Checkout file from another repo using maven-scm plugin - maven

I have a java application that is in git repo RepoA and has a scm configuration set up for this repo for maven-release plugin etc.
I want to fetch one file from another RepoB (it is fine to checkout the whole repo also because there is only 1 file there) and use it as a part of build step.
How to do it with maven-scm plugin if scm section is already set up for RepoA?

You can use a separate maven profile for this task.
Here's profile part from pom.xml, assuming that you want to fetch file foo/bar.txt from github repo github-user/some-repo:
Then run mvn scm:checkout -P checkout-foo-bar
Plugin first fetches all the files from repo and then removes ones that you don't need. This takes extra time, especially if the repo is huge.
I didn't find a way to setup output directory other than default target/checkout. But hopefully this working example can be a good starting point to solve a problem.


How to avoid checking parent project in maven-site-plugin?

I have small maven project. I'm trying to add generating site by maven-site-plugin, but it doesn't work. When I'm building this project i get following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.3:site (default-site) on project server-wms-product: SiteToolException: The site descriptor cannot be resolved from the repository: ArtifactResolutionException: Unable to locate site descriptor: Could not transfer artifact [PARENT-PROJECT]:xml:site_en: from/to eclipse ( Connection to refused
My project is extension for other project, so in my pom.xml is set parent project which isn't mine and I can't add site configuration there.
So is there any chance to skip checking parent project's site in site generation?
My pom.xml looks like this:
And of course i have site.xml file in src/site.
Configure attaching the site descriptor to the artifacts in the parent pom.
Core functionality has been separated from site generation in maven 3. You can find the reasons here. If you want to refer to the parent module's site from the submodule, you have to attach the site.xml to the deployed artifacts.
I have the exact same problem, and after much googling, came across this article which solved my problem:
Basically you want to add a basic site_en.xml to /src/site/ folder in your parent pom.xml.
For a reason I can't fathom, with me, it was enough to run maven in offline mode once.
I came across this question when working on an open source project I don't own where I wanted to submit an update to a site being generated in this manner. I wanted to test and view the change locally, but kept hitting this error.
User #Frischling alluded to this above (credit to them). It turns out what I wanted was not to edit any existing information or update any pom.xml files, but just build entirely in offline mode.
I was trying to run this command and it was failing with the error the original poster mentioned:
mvn site
To do this build offline instead, execute the following commands:
# Download the dependencies for the target
mvn dependency:go-offline site
# Build the target offline
mvn --offline site
Then the output got correctly generated to the target/site directory like I expected.
It's not ideal if you own the project or part of the project, but for a case like mine where I owned none of it, it was the perfect option.
The previous answers didn't work for me.
But Mark's one, here, solved the issue I had:

Maven build fails at site default-deploy

I have been struggling to fix my maven build issue from last 2 days with no success almost. Can you please help me on this?
I have a parent pom.xml which looks like
site config here..
In child pom.xml, which I wrote works fine if I do 'mvn install'. tar file is created and appears in project/target folder. Looks good so far...
When I do release the problem comes. The good thing is, it goes well till end - creates tar, uploads tar into my svn repository.. but after that maven is trying to read parent pom.xml and error comes while running "maven-site-plugin:default-deploy" and then "BUILD FAILURE"
What I'm thinking is - since tar is created and uploaded into subversion repository creating site & deploying is not required for us. How can I say to maven that once tar is created don't do anything and that's the end point for me. In other words - don't run anything 'site' related stuff for me?
I have my release plugin config as below
we actually do release from our batch file which consists of mvn statements like below -
call mvn clean
call mvn install
call mvn -B release:prepare -DdryRun=true -DscmCommentPrefix="somecomment"
call mvn -B release:clean
call mvn -B release:prepare -DscmCommentPrefix="somecomment"
call mvn -B release:perform -DscmCommentPrefix="somecomment"
Can you please suggest me now?
You should change the maven-release-plugin configuration no to do an site-deploy which is default like the following:
Or if creating site & deploying is really not required (as you say in your question), you could just remove the <distributionManagement> section. According to the docs default goals are "either deploy or deploy site-deploy, if the project has a <distributionManagement>/<site> element".

maven scm - Does maven creates tag automatically?

