Configure Maven to look at local directory while running tests - maven

We are using JBehave and while running test we need to add a local folder and jars to the classpath while running the tests.
The problem is the local folder might vary from system to system. We want the tests to run by looking at the jars installed on that system and the resources defined on that system.
How to add a dependency to maven that could change from system to system?

You can use environment variables in your pom.xml using ${env.VARIABLE_NAME}. If you have the path to your local folder in the pom, you could replace it by a variable. If you do so you have to set that variable on every system you execute the maven job on. I have found some guides for linux and windows on how to do that. Hope this fits your problem.

The test are executed by the maven-surefire-plugin. The plugin has only one goal surefire:test and this goal supports the configuration of additionalClasspathElements.
You can find a usage example here. The example configuration on this page looks like this:
I would go this way. To change the local folder location for each system you can use environment variables or different maven profiles.


Checkout file from another repo using maven-scm plugin

I have a java application that is in git repo RepoA and has a scm configuration set up for this repo for maven-release plugin etc.
I want to fetch one file from another RepoB (it is fine to checkout the whole repo also because there is only 1 file there) and use it as a part of build step.
How to do it with maven-scm plugin if scm section is already set up for RepoA?
You can use a separate maven profile for this task.
Here's profile part from pom.xml, assuming that you want to fetch file foo/bar.txt from github repo github-user/some-repo:
Then run mvn scm:checkout -P checkout-foo-bar
Plugin first fetches all the files from repo and then removes ones that you don't need. This takes extra time, especially if the repo is huge.
I didn't find a way to setup output directory other than default target/checkout. But hopefully this working example can be a good starting point to solve a problem.

Override TeamCity environment variable in Maven

TeamCity provides several environment variables that are made available in Maven's pom.xml. For example, my build agent has a property env.JDK_18 pointing to a JRE installation on the server. I use this property in my configuration of the surefire plugin in Maven:
<!-- ... -->
Unfortunately, the environment variable is not available on my local machine. Is there any Maven option to define the environment variable locally (in my pom.xml file) and have TeamCity override it, when unit tests are run on the build server?

Separate Jenkins-Project for deploying to JBoss

I have a Jenkins build which builds a maven project with -PmyProfile clean package. This works fine. Now I want the project be deployable but in a separate task (JBoss deployment) so it can be triggered explicitly via the jenkins GUI. For that, I have the following in my pom:
Now I only want to call that single deployment via mvn jboss-as:deploy separately. But how would I do that? If I create a second Jenkins project, everything needs to be built again, so that's pretty stupid. Building as a separate module does not work, either (some error with "building single modules not supported for maven 3").
Any ideas?
It sucks a little, but you can always get stuff from another Jenkins workspace by using filesystem relative path like ../../SecondJob/workspace (or use symlink). I used to do this for the same case (deploying as separate job) for all my projects and it works, it's just not elegant, but I believe there's no built-in solution in Jenkins for that.
Alternatively, it seems there's Jenkins plugin for that, but I haven't used it and can't tell anything about it.
Possible trick:
Have only one project, but parameterize it with DEPLOY parameter set to FALSE by default. The build will contain your main build as well as an Invoke top-level Maven targets post-build step for deployment. The deployment step will be invoked only if DEPLOY is TRUE. To do that you use Conditional Build Step plugin.
There is a new deploy-only goal added in version 7.5.Final. You can grab the war from the first job with Copy Artifact Plugin.

How can I append to the system path for Maven Surefire tests that use DLLs?

I'd like to be able to append a lib directory to the system path to allow Maven to run unit tests that (gah) use DLL native libraries.
I have so far used <argLine>-Djava.library.path=${path.dll}</argLine> to add my DLL path as a library path. However, Windows still wants to resolve DLLs via the path, and I'm getting:
So, is there a way of providing a modified system path to Surefire?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Turns out the following config was necessary:

Where should I put application configuration files for a Maven project?

I'm using the Maven Application Assembler plugin to generate stand-alone executables from my Java project. The application reads in configuration files, including Spring files. The Application Assembler plugin has an option (activated by default) to add a etc/ directory to the application's classpath, but what should I do to have the plugin copy my configuration files to this directory?
Or more generally, where is in Maven the kosher location for application configuration files that should NOT be packaged in the artifact?
You can also use resource filtering:
turn on filtering:
make a file under src/main/resources like:
Then setup a profile and set some properties perhaps in a settings.xml
that sets different properties depending on if this is a dev or production build.
I have different properties set depending on if this is the build server, dev or a production deployment
mvn -Denv=dev || mvn -Denv=dev-build || mvn -Denv=production
The maven link has a pretty good description.
For folks who have come to this more recently there is, since version 1.1 of the Application Assembler Plugin, the optional parameters configurationSourceDirectory and copyConfigurationDirectory. Please find them in an example POM.xml extract below:
<!-- Set the target configuration directory to be used in the bin scripts -->
<!-- Copy the contents from "/src/main/config" to the target
configuration directory in the assembled application -->
<!-- Include the target configuration directory in the beginning of
the classpath declaration in the bin scripts -->
More information is here
You could try the maven assembly plugin. I used it in conjunction with the appassembler plugin.
Configure appassembler to point to whatever name you want for your configuration directory, if you don't want 'etc'. The assembly plugin assembles everything in its own output directory, so I configure the assembly plugin to copy the bin and repo dirs from the appassembler directory into its output dir, then I have it copy the config files (mine are in src/main/config) into the expected config dir. There is some duplication in this, because you are copying the appassembler outputs, but that didn't really bother me.
So what you have after executing the assembly plugin is your bin, repo, and config dir are all peer directories under the assembly output directory. You can configure it to have a different structure if you prefer, I just wanted mine to mirror the appassembler structure.
The nice thing is that you can also configure the assembly plugin to change your binaries to executables, which I could't see how to do with appassembler. And, if you then bind appassembler:assemble and assembly:single goals to the package phase, all you have to do is 'mvn package', and it assembles everything.
I don't know if I understand you correctly. But what I have done in the past for a project where I needed to copy configuration files, is use the Maven AntRun plugin. What I did is execute the plugin in the process-resources phase and copied my configuration files to the specified directory using the Ant copy task. The Assembler plugin executes in the package phase so it should pick up your configuration files if you put it in the right place. Hope this answers your question a little bit.
I had been looking for an answer to what I think is your question, or at least a very similar question. Maven allows you to specify directories for resources using the maven-resources-plugin. I have a few configuration files in one of my resource directories. I've noticed that by putting copies of those files in the etc/ directory that you mention (which is at the beginning of my CLASSPATH) I can change values in those files for use at run time. I then wanted to have that etc/ directory created with copies of everything from my resource directory by default. The copy-resources goal from the maven-resources-plugin allowed me to do that. This stanza from Examples > Copy Resources on the left sidebar (I'm limited to 2 links in this post) is what did it for me:
<!-- here the phase you need -->
