Passwordless Login - bash

Problem statement
I want to access a server without asking me the password (will be mentioned in the script) and run a command on that server.
My Code
spawn sudo su - <server_name>
expect "[sudo] password for chronicles:"
set Password "xxxxxxx"
send "$Password\r"
#set timeout 300
send "whoami\r"
send "ls -ltr\r"
expect eof
invalid command name "sudo"
while executing
I dont have access rights to change env variables or modify
.bash_profile / .bashrc.
su server_name command not allowed

David is right that generally this is a bad idea. There are occasionally good reasons for doing it, or doing something similar (e.g. automatically logging into serial consoles for lights-out management), but you haven't provided any indication as to why it makes sense for you to do it this way.
Caveats aside, the invalid command name is not coming from the spawn line but from the [sudo] in the expect line. Expect is based on tcl, which treats [] square parentheses as special characters indicating command substitution. Additionally, the value passed to expect is a glob pattern not a fixed string, and [] square parentheses are also special characters in globs. So the answer you are looking for is to quote those characters twice:
expect "\\\[sudo\\\] password for chronicles:"
Also note that after sending the password you should probably include another expect line to wait for the root shell prompt.

The secure way to access a server without prompting for a password is through keyed logins over SSH. Don't ever give your password in plain text.
If you simply Google, you will find many articles explaining how to do this. SSH login without password is a perfectly fine explanation.

[] is interpreted as "command quotes" ("command" as in "Tool Command Language", which is what Tcl is short for) in Tcl.
{} is the strongest quote in Tcl, you can use it to prevent any interpretation:
expect {[sudo] password for chronicles:}
of course you could also just omit [sudo]:
expect "password for chronicles:"


Quoting issue with expect script

I have a script to automatically connect to a VPN, because I often have to connect and disconnect several times a day. (Certain things like ScreenHero and GoToMeeting fail on the VPN, and Mail servers and other things are blocked while on the VPN, but I can't connect to the Git server unless I'm on the VPN, and the app I'm working on can't reach certain back-end services unless I'm on the VPN, so development is limited when disconnected.)
The script lessens the hassle, but I have a $ in my password (which is available in the environment through the environment variable VPN_PASSWORD1), and the password value gets interpolated before it is passed to the VPN program by expect.
/usr/bin/expect << END_OF_LOGIN_SESSION
set timeout 30
spawn /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn -s connect
expect "Username:*"
send "\r"
expect "Password:*"
send "$VPN_PASSWORD\r"
expect "accept? \[y/n\]:*"
send "y\r"
expect eof
How do I pass a password literally, without letting it be subject to string interpolation?
Changing my password is a cop-out. Saving it with a \ is also a cop-out (and horrible UX, since I have to enter it every time I source my .project file for this project2).
It seems like expect must have a solution for this.
Yes I know someone who steals my laptop could try to log in, but (a) they'd have to get into my account first, and (b) they'd fail without my PIN, entered by phone, anyway.
No, the password is not saved to disk. I enter it once per shell session related to this project.
You should have got the can't read "VPN_PASSWORD": no such variable at the first place unless you have defined any variable with that name.
Environmental variables can be accessed via the Tcl's special array variable env.
You can straightaway use env(VPN_PASSWORD) to access the same.
send "$env(VPN_PASSWORD)\r"
Reference : env
You have the shell variable $VPN_PASSWORD in an unquoted heredoc, so the shell will substitute the value. Suppose VPN_PASSWORD='foo$bar' => Then expect will see: send "foo$bar\r" and you'll get can't read "bar": no such variable. The solution is to use {braces} instead of double quotes, so that expect will not attempt to expand the "inner" variable.
send {$VPN_PASSWORD}; send "\r"
You need a separate send "\r" because putting \r inside the braces will remove its special meaning, and Tcl won't let you do send {$VPN_PASSWORD}"\r"
Here's a demo:
$ VPN_PASSWORD='foo$bar'
$ expect <<END
send_user "$VPN_PASSWORD\n"
can't read "bar": no such variable
while executing
"send_user "foo$bar\n""
$ expect <<END
send_user {$VPN_PASSWORD}; send_user "\n"
In Tcl, braces act like single quotes in the shell: everything inside them are literal characters.
It might be cleaner to use the environment to pass the values. Here it is implemented as a shell function
vpnconnect() {
expect <<'END'
set timeout 30
spawn /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn -s connect $env(VPN_HOST)
expect "Username:*"
send "\r"
expect "Password:*"
send "$env(VPN_PASSWORD)\r"
expect {accept? [y/n]:*}
send "y\r"
expect eof

