Magento image CDN Amazon s3 images half work half dont - image

I am using Magento 1.11. I have been searching for a while now and I have tried a bunch of different things such as increasing the memory size in my php.ini page, which helped with some of the images that are in my media directory. However, half of the ones that reference the Amazon CDN are not working, the other half are. This is what led me to believe it was a memory issue. Also, this is a dev environment ment to represent the existing produciton environment. All of the images on the production environment are working.
I am at a loss.
thank you for any suggestions.


M2E Pro uploading greyed-out images to eBay listings

Currently running Magento Pro
M2E Pro Version: 5.2.3.r4567
As stated above, any time the client lists products on eBay from Magento using the extension M2E Pro, the images - usually the primary image - is either fully or partially greyed.
They can fix this by going into eBay and reuploading the greyed images but it is a pain and very time consuming for them. The result resembles a jpg that has been interrupted during upload or download - part of the image will show.
There is no consistency. I've experimented with a set of 50kb images and a set of 85kb images. I received varied results. I attributed this varience to some sort of server memory cap so I raised the PHP memory limit with no success.
M2E Pro support team was unable to help and I can't find anyone else online experiencing this issue online so here's hoping! Thanks in advance.
After evaluating the full web stack and disabling/enabling individual layers, was able to narrow it down to a bug in LiteSpeed - their Apache alternative. Apparently a common occurrence for their current version:
As opposed to downgrading as the forum member did, I completely removed LiteSpeed and will most likely be loading Varnish in its place. Marking this as solved and tagging with "LiteSpeed" for the benefit of any of its users experiencing similar issues.
I had a similar problem, where even eBay wasn't able to help me.
Just make sure, that the images you are uploading are not CMYK, they need to be in RGB.
I also changed all images to jpg, because there were severe issues with transparent png on eBay.

magento image loading takes too much time

I have a problem with magento application. the site taking too much time to load. problem is with category page , images of category are not loaded as it should.
can anybody help to find server is bluehost.
everything was working fine previously, but now i am facing these issue.
Other than caching the images, there isnt much you can do except maybe upgrading the hosting account. If you are on a shared hosting account and loading 10+ product images on a page, it may take 6-7 seconds to load.
You should check the size of the images. If you are uploading images from your digital camera, a lot of times they can be several megabytes in size.
I would suggest using jpg images no larger than 800px x 800px in size. And make sure Magento cache is enabled. Each full resolution image in file size should be under 250KB.
You could also attach your magento store to a cloud service that caches images and pages which can greatly improve speed.
One more thing you can do, open a ticket with bluehost and ask them to check the speed of the site, lots of times they have tools they can run diagnostics. Maybe its something other than the images slowing things down like javascript getting hung up (any extensions installed related to the images?)

Why sometimes, some images on my website aren't being loaded by a browser

I'm developing a web app and during the tests I noticed that sometimes browsers don't load all images (like background or some decorative images) on the website. I need to hit the refresh button to to have it fully loaded. This usually happens when the website is visited for the first time.
I suspect that maybe the development server is not fast enough and browsers "assume" that the links to images are broken because there is no fast response from the server. But I'm not sure. At the moment my development server is on a remote host inside VirtualBox with Ubuntu-server 8.04. I know that it is not the best configuration, but I'm not sure whether this is indeed the case. Or maybe it is due to some apache/php configuration parameters?
I would appreciate any suggestions or clues.
Many thanks

Website Development moving to Image Hosting

We are moving over to using Akamai for all of our large static content so far just flash but are planning to include images, css, and js files in that list.
I am curious what methods others employ to switch all of their local/relative paths to using an external hosting company. Also, how they continue to develop their site so that developers can make changes in development without it having to be pushed to their external hosting servers.
i know this question is months old. how you though about just setting up your hosts file to just point the domainname of you CDN to your local machine?

CSS/Jscript caching issue

I'm pretty new to web design and have recently been working on an amatuer photography website. I updated it on Sunday night, cleared cache etc on my home computer and it was all looking fine.
The problem is when I checked it from work, behind corporate firewall etc, some of the pages have changed, some have not. For example the home page still shows old images that were replaced, whereas some of the gallery pages have new images on them but no new functionality or style (from css/js file). I've renamed the js and css file and deleted old files to try to force the browser to get a new version but it still looks like it's using old version.
I'm concerned people visiting the site will have a strange/hybrid version of the site, could this be because it's being cached on corporate server somewhere rather than on individual workstation?
Parts of the site could be being cached by your corporate server infrastructure, notably, a Proxy Server. You can check this in your headers that come from your site. A tool like FireBug or Fiddler2 should identify if a Proxy has been involved. Sorry, I don't know the exact header to look for as I don't operate behind one at the moment to try and see.
Though why only part of your site is behaving this way is beyond me. Worth checking though.
