Maven Grails web.xml - maven

Might be a stupid question, but in my current maven project i do not have a web.xml in my /web-app/WEB-INF folder.
There is no web-xml in my project and never has been, im trying to add it but my application is non-responsive to anything written in the web.xml. What am i missing?, iv tried specifying the path to it through the config.groovy like:
Am i missing something? Do i need to specify the web.xml in some other config file in order to make my project utilize it ?

grails install-templates
to copy templates that Grails uses for all code generation activities (including "web.xml").
"web.xml" file will be created in "src/templates/war" directory.

You may be able to get away with something similar to this It doesn't install separate web.xml but does allow you add what ever content you need or edit any of the generated content.


url after spring maven deployment

I have a basic question about deployment but I can't seem to find an answer on google...
I am working on a jakarta project and it's the first time I do the deployment.
Since I am using Spring-boot maven, I know there is an embedded tomcat that will launch with the jar.
My issue is, I don't know what url to use to check my project is working...
Before, I used the address http://localhost:9091/contextPath/endpoint, but now, I only get a whiteScreen...
So my question is, what url should I use ? Also, is there something else to do after packaging ?
Thank you for your answers.
Alright, so I tried actuator but that didn't help me...
With /actuator/mappings, I could see that my endpoints are correctly configured but when I use the executable jar, http://localhost:9091/contextPath/endpoint odes not work while it does if I compile with my IDE...
I don't know what url to connect to just to see the index... I'm using a very basic spring framework (boot and mvc) and my IDE is intellij community if this helps anyone
I tried to deploy the app on a local Tomcat9 to see if something would change but the connexion is reinitialized everytime I try to deploy a war using the manager, and there was no trace of error in the logs.
I tried using ./mvnw and it did work, endpoint and all, but it implies working with IDE environment
I tried using java (openjdk 13) and it compiled, but i couldn"t acces my own endpoint. I could still access the actuator endpoints so i don't know what to make of it.
Should the url be different depending on whether we are using IDE environment or just the jar?
Ok, I think have a lead but I have no idea how to resolve this:
when I began the web part of the application, I created a WEB-INF folder where I put all my jsp. My js and css files were in the resources/static folder. I tried once to put the jsp in the resources folder but it didn't work so I didn't push too hard.
Now, when I unzip the jar, i find my css and js files, but not my jsp.
When I unzip my war file, I have everything, but when I try to deploy it on a separate tomcat server, the connexion resets and I don't know why because nothing is written in the logs.
The issue then becomes:
Right now, I have
| ├──static
| | ├──css
| | └──js
| └──template
What is the standard tree in intellij with jsp ?
By default Spring Boot apps are on port 8080.
Can you try http://localhost:8080?
Port can be changed in (or application.yml, etc.) via server.port property (e.g. server.port=8888).
Ok, I managed to make it work.
I'm going to describe here everything of note that I encountered.
First, when I called my app to the usual url, there was no response (whiteLabel).
I added test logs and i found that I indeed called m controller.
I unzipped the jar and war i produced and came to the conclusion that the issue was architectural. I couldn't use jar, I had to use the war file.
I tried to deploy on a local tomcat server using the manager, but it always resetted the connection, so I took the manual approach - copy pasting the war file in the webapp directory.
Finally, the web pages were accessible in the browser.
Thank you for all the tips given during my research!
`http://endpoint:{PORT}/actuator/health` or `http://endpoint:{PORT}/actuator/status`
it should help but it must require spring-boot-actuator as a dependency in your pom/gradle file.

Intellij IDEA Inspection Ignores Config Folder

I have a Gradle based Spring Boot application which requires an external properties file. Fortunately, Spring Boot automatically looks for an file in a /config folder by default, so I put that in the module root and it works fine. However, it seems that IDEA's inspection is marking everything in this file as "Unused Property". If I move the file to /src/main/resources the inspections work properly.
So, what is the best practice when working with these external properties files? Is there something I can set in the build.gradle to get IDEA to recognize the properties or some setting in IDEA? I've tried playing around with the Spring Facets in the project settings, but can't seem to figure it out.

File Set Not Configured For The File Intellij IDEA

When I open a Spring configuration files at my application on Intellij IDEA sometimes it says
File Set Not Configured For The File
and gives me a link
Configure File Set
When I click it it says:
MVC dispatcher servlet
Create New File Set
or opens a new window cnd let me check some files.
What happens when I click them and what is this for? I click MVC dispatcher Servlet and check the code but doesn't see any changes.
What it is for?
this is for IDEA to help you out with dependencies between different files.
For example you have "service-spring-config.xml" and "mvc-spring-config.xml", where the MVC config uses some beans from the Service config. If you add these both files to the "File Set", IDEA will know that these two files represent a single application context.
By knowing that, it will help you autocomplete beans in XML + will inform you if something is not resolvable without you having to actually run the app.
I click MVC dispatcher Servlet and check the code but don't see any changes
This is because you only have a single file (for now). Later on, you can add some other configs that use/reference beans from each other => then it'll become REALLY helpful
From IDEA File Sets documentation:
By combining Spring XML configuration files in a file set you tell IntelliJ IDEA that these files are mutually related. In this way you form a common editing context for these configuration files and get all the associated coding assistance.
Spring file sets on IntelliJ are for grouping related files.
IntelliJ could autodetect some of this groups, for example files that are loaded with ContextLoaderListener on web.xml or default files for DispatcherServlet (That seems to be your case)
When IntelliJ asks to configure a File Set for a Spring file, is 'cause IntelliJ couldn't detect a default way to include in a group, for example files that are loaded within the ApplicationContext's constructor Ex:
new ClasspathXmlApplicationContext("somefile.xml","anotherfile.xml");
When file sets are correctly configured IntelliJ could bring many goodies like auto-complete, navigation, validation, dependency graphs and others

