Is MultiByteToWideChar reentrant or threadsafe? - winapi

Multiple threads in my application will be calling MultiByteToWideChar for converting UTF-8 to wchar_t strings.
I've been unable to find any documentation which states whether this function is re-entrant or thread safe. I want to avoid synchronizing calls to this method if not needed. Does anyone know the answer or how to find it?

The function is thread safe ... but I don't have a definitive link to prove it!
There is some discussion on this thread ... but in general the rule would be that if an API call does not have some specific context (eg. a handle) it is called with or other explicit threading rules (ie. the whole GDI layer) then it should be thread safe.
It would certainly be good to see this more explicitly called out in the documentation though.


Is os.File's Write() threadsafe?

I was wondering if calling Write() on an os.File is thread safe. I'm having a hard time finding any mention of thread safety in the docs.
The convention (at least for the standard library) is the following: No function/method is safe for concurrent use unless explicitly stated (or obvious from the context).
It is not safe to write concurrently to an os.File via Write() without external synchronization.
After browsing the source code a little bit I found the following method which is eventually called by file.Write(). Since there are race condition checks in place, I'm assuming that the call is in fact not thread-safe within Go (Source).
However, it seemed unlikely that those system calls wouldn't be thread-safe on an OS level. After some browsing I came upon this interesting answer that fueled my suspicions even more. For windows the source indicates a call to WriteFile which also appears to be thread safe.

Why do we need boost::thread_specific_ptr?

Why do we need boost::thread_specific_ptr, or in other words what can we not easily do without it?
I can see why pthread provides pthread_getspecific() etc. These functions are useful for cleaning up after dead threads, and handy to call from C-style functions (the obvious alternative being to pass a pointer everywhere that points to some memory allocated before the thread was created).
In contrast, the constructor of boost:thread takes a callable class by value, and everything non-static in that class becomes thread local once it is copied. I cannot see why I would want to use boost::thread_specific_ptr in preference to a class member any more than I would want to use a global variable in OOP code.
Do I horribly misunderstand anything? A very brief example would help, please. Many thanks.
thread_specific_ptr simply provides portable thread local data access. You don't have to be managing your threads with Boost.Thread to get value from this. The canonical example is the one cited in the Boost docs for this class:
One example is the C errno variable,
used for storing the error code
related to functions from the Standard
C library. It is common practice (and
required by POSIX) for compilers that
support multi-threaded applications to
provide a separate instance of errno
for each thread, in order to avoid
different threads competing to read or
update the value.

is ICU's ucnv_convertEx thread safe?

I'm wondering if ucnv_convertEx in ICU library is thread safe. Looking at source it seems that it is thread-safe, but I'm not 100% sure. Also I can not find explicit state of this in ICU documentation.
The ICU User Guide discusses this, for all objects that have an open/close model. Each Converter object must be used in a single thread at a time. If you need more of them, clone them. They're cheap to clone.
By the way, where would you have expected this information? Maybe you could file a ticket, and we can improve the documentation. Thanks.
Basically ICU is thread safe, but:
You can't assume that is safe to call const member functions/functions operating on it of same object from different threads (in fact this is generally unsafe which makes ICU tricky in all thread related aspects)
Of course you can't use same object with non-cost member function/functions working on object from different threads.
Basically in case of ucnv_convertEx as long as you don't share UConverter between threads it is safe.

Object must be locked to be used?

I was pondering language features and I was wondering if the following feature had been implemented in any languages.
A way of declaring that an object may only be accessed within a Mutex. SO for example in java you would only be able to access an object if it was in a synchrnoised block and in C# a Lock.
A compiler error would ensue if the object was used outside of a Mutex block.
Any thoughts?
I think some people have misunderstood the question, I'm not asking if you can lock objects, I'm asking if there is a mechanism to state at declaration of an object that it may only be accessed from within a lock/synchronised statement.
There are two ways to do that.
Your program either refuses to run a method unless the protecting mutex is locked by the calling thread (that's a runtime check); or it refuses to compile (that's a compile time check).
First way is what C# lock does.
Second method requires a compiler able to evaluate every execution path possible. It's hardly feasible.
In Java you can add the synchronized keyword to a method, but that is only syntactic sugar to wrapping the entire method body in a synchronized(this)-block (for non-static methods).
So for Java there is no language construct that enforces that behavior. You can try to .wait() on this with a zero timeout to ensure that the calling code has acquired the monitor, but that's just checking after-the-fact
In Objective-C, you can use the #property and #synthesize directives to let the compiler generate the code for accessors. By default they are protected by mutex.
Demanding locks on everything as you describe would create the potential for deadlocks, as one might be forced to take a lock sooner than one would otherwise.
That said, there are approaches similar to what you describe - Software Transactional Memory, in particular, avoids the deadlock issue by allowing rollbacks and retries.

What can I access from a BackgroundWorker without "Cross Threading"?

I realise that I can't access Form controls from the DoWork event handler of a BackgroundWorker. (And if I try to, I get an Exception, as expected).
However, am I allowed to access other (custom) objects that exist on my Form?
For instance, I've created a "Settings" class and instantiated it in my Form and I seem to be able to read and write to its properties.
Is it just luck that this works?
What if I had a static class? Would I be able to access that safely?
You've got the gist of it - CrossThreadCalls are just a nice feature MS put into the .NET Framework to prevent the "bonehead" type of parallel programming mistakes. It can be overridden, as I'm guessing you've already found out, by setting the "AllowCrossThreadCalls" property on the class (and not on an instance of the class, e.g. set Label.AllowCrossThreadCalls and not lblMyLabel.AllowCrossThreadCalls).
But more importantly, you're right about the need to use some kind of locking mechanism. Whenever you have multiple threads of execution (be it threads, processes or whatever), you need to make sure that when you have one thread reading/writing to a variable, you probably don't want some other thread barging and changing that value under the feet of the first thread.
The .NET Framework actually provides several other mechanisms which might be more useful, depending on circumstances, than locking in code. The first is to use a Monitor class, which has the effect of locking a particular object. When you use this, other threads can continue to execute, as long as they don't try to lock that same object. Another very useful and common parallel-programming idea is the Mutex (or Semaphore). The Mutex is basically like a game of Capture the Flag between your threads. If one thread grabs the flag, no other threads can grab it until the first thread drops it. (A Semaphore is just like a Mutex, except that there can be more than one flag in a game.)
Obviously, none of these concepts will work in every particular problem - but having a few more tools to help you out might come in handy some day :)
You should communicate to the user interface through the ProgressChanged and RunWorkerCompleted events (and never the DoWork() method as you have noted).
In principle, you could call IsInvokeRequired, but the designers of the BackgroundWorker class created the ProgressChanged callback event for the purpose of updating UI elements.
[Note: BackgroundWorker events are not marshaled across AppDomain boundaries. Do not use a BackgroundWorker component to perform multithreaded operations in more than one AppDomain.]
Ok, I've done some more research on this and I think have an answer. (Let the votes decide if I'm right!)
The answer is.. you can access any custom object that's in scope, however your access will not be thread-safe.
To ensure that it is thread-safe you should probably be using lock. The lock keyword prevents more than one thread executing a particular piece of code. (Subject to actually using it properly!)
The Cross Threading Exception that occurs when you try and access a Control is a safety mechanism designed especially for Controls. (It's easier and probably more efficient to get the user to make thread-safe calls then it is to design the controls themselves to be thread-safe).
You can't access controls that where created in one thread from another thread.
You can either use Settings class that you mentioned, or use InvokeRequired property and Invoke methods of control.
I suggest you look at the examples on those pages:
