Building minimal standalone executable with GCC - gcc

I have few programs (written in C) implementing some algorithms, that I use to measure computation time. Whole data is implemented as static libraries directly in code, there's no input and output from these programs. There's also no C library calls (no printfs etc.).
I want to build fully independent and minimal executable. I don't want to link my program with libgcc (target CPU has coprocessor, so I don't need to emulate floating point arithmetic), C library or any other. Actually I want to make my program as independent as it's possible. On Linux ELF program has to be linked only with crt0.o to run properly, right?
I'm mostly asking because I'm curious ;)

Link with gcc -nostdlib, then use objdump -h and strip --remove-section=... to really make it small by getting rid of silly things like the comment section and the exception handling frame information sections. Keep removing sections until it stops working.
And compile with -Os of course


Do all compiled codes have same speed no matter what language they were written in?

Suppose I write a program in both Python and C++ and I turn these to executable. Now, will both the executable have the same speed or will it vary (I guess it shouldn't cause it should now be in machine code form) ?
Suppose I write a program in both Python and C++ and I turn these to executable. Now, will both the executable have the same speed
Of course usually not (assuming both code implement the same algorithm). And the runtime speed depends a lot of the compiler itself (e.g. tinycc -for C- and GCC or Clang ....) and even of its versions and compilation flags (e.g. -Os vs -O2 with g++). BTW, Python is compiled to some bytecode, not to machine code.
Of course, some software are mostly spending CPU time elsewhere (e.g. in some relational database manager such as PostGreSQL). Then rewriting them in C++ instead of Python won't gain a lot of performance. And some software are mostly IO bound (e.g. tar(1) used without compression)
At last, some C++ programs could generate machine code at runtime (e.g. using AsmJit...) using partial evaluation techniques, which may give a huge speedup.
On Linux, you could generate some C or C++ code at runtime, compile it as a temporary plugin, then dlopen(3) that temporary plugin (fetching new function pointers using dlsym(3)... Adapt the manydl.c example to your needs)
Also, C++ is a very difficult language to learn. Read some good book about it.
Read of course the Dragon book.
Since an entire book is needed to answer your question !

how to get the smallest ocamlopt compiled native binary?

