your performance to improve at most 1-5%. This is just a ballpark guess, but you can easily run some tests yourself. The reason for this, is that more replicas could improve the performance of some of your map tasks (the ones that are now able to run with a data-local copy of the block), but it would not improve your shuffle and reduce phases. Furthermore, even if just one mapper takes longer than the rest, this one will determine the length of your whole map phase; so for many jobs, it is likely that increasing locality will not improve their running times at all. Finally, I/O bound jobs can be map-input IO bound, shuffle IO bound (map output heavy), or reduce output IO bound. Only the first type (map-input IO bound) would benefit from locality. More details on MapReduce workload characterization in this paper.
If you are further interested in this, you can also read this paper, in which they improve the running times of mappers but having the input data of ALL the mappers in memory.

Hadoop / AWS elastic map reduce performance

I am looking for a ballpark if any one has experience with this...
Does anyone have benchmarks on the speed of AWS's map reduce?
Lets say I have 100 million records and I am using hadoop streaming (a php script) to map, group, and reduce (with some simple php calculations). The average group will contain 1-6 records.
Also is it better/more cost effective to run a bunch of small instances or larger ones? I realize it is broken up into nodes within an instance but regardless will larger nodes have a higher I/O so that means faster per node per sever (and more cost efficient)?
Also with streaming how is the ratio of mappers vs reducers determined?
I don't know if you can give a meaningful benchmark -- it's kind of like asking how fast a computer program generally runs. It's not possible to say how fast your program will run without knowing anything about the script.
If you mean, how fast are the instances that power an EMR job, they're the same spec as the underlying instances that your specify, from AWS.
If you want a very rough take on the how EMR performs differently: I'd say you will probably run into I/O bottleneck before CPU bottleneck.
In theory this means you should run many small instances and ask for rack diversity, in order to maybe grab more I/O resources from across more machines rather than let them compete. In practice I've found that fewer, higher I/O instances can be more effective. But even this impression doesn't always hold -- really depends on how busy the zone is and where your jobs are scheduled.
