Dynamic command execution with lftp - multiple commands - bash

I'm sure there is a simple way to do this, but I am not finding it. What I want to do is execute a series of commands using lftp, and I want to avoid repeatedly connecting to the server if possible.
Basically, I have a file with a list full of ftp directories on the server. I want to connect to the server then execute something like the following: (assume at this point that I have already converted the text file into an array of lines using cat)
for f in "${myarray}"
cd $f;
nlist >> $f.txt;
cd ..;
Of course that doesn't work, but I have to imagine there is a simple solution to what I am trying to accomplish.
I am quite inexperienced when it comes to shell scripting. Any suggestions?

First build a string that contains the list of lftp commands. Then call lftp, passing the command on its standard input. Lftp itself can redirect the output of a command to a file, with a syntax that resembles the shell.
for dir in "${myarray[#]}"; do
cd \"$dir\"
nlist >\"$dir.txt\"
cd .."
lftp <<EOF
open -u $username,$password $site
Note that I assume that the directory names don't contain backslashes, single quotes or globbing characters. Add proper escaping if necessary.
By the way, to read lines from a file, see Why is while IFS= read used so often, instead of IFS=; while read..?. You might prefer to combine reading from the list of directories and building the commands:
while IFS= read -r dir; do
cd \"$dir\"
nlist >\"$dir.txt\"
cd .."
done <directory_list.txt


How to make folders for individual files within a directory via bash script?

So I've got a movie collection that's dumped into a single folder (I know, bad practice in retrospect.) I want to organize things a bit so I can use Radarr to grab all the appropriate metadata, but I need all the individual files in their own folders. I created the script below to try and automate the process a bit, but I get the following error.
#! /bin/bash
for f in /the/path/to/files/* ;
[[ -d $f ]] && continue
mkdir "${f%.*}"
mv "$f" "${f%.*}"
So I've now run the script through Shellcheck.net per the suggestion of Benjamin W. It doesn't throw any errors according to the site, though I still get the same errors when I try running the command.
No errors now, but the script does nothing when executed.
Assignments are evaluated only once, and not whenever the variable being assigned to is used, which I think is what your script assumes.
You could use a loop like this:
for f in /path/to/all/the/movie/files/*; do
mkdir "${f%.*}"
mv "$f" "${f%.*}"
This uses parameter expansion instead of cut to get rid of the file extension.

How to build script bash with SFTP connection to pull files

I'm implementing agent script bash to pull files from the remote server with SFTP service.
The script must:
connect SFTP
file listing
cycling on files found
get every file and copy agent side
after that files copied must be deleted
The script is followed:
SFTP_CONNECTION="sftp -oIdentityFile=/home/account_xxx/.ssh/service_ssh user#host"
# GET list file by ls command ###############
$LIST_FILES_DATA_OSM1 = $("ls fromvan/test/data/test_1")
for file in "${LIST_FILES_DATA_OSM1[#]}"
I tried the script but it seems that the connection and command execution (ls) are distinct on thread separated.
How can I provide command sequential as described above ?
Invalid find command
SSH it seem not available
RSYNC result to take the files is the followed:
First of all, I would recommend the following syntax changes:
sftp_connection() {
sftp -oIdentityFile=/home/account_xxx/.ssh/service_ssh user#host "$#";
# GET list file by ls command ###############
List_Files_D_OSM1=$("ls fromvan/test/data/test_1")
for file in "${LIST_FILES_DATA_OSM1[#]}"
sftp_connection get "$file" $Dest_Data
sftp_connection rm "$file"
Quoting $file and $List_Files_D_OSM1 to prevent globbing and word splitting.
Assignments can't start with a $, otherwise bash will try to execute List_Files_D_OSM1 and will complain with a command not found
No white spaces in assignments like List_Files_D_OSM1 = $("ls fromvan/test/data/test_1")
You can use ShellCheck to catch this kind of errors.
Having said that, it is in general not a good idea to use ls in such way.
What you can use instead is something like find. For example:
find . -type d -exec echo '{}' \;
Use a different client. lftp supports sftp as a transport, and has a subcommand for mirroring which will do the work of listing the remote directory and iterating over files for you.
Assuming your ~/.ssh/config contains an entry like:
Host myhost
IdentityFile /home/account_xxx/.ssh/service_ssh
...you can run:
lftp -e 'mirror -R fromvan/test/data/test_1 /tmp/test/data' sftp://user#myhost

