IE8 bug - elements not shown on page until refresh - internet-explorer-8

Im experiencing a very weird bug in IE8. A bunch of elements arn't shown on the page although with the developer tools I can see they are in the html and arn't being hidden with CSS. Refreshing the page fixes this.
This site is on a local environment and I cant put it online. Ive never heard of a bug like this so does anyone have any ideas for things to look into? Thanks

Id forgotten to validate the code. I hadnt realised (due to lots of whitespace) but some divs were placed before the opening doctype was specified. Hopefully fixing this will make the issue go away. Thanks


Blogger - Sidebar moved to the bottom but only on the homepage

I've got a little problem with my blog
So I'm not really experienced with code and I tried to search for an answer here but can't find it and on the blogger forum I got redirected to this website or the theme developer, which I contacted but haven't heard back yet.
I don't think I changed anything but somehow two days ago my sidebar on my blog moved to the bottom, I don't know if it's aligned wrong or maybe something else is the problem but somehow this only happens on the homepage. I've checked all posts and the sidebar is exactly where it should be, it's also on the right on my pages.
So I'm thinking that the slider is the problem but it always worked fine and I'm sure I didn't change anything with the slider.
So please if somebody can help me... and please let me know if I need to insert any I said I'm not that experienced with HTML or CSS.
Have you been able to fix this yet? Seems to be working fine for me. Normally this is an issue with CSS.

WYSIWYG buttons don't show in IE for CKEditor

I have a fresh installation of Liferay on Tomcat and in IE7 it doesn't show the buttons for visual editing in the editor when I try to edit content.
It works on in Firefox or Chrome.
Does anyone have an idea why would that happen? I am not sure where to dig, I don't see javascript exceptions and it doesn't look like the buttons are even populated in IE. It is hard to debug IE problems since I don't have a tool like Firebug there.
I downloaded the 6.1 and still have the same problem, adding the URLs of what I see. Looks like IE only has the text box and in the DOM I don't see the same things that I see in FF.
Update on this:
I checked with some people in our organization and they have the buttons on their browser.
I checked the version of the IE browser and it's the same down to the last digit. Properties are the same as well. The only difference is that I have some plugins installed that the other browser doesn't. I tried disabling all the plugins but it didn't help.
The suspect plugin is Google Chrome Frame (ChromeFrame BHO). Can someone please try to add this plugin and see if it messes things up? The disabling it doesn't help.
Liferay CE 6.0 contains few bugs within the WYSIWYG editor integration.
One issue with IE is LPS-16004 (solution included). This might be the same problem as you are experiencing.
I remember we had also problem with javascript race condition in editor initialization, which sometimes loads the editor incorrectly.
But I strongly suggest you to move to Liferay CE 6.1 as it is much more stable.
Ok, I finally figured it out, so if someone has the same problem, here is the reason - we have Google Chrome Frame plugin installed in our organization, but it only works on white-listed domain names. In this case the domain the site was on wasn't whitelisted, but the portal looked at the agent string and saw chromeframe there and assumed it can use it as chrome browser, which broke things.
Right now I will try to white-list the domain and see if it works. Another solution would be to try and find a place where we look for the agent string and fix it there, not sure where this place is.

Google Translate Breaks Stylesheet in Firefox

I am helping a client with an eCommerce site (runs on ProStores from eBay).
The issue is that the site's base stylesheet is breaking (being disabled) when the page is translated with the Google Translate widget. This only happens in Firefox. Chrome, IE(6-9), Opera and Safari are all fine.
Translate in FF was working prior to some changes we made recently: mostly graphical, some additions to the stylesheet. I had to tip-toe around their templates which were built with tables, outdated code etc. so I am overwhelmed when trying to troubleshoot this.
Here is a link to the site:
(open in FF and use google translate in the header area to see the issue)
Thanks in advance!
I had the same problem and much frustration with this.
The problem I was having was that it was translating my website's font-resizers - From 'large' to 'grande' etc. which was throwing off the font-resize element and entire site.
Try adding a class="notranslate" to any elements you think may be translating and throwing off your stylesheet.
Hope this helps!
Add class="skiptranslate" to the head tag.
If you also have a link to a print preview style sheet, so your visitors can see how pages will print, try this: Putting the link to your external stylesheet inside a div with class="notranslate", may not only fix the translation in Firefox but also when flipping back and forth between your print preview and default CSS in all browsers. I know that divs in the head tags are atypical, but I don't see any problem arise from that.

IE8 Developer Tools not displaying Style info

I'm running into an issue with IE8 developer tools where they Style information is not displaying in the pane when I select an element. It is definitely page specific as I can switch to another page and the styles will appear for that page when I select an element.
Strangely, if I add an inline style to an element, the inline element will display in the style pane. The page finds the CSS files just fine since the page is rendering with the styles.
Anyone else encounter such a problem? If it helps, the page I'm developing is a Joomla template. I'm currently doing the process-of-elimination by deleting half the code, then the other half to identify the culprit code but I'd thought I'd throw this out to see if anyone else knows. Thanks everyone.
I saw others mention similar problems in other forums and the common issue has to do with a link tag to an external stylesheet. In my case, it was a Google Fonts Directory link.
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
Removing the link temporarily allowed to style information to display.
I had a similar issue when a stylesheet had an include statement for another stylesheet that did not exist.
Try refreshing the Developer Tools' DOM cache - 4th button in the toolbar, the hotkey's F5. If the element's styles change after the Dev Tools window is opened, the actual DOM and the reported one can differ.
I ran into the same issue and found that developer tools was freaking out on my Typekit JS in the head. There was nothing wrong with it. Developer tools was just being finicky. Imagine that. I commented it out and viola, it worked again.
Another buddy of mine said he had seen developer tools freak out when an HTML tag wasn't closed properly so that might be another thing to look for.

cookies or cache? my own site won't load in FF without a restarting FF

Over the last few days, I've noticed that (occasionally) when testing my own site in FF, it loads the first time that FF has been opened, but it seems to hang on subsequent loads (windows only - i haven't noticed this behaviour on mac, but i don't use my mac as much).
The url is
Of course, my concern is that sometimes people will try to get to the site and not be able to (and based on what I can see, that is a distinct possibility, as i've seen a significant drop in stats over the last few days, so I suspect that might be happening).
Any idea why? I can't seem to figure this one out.
I view source on the page that hasn't loaded, and it appears that all the source is there.
The one thing I can think of that might be causing the problem is that in my head and footer, i have a bit of PHP which attaches the correct API key based on the visiting domain (this is so I don't have to hard-code the api key into the page and change it from dev to prod).
i use a fairly simple
}else {
but when viewing the source, it appears that show without issue.
I do a similar bit of code at the bottom of the page so I only include tracking codes when the domain is not dev.
Any ideas?
UPDATE --------------------------------------------------------------------
After checking it out in Firebug (not sure why i didn't check that before), the following two google scripts are failing, and everything stops there.
The site is map/location centric, so there i need the google stuff. Any idea why it would fail?
these are the failing scripts,jseval.103,jsdone.105,e.316,ab1.336
Have you tried Firebug plugin for Firefox? It could help you debug some script/network/html issues.
You can monitor script, images and other ressources load time.
Good luck.
It appears this was/is an error with Firebug. Disabling firebug resolves the issue, so it shouldn't affect too many visitors.
Thanks for the help,