I have below configurations in place -
My question is each time version changes for my project above scm configurations will change. say from 0.1 to 0.2 and so on...
Do we need to make sure these tags created in svn or does maven creates the tag? if Maven creates the tag with my above configuration I already have available but it's not tagging the above?
Can anye fill me some thoughts please?
If the configuration is correct and you are using maven-release-plugin which means
mvn release:prepare
than a SVN tag is created automatically by Maven. So there is no need to check. Apart from that it could happen that you need to change the tag-Base in the Maven-release-plugin if you have a different SVN layout which is not like:
+-- Project
+--- trunk
+--- tags
+--- branches
which means you need to configure the maven-release-plugin:
The svn copy and svn move command have an option called --parents. It says without --parents option, it would not create intermediate directories.
What is intermediate directories in SVN?
This is an issue which should be raised at

Separate Jenkins-Project for deploying to JBoss

I have a Jenkins build which builds a maven project with -PmyProfile clean package. This works fine. Now I want the project be deployable but in a separate task (JBoss deployment) so it can be triggered explicitly via the jenkins GUI. For that, I have the following in my pom:
Now I only want to call that single deployment via mvn jboss-as:deploy separately. But how would I do that? If I create a second Jenkins project, everything needs to be built again, so that's pretty stupid. Building as a separate module does not work, either (some error with "building single modules not supported for maven 3").
Any ideas?
It sucks a little, but you can always get stuff from another Jenkins workspace by using filesystem relative path like ../../SecondJob/workspace (or use symlink). I used to do this for the same case (deploying as separate job) for all my projects and it works, it's just not elegant, but I believe there's no built-in solution in Jenkins for that.
Alternatively, it seems there's Jenkins plugin for that, but I haven't used it and can't tell anything about it.
Possible trick:
Have only one project, but parameterize it with DEPLOY parameter set to FALSE by default. The build will contain your main build as well as an Invoke top-level Maven targets post-build step for deployment. The deployment step will be invoked only if DEPLOY is TRUE. To do that you use Conditional Build Step plugin.
There is a new deploy-only goal added in version 7.5.Final. You can grab the war from the first job with Copy Artifact Plugin.

How to clean a particular directory before each build starts in jenkins?

I am using jenkins with hudson cli through java. I want clean a particular directory before each build. Any idea ? I have provided the maven command clean package which clean target folder for each build. What i want is i want to clean some other directory before each build. How to do this ?
In jenkins i specified URL of maven project , Which ll download files to workspace when building. When i give clean package command, it clears target folder every time when building. There is another folder parallel to target folder. i want to clear that folder which is inside maven project.
If you are running version 1.433 or higher, use the Pre Steps / Post Steps in the project configuration section, located above and below the Build section, respectively.
Otherwise, install the M2 Extra Steps Plugin.
You can configure the maven-clean-plugin to handle the cleaning.
If you can't modify your pom.xml, as stated below, you can also use this plugin.
You can use the Workspace Cleanup Plugin to do exactly that.
You can add a JOB to clean the directory you want before each build. I have used ANT for this, no idea about MAVEN. This will not be machine dependent as well.
I'm not sure if I understand the question correctly, but if you are using repository to poll for changes and before each new build you do pull all files project from repo you could just use one of the options called: "Emulate clean checkout by first deleting..." This way all folders should be deleted before each build.
If that is not the case the most simple answer that comes into my mind is simply to write a CMD script which does simply DEL command on unwanted files/directories and run it as a pre step or post step as windows batch command.
In pom.xml add the profile tag like below
<filesets xmlns:xsi="">
While executing commad just execute the maven command mvn -Pci clean.
Which uses the maven clean plugin to clear a particular directory, before each build starts.
We can package like mvn -Pci clean package.
After cleaning the directory , package phase is executed.