I was quite surprised to see that even a simple program like:
print_string "Hello world !\n";
when statically compiled to native code through ocamlopt with some quite aggressive options (using musl), would still be around ~190KB on my system.
$ ocamlopt.opt -compact -verbose -o helloworld \
-ccopt -static \
-ccopt -s \
-ccopt -ffunction-sections \
-ccopt -fdata-sections \
-ccopt -Wl \
-ccopt -gc-sections \
-ccopt -fno-stack-protector \ && { ./helloworld ; du -h helloworld; }
+ as -o 'helloworld.o' '/tmp/camlasm759655.s'
+ as -o '/tmp/camlstartupfc4271.o' '/tmp/camlstartup5a7610.s'
+ musl-gcc -Os -o 'helloworld' '-L/home/vaab/.opam/4.02.3+musl+static/lib/ocaml' -static -s -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wl -gc-sections -fno-stack-protector '/tmp/camlstartupfc4271.o' '/home/vaab/.opam/4.02.3+musl+static/lib/ocaml/std_exit.o' 'helloworld.o' '/home/vaab/.opam/4.02.3+musl+static/lib/ocaml/stdlib.a' '/home/vaab/.opam/4.02.3+musl+static/lib/ocaml/libasmrun.a' -static -lm
Hello world !
196K helloworld
How to get the smallest binary from ocamlopt ?
A size of 190KB is way too much for a simple program like that in today's constraints (iot, android, alpine VM...), and compares badly with simple C program (around ~6KB, or directly coding ASM and tweaking things to get a working binary that could be around 150B). I naïvely thought that I could simply ditch C to write simple static program that would do trivial things and after compilation I would get some simple assembly code that wouldn't be so far in size with the equivalent C program. Is that possible ?
What I think I understand:
When removing gcc's -s to have some hints about what is left in the binary, I can notice a lot of ocaml symbols, and I also kinda read that some environment variable of ocamlrun are meant to be interpreted even in this form. It is as if what ocamlopt calls "native compilation" is about packing ocamlrun and the not-native bytecode of your program in one file and make it executable. Not exactly what I would have expected. I obviously missed some important point. But if that is the case, I'll be interested why it isn't as I expected.
Other languages compiling to native code having the same issue: leaving some naïve user (as myself) with roughly the same questions:
Go: Reason for huge size of compiled executable of Go
Rust: Why are Rust executables so huge?
I've tested also with Haskell, and without tweaks, all languages compilers are making binaries above 700KB for the "hello world" program (it was the same for Ocaml before the tweaks).
Your question is very broad and I'm not sure that it fits the format of Stackoverflow. It deserves a thorough discussion.
A size of 190KB is way too much for a simple program like that in today's constraints (iot, android, alpine VM...), and compares badly with simple C program (around ~6KB, or directly coding ASM and tweaking things to get a working binary that could be around 150B)
First of all, it is not a fair comparison. Nowadays, a compiled C binary is an artifact that is far from being a standalone binary. It should be seen more like a plugin in a framework. Therefore, if you would like to count how many bytes a given binary actually uses, we shall count the size of the loader, shell, the libc library, and the whole linux or windows kernel - which in total form the runtime of an application.
OCaml, unlike Java or Common Lisp, is very friendly to the common C runtime and tries to reuse most of its facilities. But OCaml still comes with its own runtime, in which the biggest (and most important part) is the garbage collector. The runtime is not extremely big (about 30 KLOC) but still contributes to the weight. And since OCaml uses static linking every OCaml program will have a copy of it.
Therefore, C binaries have a significant advantage as they are usually run in systems where the C runtime is already available (therefore it is usually excluded from the equation). There are, however, systems where there is no C runtime at all, and only OCaml runtime is present, see Mirage for example. In such systems, OCaml binaries are much more favorable. Another example is the OCaPic project, in which (after tweaking the compiler and runtime) they managed to fit OCaml runtime and programs into 64Kb Flash (read the paper it is very insightful about the binary sizes).
How to get the smallest binary from ocamlopt?
When it is really necessary to minimize the size, use Mirage Unikernels or implement your own runtime. For general cases, use strip and upx. (For example, with upx --best I was able to reduce the binary size of your example to 50K, without any more tricks). If performance doesn't matter that much, then you can use bytecode, which is usually smaller than the machine code. Thus you will pay once (about 200k for the runtime), and few bytes for each program (e.g., 200 bytes for your helloworld).
Also, do not create many small binaries, but create one binary. In your particular example, the size of the helloworld compilation unit is 200 bytes in bytecode and 700 bytes in machine code. The rest 50k is the startup harness which should be included only once. Moreover, since OCaml supports dynamic linking in runtime, you can easily create a loader that will load modules when needed. And in this scenario, the binaries will become very small (hundreds of bytes).
It is as if what ocamlopt calls "native compilation" is about packing ocamlrun and the not-native bytecode of your program in one file and make it executable. Not exactly what I would have expected. I obviously missed some important point. But if that is the case, I'll be interested why it isn't as I expected.
No-no, it is completely wrong. Native compilation is when a program is compiled to the machine code, whether it is x86, ARM, or whatever. The runtime is written in C, compiled to machine code, and is also linked. The OCaml Standard Library is written mostly in OCaml, also compiled to machine code, and is also linked into the binary (only those modules that are used, OCaml static linking is very efficient, provided that the program is split into modules (compilation units) fairly well).
Concerning the OCAMLRUNPARAM environment variable, it is just an environment variable that parameterizes the behavior of the runtime, mostly the parameters of the garbage collector.

How can a compiler be cross platform(hardware)?

