Password protect user viewing in WP or Joomla - joomla

I was hoping if anyone know an extension or plugin for either WordPress or Joomla (preferably), that can restrict unauthorized visitors from viewing full profile information?
What I am trying to achieve is something like this:
Visitors can't view the full profile information before entering a password that is associated to the profile.
Each profile will have a unique password associated that the visitor needs to enter, before the visitor can see full profile info.
I hope some of you guys can help me out here.


Is there any way to implement user area in abp solution

I have a little problem about this scenario.
I have 300 users in my system. each user must have user panel. it is one page that each user after sign in to the system and went to own page,can edit his content and customize it.
my question is : how to define permission for each user in order to access to own page and don't access to other's personal page.
thank you.
You just need [AbpAuthorize] attribute for the related application service to prevent unauthorized users to see that personal page. And when the user opens the page load the data with the current user's information as #aaron stated in the comments.

Let Authenticated User view only his/her own profile

In my codeigniter application following is the format of user profile
how can I restrict a user to view others profile? that means he cannot browse any other link than his profile.
so user foobar420 can not browse following links for example
How can I achieve this?
Was going to comment this, but it's sort of an answer. Well an idea on this subject at least.
Instead of having "/view-profile/userId" why not just "/view-profile" and send the user model as an object to the page. Then you can just render the proper information only for the user who is actually logged in to the server. Assuming you have access to the user model in your server side script, this is the preferred method.
And if no user model is present, redirect to the login page.

How to force to fill missing fields in profile in Joomla

In the site I develop, users can login to my website using facebook/google login.. Once the user login I want to prompt the user to update his profile with mobile number and verify it. In the backend I keep a field in DB which says whether the mobile number is verified or not.
So if the mobile number is not verified; for every login I want to prompt the user.
I tried profile completeness/force complete profile.. But couldnt achieve what I needed..
Any help appreciated..

Joomla User Login show specific User Files

does anyone know of a simple module or extension etc for Joomla that would enable the admin to upload a file relevant to a specific user login?
For example, they have a bunch of user accounts, and would like a registered area on the website that would show files relevant to only that user credentials.
In the backend, they would easily like to add a document and select which user can see it.
You might want to check out the "Component Access Permission" extension, here

Using Facebook Connect in cases where a username or other data is required

I'm working on a site that requires the user have a unique username to use all services on the site. They cannot self-change this username for community fairness.
We would like to allow users the simplicity of registering/logging in using their facebook accounts, but this username requirement is obviously a hurdle.
The only idea I have come up with is after the connect process, send the user to a final step page where they enter a username. The only downside to this is that the user has the ability to navigate away before entering a username, meaning we need to add further layers of checks to several site functions to ensure a user has a username, and prompt for one if not.
Any ideas on how to streamline this during the connect process? Any site examples of similar implementations where auxillary info is required to use some or all site features?
Have you looked at Facebook's registration plugin?
The Registration plugin allows users to easily sign up for your
website with their Facebook account. The plugin is a simple iframe
that you can drop into your page. When logged into Facebook, users see
a form that is pre-filled with their Facebook information where
The plugin also allows you to add custom fields so you could simply add your username field.
There are a load of advanced features including validation, here's an example in the Facebook documentation that includes the username field and checks to see if it's available
