How to deploy aspdotnetstorefront source code changes? - visual-studio

I'm implementing an AspDotNetStorefront (ASPDNSF) site for a client, they've purchased the source code and I'm just trying to do something simple like add an ID for CSS styling to the product images.
I've gone into the source and made the AspDotNetStorefrontCore.XSLTExtensionBase.LookupProductImage() method just return the string "TEST" expecting any product image to be replaced with "TEST", compiled the solution using Visual Studio's build. It builds successfully and the DLLs in the /web/bin directory now reflect modified dates the same as my build time, but the rendered page does not reflect my changes. I've reset the cache through the ASPDNSF admin page, but still no change.
Any idea what step I'm missing?

So this turned out to be me being an idiot. Many of the methods in XSLTExtensionBase have several overloads, I was just making the change in the wrong overload. Simply compiling the project is all you need to do to deploy, but you have to change the right code for it to render what you want!


The type or namespace name 'DotNetNuke' could not be found

I built a custom theme for DNN several months ago using the Christoc templates for Visual Studio. I needed to make a small HTML adjustment today so I re-opened the solution and made the change but when I rebuilt the project, I get several build errors, presumably because it no longer recognizes my DNN dll:
The type or namespace name 'DotNetNuke' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I checked my C:\path_to\\bin\DotNetNuke.dll and it's still there so I'm not sure why Visual Studio isn't seeing it.
When I built the skin originally, I was running DNN 9.1.1 but have since upgraded to 9.3.2. Could that be causing my issue?
I read elsewhere that I could be building on the incorrect version of .NET framework but I don't know what version to use for DNN 9.3.2 so I tried several different version with no change in results.
How can I solve this issue?
Per the answer here, I rebuilt with .NET 4.7.2 and it did not solve my issue.
Okay, so the small change I made was adding another layout page like the Home.ascx and Edit.ascx files that come with the template. If I remove the new layout files, the project builds fine.
What could I be doing wrong when adding a new layout?
What you read about the .Net framework version is correct. You need to 4.7.2.
The problem was a new layout I had created. I right clicked on the project and selected Add > New Item and chose Web Forms User Control. This was the wrong way to add a new layout.
I successfully added it by copy/pasting one of the template's pre-existing layouts and renaming it. The project builds fine now.
Ah, now I understand what went wrong. Adding a Web (Forms) User Control is not completely wrong, as a skin (or theme) is a kind of Web User Control, and has the same extension (.ascx).
What you have to do is deleting the code behind file (.ascx.vb or .ascx.cs), and change the first line of the ascx file to
<%# Control language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Explicit="True" Inherits="DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin" %>
(But copying another skin file is also a good solution as propably you have most of the references to the skin object already there)

Accessing resources XML from another library project in Xamarin.Android

I am trying to create a Xamarin.Android Component to send to the Xamarin Component Store, and I need to bundle my Colors.xml with it, so it is accessible to everyone using my component. I am setting the build action for the Colors.xml tp "AndroidResource".
So I created an Android sample application, when I add a reference to my library project's dll, I am able to use the colors defined, my project compiles and it runs, but I get no intellisense on Xamarin Studio. So that would be a bad thing for anyone using my library, as they would not be able to even see that the colors are available to use. You can see in this picture the colors defined are not available in the suggestions box.
If I add the Colors.xml directly into my project, I get Intellisense support, like this:
Is there a way to achieve the same result above when adding just the dll reference? Did I do something wrong or Xamarin.Android/Xamarin Studio doesn't support this kind of scenario?
EDIT: To be clear, I know this is a problem with Intellisense not being able to pick up the values, but is there anything I can do to make it work?

References for MVC extension methods differ between vbhtml and cshtml files?

I am converting the login views of an application from vbhtml to cshtml. In the vbhtml files the original developer calls an Html.LabelWithAttributesFor extension method. When I write the same line of code in the new cshtml file the extension method isn't available via Intellisense and fails to compile. Are references not shared between vbhtml and cshtml files in a project?
Wanted to circle back and close this question with the "answer". In the end, what seems to have knocked something loose was when we removed the vbhtml pages from the solution. All use of the Extensions had been removed prior to our removing the vbhtml pages and other developers had worked on the solution in the interim making other changes. Fast forward a few months to another developer needing the extensions. He added a reference to the project with the extension methods and used them on a new cshtml page, which worked fine. So, the problem is solved but I still have no idea what caused the problem in the first place and I have been unable to reproduce it.