BASH scripting for username/password constructs

I want to write a simple bash script using ncat to open a connection to a ISP and its port.
The first command would be:
nc address port
Upon doing this, I am prompted first to provide a username. I must hit ENTER, and then I will be prompted to provide a password and then I must hit ENTER again.
After this, I want to open a Terminal process window. Can anyone point me to sufficient resources for this type of scripting?
I know the username and password already, but I'm not too sure how to work around the fact that I must provide it and then hit enter. I'm also unsure how to open a new Terminal proceses.
Thanks in advance!
Check out expect script
# Assume $remote_server, $my_user_id, $my_password, and $my_command were read in earlier
# in the script.
# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.
spawn telnet $remote_server
expect "username:"
# Send the username, and then wait for a password prompt.
send "$my_user_id\r"
expect "password:"
# Send the password, and then wait for a shell prompt.
send "$my_password\r"
expect "%"
# Send the prebuilt command, and then wait for another shell prompt.
send "$my_command\r"
expect "%"
# Capture the results of the command into a variable. This can be displayed, or written to disk.
set results $expect_out(buffer)
# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.
send "exit\r"
expect eof
The secret lies in the HEREDOC
You can solve this problem with something akin to:
$ command-that-needs-input <<EOF
authenticate here
issue a command
issue another command
Look at the link I provided for here documents - it includes support for variable substitution and lots of other useful things. Enjoy!

using grep in a script which prompt user for input

I have written one shell script which ask for some username and password from standart input.
Once username and password is typed there is a output depending upon the parameters passed in the script.
Say my script name is XYZ.ksh.
Now my problem is that users of these script want to use want to use this script in conjugation with other shell commands like grep, less, more, wc etc.
Normally yes they can use
XYZ.ksh | grep abc
But in my case since XYZ is prompting for username and password we are not able to use "|" in front of that. It blocks forever.
I just wanted to know how can I implement the functinality.
What I tried
I tried taking input of "more commands " from user where user types things like "| grep abc"
but when i used this input in my script it did not work.
Use <<< like this:
XYZ.ksh <<< "your inputs" | grep abc
In your script you can test to see if stdout is connected to a terminal with:
if [[ -t 1 ]]
That way you can supress the prompt if the output is not going to the console.
Alternatively, with your "more commands" solution, run the command connected to a named pipe.
There are multiple solutions commonly used for this kind of problem but none of them is perfect :
Read password from standard input. It makes it really hard to use the script in pipes. This method is used by commands that deal with changing passwords : passwd, smbpasswd
Provide username and password in the command line parameters. This solution is good for using the script in pipes, but command line can be viewed by anyone, using ps -ef for exemple. This is used by mysql, htpasswd, sqlplus, ...
Store username and password unencrypted in a file in user's home directory. This solution is good for using the script in pipes, but the script must check if the file is visible or modifiable by other users. This is used by mysql
Store private key in local file and public key in distant file, as used by SSH. You must have a good encryption knowledge to do this correctly (or rely on SSH), but it's excellent for use in pipes, even creating pipes accross different machines !
Don't deal with passwords, and assume that if a user is logged in in the system, he has the right to run the program. You may give execute privilege only to one group to filter who can use the program. This is used by sqlplus from Oracle, VirtualBox, games on some Linux distributions, ...
My preferred solution would be the last, as the system is certainly better than any program I could write with regard to security.
If the password is used to login to some other service, then I would probably go for the private file containing the password.
One less-than-optimal possibility is to display the prompt to stderr instead of stdout.
echo -n "Username:" >/dev/stderr
A better solution would be to check stdin of the shell. If it's a terminal, then open it for writing and redirect to that file. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to do that in bash or ksh; perhaps something like
echo -n "Username:" >/dev/tty
You can use (I assume you are reading username and password in your script with read)
read -p "user:" USER
read -p "pass:" PASS
) < /dev/tty > /dev/tty
and you'll be able to run
$ cmd | XYZ.ksh
However, I agree with other answers: just don't ask for user and password and give the correct permissions to the script to allow access.