I just realized that binary compilers convert source code to the binary of the destination platform. Kind of obvious... but if a compiler works such way, then how can the same compiler be used for different systems like x86, ARM, MIPS, etc?
Shouldn't they be supposed to "know" the machine-language of the hardware platform to be able to know how to build the binary? Does a compiler(like gcc) knows the machine language of every single platform that is supported?
How is that system possible, and how can a compiler be optimized for that many platforms at the same time?
Yes, they have to "know" the machine language for every single platform they support. This is a required to generate machine code. However, compilation is a multi-step process. Usually, the first steps of the compilation are common to most architectures.
Taken from wikipedia
Structure of a compiler
Compilers bridge source programs in high-level
languages with the underlying hardware.
A compiler requires
determining the correctness of the syntax of programs,
generating correct and efficient object code,
run-time organization, and
formatting output according to assembler and/or linker conventions.
compiler consists of three main parts: the frontend, the middle-end,
and the backend.
The front end
checks whether the program is correctly
written in terms of the programming language syntax and semantics.
Here legal and illegal programs are recognized. Errors are reported,
if any, in a useful way. Type checking is also performed by collecting
type information. The frontend then generates an intermediate
representation or IR of the source code for processing by the
The middle end
is where optimization takes place. Typical
transformations for optimization are removal of useless or unreachable
code, discovery and propagation of constant values, relocation of
computation to a less frequently executed place (e.g., out of a loop),
or specialization of computation based on the context. The middle-end
generates another IR for the following backend. Most optimization
efforts are focused on this part.
The back end
is responsible for translating the IR from the middle-end into assembly code. The target
instruction(s) are chosen for each IR instruction. Register allocation
assigns processor registers for the program variables where possible.
The backend utilizes the hardware by figuring out how to keep parallel
execution units busy, filling delay slots, and so on. Although most
algorithms for optimization are in NP, heuristic techniques are
More this article which describes the structure of a compiler and on this one which deals with Cross compilers.
The project will answer all of your questions in this regard :)
In a nutshell, cross HW compilers emit "intermediate representation" of the code , which is HW agnostic and then its being customized via the native tool chain
Yes it is possible, it's called Cross Compiler. Compilers usually first they generate the object code which is not understanable by the current machine but it can be migrated to the destiny machine with another compiler. Next, object code is "compiled" again and linked with external libraries of the target machines.
TL;DR: Yes, the compilers knows the target code, but you can compile in another hardware.
I recommend you to read attached links for information.
Every platform has its own toolchain, toolchain includes gcc,gdb,ld,nm etc.
Let's take specific example of gcc as of now. GCC source code has many layers including architecture dependent and independent part. Architecture dependent part contains procedures to handle architecture specific things like their stack, function calls, floating point operations. We need to cross compile the gcc source code for a specific architecture like for ARM. You can see its steps here for reference:-
This architecture dependent part is responsible for handling machine language operations.

Does a compiler always produce an assembly code?

