Blogger - Sidebar moved to the bottom but only on the homepage - themes

I've got a little problem with my blog
So I'm not really experienced with code and I tried to search for an answer here but can't find it and on the blogger forum I got redirected to this website or the theme developer, which I contacted but haven't heard back yet.
I don't think I changed anything but somehow two days ago my sidebar on my blog moved to the bottom, I don't know if it's aligned wrong or maybe something else is the problem but somehow this only happens on the homepage. I've checked all posts and the sidebar is exactly where it should be, it's also on the right on my pages.
So I'm thinking that the slider is the problem but it always worked fine and I'm sure I didn't change anything with the slider.
So please if somebody can help me... and please let me know if I need to insert any I said I'm not that experienced with HTML or CSS.

Have you been able to fix this yet? Seems to be working fine for me. Normally this is an issue with CSS.


Popover image not appearing

First time here, forgive me if I'm new, but I can follow ideas.
I will give you a link to my site, as seeing the problem, you may go "ahhhhh" gotta cha! (i hope!)
I have a site that the image popover stopped working. as to which code changed, im not sure.
It is a shopify shop using .liquid with an owl carousel and lightbox within the pages, and perhaps when i used a "Live theme Editor"
code was modified.
Here is the link to an example of a page. all the product pages and have the same problem. I can only open in a new tab, etc. to se the pic.
Thanks greatly for help and time on things great than i understand, but i will learn something and pass it on!
Jeff :D

Template issue - Halogy

I have just installed Halogy on my MAMP localhost. I've followed the instructions here to set up all my folders and this is working fine. Dashboard looks good. However, my default template is empty. And, no matter what I put in it, after editing and saving - the markup is still empty. So I cannot get any editable fields in my pages whatsoever. When I edit my page content its just empty. I have also tried creating a new template and applying that to a new page. Same results. I am scratching my head here. Does anyone have any ideas as to what's gone wrong?
I could help you, since I've been working exclusively with and extending Halogy for about 8 months now. But, I need more details, since this behavior could be attributable to any number of issues. For example, what does the page source look like? Also, please note that, if you're not logged into Halogy, unpublished pages will not appear. However, your default home page should be visible. Have you searched the Halogy forum and/or posted your question there?

IE8 bug - elements not shown on page until refresh

Im experiencing a very weird bug in IE8. A bunch of elements arn't shown on the page although with the developer tools I can see they are in the html and arn't being hidden with CSS. Refreshing the page fixes this.
This site is on a local environment and I cant put it online. Ive never heard of a bug like this so does anyone have any ideas for things to look into? Thanks
Id forgotten to validate the code. I hadnt realised (due to lots of whitespace) but some divs were placed before the opening doctype was specified. Hopefully fixing this will make the issue go away. Thanks

what function is being called?

i am not sure that this is the right place to ask this question, but i will anyway. i have only been working with html / javascript & jquery for about 2 months, but i have learned a little.
this is what i am trying to do. i have a free image gallery that i managed to included in a website i am trying to make. the gallery works fine, and i have set it up so that on top of each image is a button that fires a short .mp4.
it works fine, but when i click the gallery button to show the next page of pictures (about 15 per page), there are my old buttons. i think, just maybe if i could figure out what js or jq function id being called i may be able to swap in new buttons.
but i cannot understand what is happening. i looked for an onclick, but what they use is a bunch of "this" statements. i am pretty sure they are using an anchor tag to flip the page, but i can't figure out what is being called.
so i came across this site, and after about 10 attempts, finally got the thing to let me join.
i'm hoping i can post the code and maybe somebody could tell me what is happening.
i guess this wasn't much of a question, just an appeal for assistance.
Are you asking how you can debug your code? If you are using Chrome, you can use its Javascript debugger. Similarly, Firebug is a good developer plugin for Firefox.

Facebook comments change "like" button behavior?

I've used like buttons on my site for several months using and they've worked fine. Recently I decided to start using facebook comments on the pages instead of my previous commenting system but I've found that adding the plugin to the page has an unexpected impact on the "like" button.
The like button has been configured in the button_count style with no send button, however if the comments module is on the page the flyout appears upon liking the content. I don't want this to happen.
It may also be worth adding that there is a "like-box" on the page too but that it seems fine.
Does anybody know of a tie/conflict between comments and "like" buttons that would make this happen? Any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
