Website Development moving to Image Hosting - web-hosting

We are moving over to using Akamai for all of our large static content so far just flash but are planning to include images, css, and js files in that list.
I am curious what methods others employ to switch all of their local/relative paths to using an external hosting company. Also, how they continue to develop their site so that developers can make changes in development without it having to be pushed to their external hosting servers.

i know this question is months old. how you though about just setting up your hosts file to just point the domainname of you CDN to your local machine?


What is the best way to host the Apple App Site Association file?

To enable certain Apple app features (Sign in with Apple in this case) Apple requires that you register an associated web domain. This domain needs to host a file called apple-app-site-association (with no extension) in the root of that domain.
I am looking for a free way to do this. My developer website is hosted by Wix website builder. Wix will not allow you to upload files with no extension. Even if they did, I'm not convinced that their domain system would allow it. Wix domains follow the pattern of https://{YourUser}{YourWebsite}. Apple would look for the file at https://{YourUser}, a location which you have no control over. I believe that the other free website builder, Squarespace, suffers in the same way. Someone found a Cloudflare workaround, but Cloudflare no longer works with either website.
I didn't know it would be such a pain to put this file somewhere. What is the best solution to this? I'm surely not the first person to stumble into it.
I wasn't able to get a working solution with any of the standard website building platforms. I was able to get two slightly different solutions working though. GitHub Pages is free and lets you set up a repository that meets the requirements for Apple's file. Firebase lets you do the same thing through their "Hosting" service, in the free tier. On Windows you will need to use command prompt to create a folder that begins with a period for both repositories. GitHub Pages can be uploaded to from any Git program, Firebase Hosting requires you use their command line tools package.

Is it possible to download two separate files from two separate servers as one file?

As extra information to the question, only one of the servers is mine. I have a Vimeo PRO account that allows permanent download links and would like to include some of my videos inside other downloads from my site. We have the videos on our server accordingly but it would cut back on server traffic if the video was coming from Vimeo as well as several other benefits. This leads back to the overlying question, is it possible to download two files from two different servers but have them download on the users computer as one folder?

Team Development of HTML5 PhoneGap App

First, I don't know if this is the right place to make this question but, I don't see any other place where to put it.
I would like to know how could I develop a mobile HTML5 App (using PhoneGap) with another friend, without need to have a copy of the project in more than one PC.
Could I somehow host the Code on a FTP Server and then we both could work on it for example, on Eclipse?
You need to look into using a source control system of some kind. Source control comes in many flavors, but in general it allows software developers to sync code between many servers, and allows developers to work concurrently without breaking each other's environments (imagine I have to take a component offline for many hours to code on it, but other people rely on it to do their work).
The two most common source control solutions are SVN and Git. Both of these work on Mac/Linux/PC and are documented thoroughly online.
without need to have a copy of the project in more than one PC.
How should that be possible? When want to view view something on your local computer, you must have it available on your local computer. But I think I know what you are looking for, three suggestions:
Use a cloud-based IDE. Cloud9 for example is one of the best. However, all of them tend to be slow and buggy.
Just synch the files between your computers. One of the best hosted services is Dropbox, or you can install ownCloud on your own Server.
Use a version control system. This is pretty common for software development as you can easily reproduce who made which change when and why. The best option is git and Github for hosting.
I know this is months late, but check out Adobe's Phonegap Build. Build and deploy in the cloud. They also allow you to assign a development team.

VisualSVN over distributed machines?

I'm new to SVN. I've downloaded VisualSVN SErver and VisualSVN client with TortoiseSVN.
The problem is: we are group of 4 ppl and are developing a website on ASP.Net. I want the solution file to be in a repository on a machine which can be a server (desktop). The rest are all laptops trying to gather the updated data. We are working from different locations too. I want to know if Apache Subversion can work through the Internet? How can it be configured?
We are all running Windows and Visual Studio 2008.
I'm a little confused by your question (see my comment), but if you are wondering the best way to use SVN to manage the development of your ASP.NET website, I don't see why you can't include the solution file directly in the SVN repository. When your developers want to work on SVN, they sync with the repository and bring down the entire solution (including source, SLN file, properties, etc). Then, they can work locally on their machine developing the website.
Again, your question is a bit confusing, so I am not sure how else to answer.
Thank you for clarifying your question. If the laptops do not have access to a local server you can do one of two things.
If you want to use Subversion, you can setup a server that is internet-facing - AKA, it's accessible from the net. However, this does require a little bit more work as you will need to have an address for them to point to, etc. But, in essence, this is no different than accessing on a local network, it's just a different address.
Another possibility is to use a different type of source control. Git or Mercurial comes to mind. Both of these products are distributed version control systems. Basically, if you aren't connected to a network, you still "submit" your product to the control system and, then, when you can connect back to the network, you merge your changes in with the main system on the network. It works very well (though is a bit more complicated to understand than Subversion).
Hopefully that helps you. (And, if it does, you can accept this as an answer to your question, which I would appreciate.)
Subversion is designed to work effectively through Internet. Updates/commits uses delta algorithm to transmit only changed parts of tree.
Just do not forget to enable SSL encryption to prevent data sniffed.

CSS/Jscript caching issue

I'm pretty new to web design and have recently been working on an amatuer photography website. I updated it on Sunday night, cleared cache etc on my home computer and it was all looking fine.
The problem is when I checked it from work, behind corporate firewall etc, some of the pages have changed, some have not. For example the home page still shows old images that were replaced, whereas some of the gallery pages have new images on them but no new functionality or style (from css/js file). I've renamed the js and css file and deleted old files to try to force the browser to get a new version but it still looks like it's using old version.
I'm concerned people visiting the site will have a strange/hybrid version of the site, could this be because it's being cached on corporate server somewhere rather than on individual workstation?
Parts of the site could be being cached by your corporate server infrastructure, notably, a Proxy Server. You can check this in your headers that come from your site. A tool like FireBug or Fiddler2 should identify if a Proxy has been involved. Sorry, I don't know the exact header to look for as I don't operate behind one at the moment to try and see.
Though why only part of your site is behaving this way is beyond me. Worth checking though.