Writing strings to standard input in bash script

I'm trying to automate a startup of a specific service with bash
When the service is started with init.d (/etc/init.d/openvpn.custom) it is promting for username and then password - and then it connects
The auth-user-pass from-file is not possible with the installed version, and it cannot be upgraded because of dependencies
So i'm trying to write a simple bash scripts that executes the init.d script, sleeps for a bit, inputs the username, returns, sleeping a bit, inputting the password - you'll get the flow.
I've experimented with echo, but it doesent seem to work
This is for a rather legacy firewall i'm asked to keep connected.
Is this even possible?
I would use expect instead of bash. You can still call it from within bash if you need to do other tasks as well.
In expect, the script would be something like the following (untested):
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set username "username"
set password "password"
spawn /etc/init.d/openvpn.custom start
expect "Username:"
send "$username\r"
expect "Password:"
send "$password\r"
expect eof
You'd want to change the expect "Username:" & expect "Password:" lines to match the actual login prompts that are output by your init.d script.
See the expect man page for further details.
You can try using a here-doc:
/path/to/init.d << END

SSH login with expect(1). How to exit expect and remain in SSH? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using expect to pass a password to ssh
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
So I wanted to automate my SSH logins. The host I'm with doesn't allow key authentication on this server, so I had to be more inventive.
I don't know much about shell scripting, but some research showed me the command 'expect' and some scripts using it for exactly this purpose. I set up a script and ran it, it worked perfectly to login.
#!/usr/bin/env expect -f
set password "my_password"
match_max 1000
spawn ssh -p 2222 "my_username"#
expect "*?assword:*"
send -- "$password\r"
send -- "\r"
expect eof
Initially, it runs as it should.
Last login: Wed May 12 21:07:52 on ttys002
esther:~ user$ expect expect-test.exp
spawn ssh -p 2222 my_username#
my_username#'s password:
Last login: Wed May 12 15:44:43 2010 from
But that's where the success ends.
Commands do not work, but hitting enter just makes a new line.
Arrow keys and other non-alphanumeric keys produce symbols like '^[[C', '^[[A', '^[OQ' etc.[1]
No other prompt appears except the two initially created by the expect script.
Any ignored commands will be executed by my local shell once expect times out.
An example:
-jailshell-3.2$ whoami
(...time passes, expect times out...)
esther:~ user$ whoami
esther:~ ciaran$ ls
Books Documents Movies Public
Code Downloads Music Sites
Desktop Library Pictures expect-test.exp
esther:~ ciaran$ pwd
esther:~ ciaran$ hostname
As I said, I have no shell scripting experience, but I think it's being caused because I'm still "inside of" expect, but not "inside of" SSH. Is there any way to terminate expect once I've logged in, and have it hand over the SSH session to me?
I've tried commands like 'close' and 'exit', after " send -- "\r" ". Yeah, they do what I want and expect dies, but it vindictively takes the SSH session down with it, leaving me back where I started. What I really need is for expect to do its job and terminate, leaving the SSH session back in my hands as if I did it manually.
All help is appreciated, thanks.
[1] I know there's a name for this, but I don't know what it is. And this is one of those frightening things which can't be googled, because the punctuation characters are ignored. As a side question, what's the story here?
I think your problem has been solved here before:
Using expect to pass a password to ssh
The command you're looking for is interact. It hands the control over to you/your keyboard.
I've used a similar script to autologin.
I used "interact" and I removed "expect eof". By doing this, I can get the screen back so that I can enter commands by hand.
expect "?assword: "
send -- "$password\r"
expect "$"
putting it all together, log you in and leave you on the command line exactly as though you typed it manually
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set ip ""
set password "xxyykkx"
spawn ssh $ip -l root
expect "?assword:"
send "$password\r"