Spring in production

What is the best practice to make changes in beans.xml file in production environment?
Lets imagine Hello World application with one Interface and 2 Implementations. After creating jar and running JVM how can we change implementation in beans.xml without opening jar and reassembling it afterwards?
Is it any trick that permits having beans.xml outside the jar, but without knowing the full file-system path?
On top of suggestion made by OrangeDog, I would suggest considering leaving the beans.xml inside your deployed application AND using the PropertyOverrideConfigurer mechanism.
Configure an override configurer to point to some fixed path outside of the application, something like /opt/configuration/something/ would be ideal. If you can't use an absolute path, you can always try to play with file:../../.. style of paths. Then you can list only the changed values within the file.
Don't have the XML in a JAR. Your application should be deployed in at least a WAR, which the app server will probably "explode". The folder WEB-INF/classes will be added to the classpath. You can make changes to the exploded XML here and the app server should detect this and reload the app.
If you are using plain Java SE, you can use a system property to pass the location of the XML file. System.getProperty("property") in code and -Dproperty=value on the command line.

Ibatis2 and test context

I'm having a stupid configuration issue with Ibatis in my Spring project. Please don't jump on me about how all this was setup, I'm just following the "in house project structure policy".
So here is the structure, we have the "src/main/resources/META-INF/" folder that contains all of our config files used by the application, and then there is a "src/test/resources/META-INF/" that contains only the config files that have different settings to run unit testing.
Well in our case that's only one file, the src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/application-config.xml became the src/test/resources/META-INF/spring/test-application-config.xml. I'm am not going to outline the small differences between the two, because that part works fine.
The test-application-config.xml imports the src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/data-access-config.xml file just fine, which in turns use the src/main/resources/META-INF/ibatis/sqlmap-config.xml successfully... After that is when it goes to Hell.
See up until now we're using Spring to find the next config files in the classpath, but when we hit sqlmap-config.xml we leave the spring framework for the ibatis framework I believe, which loads the resource files defined inside it relative to the classpath (that's taken from the doc, whatever that means).
Inside the sqlmap-config.xml are defined a few resource files we're using that live inside the src/main/resources/META-INF/ibatis/mapping folder.
They are referenced like this:
<sqlMapConfig><sqlMap resource="/META-INF/ibatis/mapping/MyObject.xml"/></sqlMapConfig>
That works fine when I run the app normally, but when I run my JUnit test cases I get an IO exception stating that it can't find the file /META-INF/ibatis/mapping/MyObject.xml.
I've tried to change the path in the sqlmap-config.xml to "mapping/MyObject.xml" but that didn't help. I've also tried to use the Spring classpath prefix "classpath:META-INF/ibatis/mapping/MyObject.xml", didn't work either.
Anyone would have any idea on how to set that Ibatis properly so it works for both the app and the junit?
To solve this problem, I removed all the the Ibatis files and folders from the src/test/resources/META-INF folder.
The sqlmap-config.xml in src/main/resources/META-INF/ibatis/mapping file now maps like this:
<sqlMapConfig><sqlMap resource="META-INF/ibatis/mapping/MyObject.xml"/></sqlMapConfig>
Please note that compared to my initial post the leading "/" is gone... I think that's what made the difference here.
Hopes this helps anyone running into similar issues.
Just to see whether what you are saying is actually the problem.. you might want to place your mappings (MyObject.xml) in the same folder as sqlmap-config.xml. I say this because I've had my fair share of spring + ibatis + unit testing problems. (see resolved question asked by me)
Also, you might be getting IO exception because the mappings file does not exist outside the container (when you run tests).
You should also post definition for bean created from SqlMapClientFactoryBean. This should have configLocation property that contains path to sqlMapConfig xml
I had the same problem and could not find a (quick) solution that explained what exactly could be going wrong. Hence my answer.
As Spring documentation for Ibatis says:
Remember that iBATIS loads resources from the class path, so be sure
to add the 'Account.xml' file to the class path.
In your case by adding META-INF to your webproject build path i.e. if you used Eclipse, set <classpathentry kind="src" path="META-INF"/> in your projects' .classpath (This will be visible under Navigator view in Eclipse)
