Facebook "Like Box" Does Not Show - Requires To Login To Show Profile Pictures of Others Who liked - profile

Pretty much what the title says - I want the facebook "Like" plugin to show regardless if you are logged in or logged out of facebook.
The plugin should show the facebook faces and likes but will ONLY show if you are logged into facebook.
If you are logged out... it shows "Login To See This Content" and below it.. It doesn't show profile pictures or "likes" for my plugin, it's just empty.
Here is my site - http://www.goodguyhobbies.com/
Your help would be appreciated! Thanks!!
facebook likebox

Check the page you're pointing the Like Box to isn't restricted demographically (e.g. to specific countries or age ranges) - if it is the Like Box won't work for users who don't meet those restrictions, and also won't work for users who are logged out.
This is the same for API access to the page, you can only do so behalf of a user who can see the page on facebook.com


How to find past reCaptcha account setups?

I've logged into my Google account, and navigated to the reCaptcha setup page. But all it shows is the form to create a new reCaptcha account.
I think I used to be able to find my previous accounts setup for my different domains, but there doesn't appear to be anywhere to do that now (Something like a link to 'MY reCaptcha'??). I know I have at least 6 of them at this point.
If it is still possible, can someone give me instructions on how to access my past setups?
I have accidentally found the list of my sites.
When you go to the Google reCaptcha admin console, you end up at this url: www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create. On this page, you can't find any link that gets you to your list of accounts.
However, if you just delete the last sub directory create: www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/, you can now see a drop down list of your sites, and have the settings gear icon, which will allow you to see your reCaptcha keys for each selected site).
Sometimes I have noticed a difference in the URL structure, with a /u/0/ or /u/2/ in the middle of the URL. (ie: google.com/u/0/recaptcha/admin/), but it doesn't seem to make a difference in what is displayed.
NOTE: Of course, you must be logged in with the Google account that you used to create the reCaptcha accounts in the first place.

Password protect user viewing in WP or Joomla

I was hoping if anyone know an extension or plugin for either WordPress or Joomla (preferably), that can restrict unauthorized visitors from viewing full profile information?
What I am trying to achieve is something like this: http://keepmesafeid.com/lost.php?id=1ba0846587744383fa518b7e642ff632
Visitors can't view the full profile information before entering a password that is associated to the profile.
Each profile will have a unique password associated that the visitor needs to enter, before the visitor can see full profile info.
I hope some of you guys can help me out here.

Google+ Share as Fanpage

I've researched really a lot, but found no way to embed a share button which posts directly on the fanpage, not the personal profile.
I'm working with the JS API and also tried the direct link, neither worked. There is also no way to change account directly in the popup. Settings the publisherid also didn't work.
Is there any way to embed a share button which will share something on my fanpage?
That's nothing you as the website owner can take influence on. It depends on how the user is logged in on Google+.
As a page owner you can create a username/password for the page and login as the page on Google+. Here is a post describing that: https://plus.google.com/108210288375340023376/posts/8nmNsfL8G2R

Auto Login user to website when user is logged in to FB or google - DotNetOpenAuth

I am using DotNetOpenAuth to log in users with FB and Google.
When a user visits the website, is there a way to detect that he/she has already logged in to FB or Google and log them automatically?
Thank you
Yes, if your user has already explicitly logged into your web site using Google or Facebook before. For privacy reasons neither provider will allow you to implicitly log their users in without each user explicitly signing into your web site at least once (and clicking "remember me" at their login page while doing so).
Once the user has approved that, it becomes possible but still isn't very simple. The approach involves creating a hidden iframe on your page (perhaps when the user session is first created, you add the iframe to whatever page the user is viewing, or just your popular landing page). This iframe is pointed at a URL on your site that does nothing but initiate the no-user-interaction login flow. For Google, this means your server makes an OpenIdRelyingParty.CreateRequest call with the Google OP Identifier, and you set IAuthenticationRequest.Mode = AuthenticationRequestMode.Immediate on the returned object before calling IAuthenticationRequest.RedirectToProvider. The Immediate bit tells the Provider to not expect to interact with the user (since your iframe is invisible) and to either give an immediate yes or no response. Then in the redirect back to your site (still in the hidden iframe) you'll see the user is logged into Google (or not) and get their Claimed Identifier and log them into your site.
For Facebook which uses an old draft of OAuth 2, the process may be similar, but use the OAuth 2 classes. I haven't done this one though, so I can't really give an overview.

Getting a facebook profile picture from an email address

I'm trying to get a user's facebook profile picture based on their email address. Effectively, I want to offer my users the option between using Gravatar for their image, or Facebook. However, the only way I know of to get a user's facebook image is via:
http://graph.facebook.com/[FBOOK USERNAME]/picture?type=large
Since the usernames may vary between facebook and my site, I would like to do this via email address rather than username. How do I query for someone's facebook profile picture via email address?
I see this question has a couple of years already but the same search approach can be taken using the Graph API:
GET https://graph.facebook.com/search?q={EMAIL}&type=user
You can try this on the Graph API Explorer. You don't get the profile picture directly but you get the user id which you can easily use to get the public profile picture.
There doesn't seem to be an official way to do what you are asking. It seems like facebook has made this closed on purpose, probably something to do with privacy. Its actually really easy to do this in a few screen-scraping steps though:
Visit http://www.facebook.com/#!/search.php?q=#{USERS_EMAIL_ADDRESS}&type=all&init=srp
If page returns "No results found for your query.", then they don't have a profile.
Otherwise, the page will contain a thumbnail of the user for that email address. (something like http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/hs227.ash2/48219_72120057_3223_q.jpg)
I could write a sinatra app to do this in about 5 minutes, if anyone would like me to.
But I think gravatar and facebook should just be friends.
What you're asking to do is part of why Facebook Connect exists.
Using their not-too-cleverly-named XFBML you can request the image directly:
<fb:profile-pic uid="1256100362" facebook-logo="true" size="thumb"> </fb:profile-pic>
But you have to implement logins with FB Connect first...