Insert delay between lines of bash

I have a very simple renaming script I'm running in OSX Terminal. It looks like this:
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1140122_alternate1.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1140122_alternate1A.tif
I usually have several hundred lines of rename code like this one for all the files I have to rename.
However I think the network security at work is messing with the code because it will randomly jack up the file names. I think it's interrupting the code, the code is so simple I can't think of another reason why it wouldn't work.
I want to try adding a 1sec delay between each line, but how? I've read that something like sleep 1s might work but do I have to add that between every single line? That's going to be a headache if that's the case. If it is, is there another way?
UPDATE: I have a delay working but still getting the same problems as before. This is what Terminal returns:
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate1.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate1A.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate2.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate2A.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate3.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Remv -nvest/1247136_alternate3A.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_alternate4.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Remv -nTest/1247136_alternate4A.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_lifestyle.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Renmv -nv /Volume36_lifestyleA.tif
mv -nv /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_standard.tif /Volumes/COMMON-LIC-PHOTO/DATA/James/Rename_Test/1247136_standardA.tifç^C^C^C^C^C
It's throwing up all kinds of junk in the rename part. It's messing with the file names and the directory names and I can't figure out why.
If you are planing to perform all those mv commands from terminal you can make a bash alias:
alias mvd='sleep 2s && mv'
In terms of a script, since scripts do not understand bash alias (at least easily) you can built a similar function in the beginning of your script:
function mvd { sleep 2s && mv "$#"; }
The only thing you need to do is to use the new mvd command instead of mv.
Tip: In case of alias you can also name your alias mv (same name as the command).
If you already have a script that has hardcoded paths (eg, the script looks like:
mv -nv /path1 /path2
mv -nv /path3 /path4
Then probably the simplest thing to do would be to define a function at the top of the script by adding:
mv() { command mv "$#"; sleep 1; }
the following script just reads in your file of commands and inserts a sleep after each command
while read curr_line; do
echo curr_line $curr_line
return_msg=$( $curr_line ) # execute cmd
# may want to do error checking on value of error variable $? and return_msg
sleep 1
done < ./input_file_of_original_cmds.txt # read in that file

Using wildcard in bash loop array

I've got a collection of hundreds of directories ordered in alphabetical order and with differently named files inside. These directories I want to copy over to another location using rsync.
I don't wanna go over all the directories manually, but instead I want to use the --include option of rsync or create a loop in bash to go over the directories.
For far I've tried using the bash script below, but had no success yet.
for dir in {A..Z}; do
echo "$dir";
rsync --progress --include $dir'*' --exclude '*' -rt -e ssh username# ~/target/directory/
Does anyone know what would be the correct way to go over the directories using rsync's --include option?
The bash script above was more to try out the loop to go over my directories and see what comes out. The command I actually wanted to use was this one:
for dir in /*; do
rsync --progress --include $dir'*' --exclude '*' --bwlimit=2000 -rt -e ssh username# ~/target/directory/
I know bash can do something like {A..Z}, but this doesn't seem to get me the result I want. I already copied half of the alphabet of directories so I was trying {F..Z} as an array.
I've come up with the following script to run from my source directories location.
time=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # For time indication
dir=/source/directory/[P-Z]* # Array of directories with name starting with "P" to "Z"
printf "[$time] Transferring: /source/directory/\"$dir\"\n"
rsync -trP -e 'ssh -p 123' --bwlimit=2000 $dir username#
This will transfer all directories from the source directory with names starting with character "P" to "Z" over ssh using port 123.
This works for me in a shell script. I'm sure there are better ways to do this in a single line command, but this one I just came up with to help myself out.
Sounds like you want recursive rsync. I'd go with:
rsync -r / --restOfYourRsyncArgs
That walks over every file/folder/subfolder in / (could be A LOT, consider excludes and/or a different target path) and uploads/downloads. Set excludes for files and folders you don't want sent.
I've come up with the following script to run from my source directories location.
time=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # For time indication
dir=/source/directory/[P-Z]* # Array of directories with name starting with "P" to "Z"
printf "[$time] Transferring: /source/directory/\"$dir\"\n"
rsync -trP -e 'ssh -p 123' --bwlimit=2000 $dir username#
This will transfer all directories from the source directory with names starting with character "P" to "Z" over ssh using port 123. This works for me in a shell script. I'm sure there are better ways to do this in a single line command, but this one I just came up with to help myself out.

Pass url to a bash script for use in scp

I'm writing a cron to backup some stuffs on a server.
Basically I'm sending specific files form a local directory using scp.
I'm using a public key to avoid authentication.
For reusability I'm passing the local directory and the server url by arguments to my bash script.
How I set my parameters:
My problem is about formatting the url.
Without formatting
How I send files to the server:
for F in $FILEs
scp $F $URL;
if ssh $URL stat $(basename "$F")
rm $F
echo "Fails to copy $F to $URL"
If I try to copy at user's home on the server I do:
$ ~/backup /path/to/local/folder/ user#server.com:
If I try to copy at a specific directory on the server I do:
$ ~/backup /path/to/local/folder/ user#server.com:/path/to/remote/folder/
In all cases it gives me the well known error (and my custom echo):
ssh: Could not resolve hostname user#server.com: nodename nor [...]
Can't upload /path/to/local/folder/file.ext to user#server.com
And it works anyway (the file is copied). But that's not a solution, cause as scp fails (seems to), the file is never deleted.
With formatting
I tried sending files using this method:
for F in $FILES
scp $F "$URL:"
I no longer get an error, and it works for copying at user's home directory then deleting the local file:
$ ~/backup /path/to/local/folder/ user#server.com
But, of course, sending to a specific directory don't work at all.
So I think that my first method is more appropriate, but how can I get rid of that error?
Your mistake is that you can scp to user#server.com: but not ssh to it : you need to remove the trailing : character (and possible path after it). You can do it easily like this with bash parameter expansion :
ssh "${URL%:*}" stat "$(basename "$F")"
"USE MORE QUOTES!" They are vital. Also, learn the difference between ' and " and `. See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Quotes and http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/words
if you have spaces in filenames, your code will breaks things up. Better use while IFS= read -r line; do #stuff with $line; done < file.txt
See bash parameter expansion
