Custom PHP Code after successful Joomla Registration - joomla

I would like to run a small PHP Code after the successful Registration.
Means when anyone register to my Joomla 2.5 website my custom PHP Code should be run after successful Registration.
Anyone kindly help me.

You should try to build a plugin that is triggered on by the onAfterStoreUser() event.
Also you may want to check this question here: Joomla - onAfterStoreUser does nothing


Route not defined using Laravel MVC PHP Storm

enter image description here
I get this error in PHP storm. I am learning Laravel and can someone please help me with this error. The route is not defined.
Please see the attached screenshot.
No worries. Php-storm doesn't see some of the laravel facades static classes. (e.g. 'Route::', 'Auth::'). Your code will still run fine (provided there aren't any real problems).
PS - If you haven't done it yet, install the phpstorm laravel plugin. It will help eliminate some of these issues (but not all).
Have fun!

Joomla configuration page next button not working

joomla configuration page
I want to learn how to use joomla but the problem is that i can't continue from the first page is just keeps on validating the fields even though that have data, your response to this request will be highly appreciated.
Not sure what version of Joomla but make sure you are meeting all requirements for that particular installation. It could be something like an unsupported version of the PHP version which I have come across in the past.

How to display PHP / SQL errors in Joomla 3

Try as I might, I can't get proper error messages in Joomla 3.1.5. No matter what I do, I get redirected to a nice "Error 0" page which doesn't tell me what happened where. I've tried setting error reporting to both maximum and developer in the admin console, and turning on developer mode. Is there any way to get proper error messages instead of friendly error messages to display in Joomla 3.1.5?
If you're not seeing the errors it's likely that you have an extension installed that is calling set_exception_handler(), while I don't have an STS 3.1 version anywhere to test the 3.2's we do have don't have any issues with reporting errors. (And as far back as I can remember, I don't believe Joomla core calls set_exception_handler().
We write Joomla extensions for clients as our primary business and I can tell you that the error reporting works. We have found in the past that some more dodgy extensions install their own exception handlers to hide issues in their code which is why we always develop and test on clear default Joomla installations.
Just saw your answer…
If that work's it means something is definitely calling set_exception_handler() which I don't believe is Joomla, I don't have have STS 3.1 installation but my current 1.5, 2.5 and 3.2's do not call set_exception_handler() in the Joomla core.
Few thoughts:
Check in Joomla the PHP information - see the error reporting local
Check for a local php.ini file
Check if there is any ini_set code in your template...
Try adding a code like below, in your template's index.php file.
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
Figured it out -- calling restore_exception_handler() gets rid of the poxy Joomla page and lets me read the text of the error.

Sage Pay Payment Failure in Magento

I am setting up a megento shop but while testing I get the following error when paying by card using ebizmarts Sage Pay module:
Payment has failed, please reload checkout page and try again. Your card has not been charged.
Does anyone know the solution to this problem?
There is a support forum for the free plugin here and if you are using the PRO module, you can just use the contact form here
Also, the problem you mention is described on the Wiki here
From what I can see and for whatever reason, Magento was loading the "info.phtml" file from the theme/default/checkout/onepage/review folder, rather than the one in the sagepaysuite folder.
I copied in the above code to the relevant position to the default info.html file, and it's working now.
The staging server was loading the sagepaysuite/checkout/review/info.phtml file correctly, hence it was working.

Custom Joomla Registration Form and Profile

I want to create a custom Joomla registration form and a profile to show the information saved. For this I followed the answer on this thread. I have cloned and changed the files of the user profile plugin. Now the problem is that the edited profile form is not displayed after I have enabled the plugin. I have a login link on my site, which on success redirects to a profile display page after that. When I click edit on the profile display page, the edit profile form is still the same old one and it is located at profile?layout=edit. All it has is:
Confirm Password
Confirm Email
Basic Settings
Why is this not working. The installation was also fine.
Is this even the right way of doing this.
Please help with this. I appreciate all the help. Thanks!
See original Joomla docs on how to add a profile plugin in Joomla 1.6
I ended up going with Community Builder. It has amazing search features.