Global.asax.cs is not visible at the server

Running under Server08 | IIS7. I have a website project and am in the habit of hand editing the Global.asax.cs at the deployed site many times in the past. Recently I've found that only the Global.asax is present and has only:
<%# Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="myDomain.MvcApplication" Language="C#" %>
There are simply no Global.asax.cs files present/visible for any of my active, functioning websites anymore.
I've checked here Global.asax can't find code-behind class and here where is the codes in Global.asax in mvc3? without getting anywhere. The second link contains the comment: 'That's because it's a compiled web application. You'll have to view it in Visual Studio as a project.'
But since my project has always been a website - and I've not converted it (intentionally) I'm puzzled by the changed behavior.
But when i step into VS12 and look at the context menu for the solution's WebProject it presents 'Convert to Web Application'. The sites' folder structures do not contain App_Data or App_Start. To my mind, these 2 fact establish at VS is treating the project as a website, why then, is the Global.cs compiled down to the /bin?
I'll close by repeating - I've hand edited these things in the past - I'm not positive but it's probably accurate to say that this is the first time I've tried to do so after installing VS12. And, coming to think on it harder - it's only recently that I've implemented the 'One Click Publishing' service so that could be coming into play.
verify? I'd like I need to edit a simple update without full re-deployment.
I think the 'One Click Publishing' is most likely the culprit here. I created a sample Web Site project to experiment, and when I use the publish feature in Visual Studio, the files generated are indeed missing the Global.asax.cs file. Instead, a bin folder is created with a compilation called "App_global.asax.dll" even though it is a Web Site and not a Web Application. I am guessing this might be similar to what is happening for you as well.
If not, I found a link which might be useful to you in order to once again be able to edit a class on the server. Particularly, have a look at the second answer (the one not accepted as the best answer) to recreate a class file for the global code: Where is the Global.asax.cs file?
I tried this solution, and verified that the class file is editable on the server, and that it is dynamically compiled at run time (the modifications I made to the file worked immediately).
Hope this helps!
After editing the global.asax you need to rebuild and upload the DLL to the bin folder. Otherwise, your changes will not take effect.
You might be able to upload an web version of the global.asax that includes the code in that one file, which obviously does not require a .cs code behind. I used to do it with aspx files in an application but I have never tried it in the GLobal.asax file.

Magento Fatal error: Class not found

This is a stretch but hopefully someone has an idea of what's going on here.
I was working on adding a feature to an extension (Amasty Product Grid Editor) to add the in stock status to the grid and allow in-line editing.
I ultimately got this working, but in the process something odd happened. I now have a problem with a completely unrelated extension (AheadWorks Facebook Integrator).
If the FB extension is enabled, I get almost no output in the browser on any page in the frontend or backend EXCEPT on the product grid in the admin.
On every other page it renders some of the header but bails after it tries to instantiate an instance of the FB Integrator helper class.
It throws this error:
Fatal error: Class 'AW_FBIntegrator_Helper_Data' not found in /var/www/vps_local_5/app/Mage.php on line 520
However, this file is there and all permissions are correct. The only thing I can figure is that in my failed attempts to get the feature added to the product grid I screwed up the database or something, but I have no idea what would cause it to think that a class file isn't there when it really IS.
The site works fine otherwise if I disable the FB extension. If I disable or even revert my changes to the Product Grid extension it still doesn't work, so it's not a conflict either.
I am leaning towards database only because after I got the changes to the Product Grid extension working correctly on my local dev server I copied those files to our remote dev server and it works great with no issues or conflicts with the FB extension.
So I have to believe that it was something in my iterations that broke something but I'm at a loss as to what.
Any ideas?
Try returning the compilation process (Magento Compiler) -- only if you have it currently enabled.
Magento loads from /includes/src/ instead of app/code/local or app/code/community when the compiler is enabled.