From Thinking in C++ - Vol 1:
In the second pass, the code generator walks through the parse tree
and generates either assembly language code or machine code for the
nodes of the tree.
Well at least in GCC if we give the option of generating the assembly code, the compiler obeys by creating a file containing assembly code. But, when we simply run the command gcc without any options does it not produce the assembly code internally?
If yes, then why does it need to first produce an assembly code and then translate it to machine language?
TL:DR different object file formats / easier portability to new Unix platforms (historically) is one of the main reasons for gcc keeping the assembler separate from the compiler, I think. Outside of gcc, the mainstream x86 C and C++ compilers (clang/LLVM, MSVC, ICC) go straight to machine code, with the option of printing asm text if you ask them to.
LLVM and MSVC are / come with complete toolchains, not just compilers. (Also come with assembler and linker). LLVM already has object-file handling as a library function, so it can use that instead of writing out asm text to feed to a separate program.
Smaller projects often choose to leave object-file format details to the assembler. e.g. FreePascal can go straight to an object file on a few of its target platforms, but otherwise only to asm. There are many claims (1, 2, 3, 4) that almost all compilers go through asm text, but that's not true for many of the biggest most-widely-used compilers (except GCC) that have lots of developers working on them.
C compilers tend to either target a single platform only (like a vendor's compiler for a microcontroller) and were written as "the/a C implementation for this platform", or be very large projects like LLVM where including machine code generation isn't a big fraction of the compiler's own code size. Compilers for less widely used languages are more usually portable, but without wanting to write their own machine-code / object-file handling. (Many compilers these days are front-ends for LLVM, so get .o output for free, like rustc, but older compilers didn't have that option.)
Out of all compilers ever, most do go to asm. But if you weight by how often each one is used every day, going straight to a relocatable object file (.o / .obj) is significant fraction of the total builds done on any given day worldwide. i.e. the compiler you care about if you're reading this might well work this way.
Also, compilers like javac that target a portable bytecode format have less reason to use asm; the same output file and bytecode format work across every platform they have to run on.
Related: on retrocomputing has some other answers about advantages of keeping as separate.
What is the need to generate ASM code in gcc, g++
What do C and Assembler actually compile to? - even compilers that go straight to machine code don't produce linked executables directly, they produce relocatable object files (.o or .obj). Except for tcc, the Tiny C Compiler, intended for use on the fly for one-file C programs.
Semi-related: Why do we even need assembler when we have compiler? asm is useful for humans to look at machine code, not as a necessary part of C -> machine code.
Why GCC does what it does
Yes, as is a separate program that the gcc front-end actually runs separately from cc1 (the C preprocessor+compiler that produces text asm).
This makes gcc slightly more modular, making the compiler itself a text -> text program.
GCC internally uses some binary data structures for GIMPLE and RTL internal representations, but it doesn't write (text representations of) those IR formats to files unless you use a special option for debugging.
So why stop at assembly? This means GCC doesn't need to know about different object file formats for the same target. For example, different x86-64 OSes use ELF, PE/COFF, MachO64 object files, and historically a.out. as assembles the same text asm into the same machine code surrounded by different object file metadata on different targets. (There are minor differences gcc has to know about, like whether to prepend an _ to symbol names or not, and whether 32-bit absolute addresses can be used, and whether code has to be PIC.)
Any platform-specific quirks can be left to GNU binutils as (aka GAS), or gcc can use the vendor-supplied assembler that comes with a system.
Historically, there were many different Unix systems with different CPUs, or especially the same CPU but different quirks in their object file formats. And more importantly, a fairly compatible set of assembler directives like .globl main, .asciiz "Hello World!\n", and similar. GAS syntax comes from Unix assemblers.
It really was possible in the past to port GCC to a new Unix platform without porting as, just using the assembler that comes with the OS.
Nobody has ever gotten around to integrating an assembler as a library into GCC's cc1 compiler. That's been done for the C preprocessor (which historically was also done in a separate process), but not the assembler.
Most other compilers do produce object files directly from the compiler, without a text asm temporary file / pipe. Often because the compiler was only designed for one or a couple targets, like MSVC or ICC or various compilers that started out as x86-only, or many vendor-supplied compilers for embedded chips.
clang/LLVM was designed much more recently than GCC. It was designed to work as an optimizing JIT back-end, so it needed a built-in assembler to make it fast to generate machine code. To work as an ahead-of-time compiler, adding support for different object-file formats was presumably a minor thing since the internal software architecture was there to go straight to binary machine code.
LLVM of course uses LLVM-IR internally for target-independent optimizations before looking for back-end-specific optimizations, but again it only writes out this format as text if you ask it to.
The assembler stage can be justified by two reasons:
it allows c/c++ code to be translated to a machine independent abstract assembler, from which there exists easy conversions to a multitude of different instruction set architectures
it takes out the burden of validating correct opcode, prefix, r/m, etc. instruction encoding for CISC architectures, when one can utilize an existing software [component].
The 1st edition of that book is from 2000, but is may as well talk about the early 90's, when c++ itself was translated to c and when the gnu/free software idea (including source code for compilers) was not really known.
EDIT: One of several nonsensical abstract machine independent languages used by GCC is RTL -- Register Transfer Language.
It's a matter of compiler implementation. Assembly code is an intermediate step between higher-level language (the one being compiled) and the resulting binary output. In general it's easier first to convert to assembly and after that to binary code instead of directly creating the binary code.
Gcc does create the assembly code as a temporary file, calls the assembler, and maybe the linker depending on what you do or dont add on the command line. That makes an object and then if enabled the binary, then all the temporary files are cleaned up. Use -save-temps to see what is really going on (there are a number of temporary files).
Running gcc without any options absolutely creates an asm file.
There is no "need" for this, it is simply how they happened to design it. I assume for multiple reasons, you will already want/need an assembler and linker before you start on a compiler (cart before the horse, asm on a processor before some other language). "The unix way" is to not re-invent tools or libraries, but just add a little on top, so that would imply going to asm then letting the assembler and linker do the rest. You dont have to re-invent so much of the assemblers job that way (multiple passes, resolving labels, etc). It is easier for a developer to debug ascii asm than bits. Folks have been doing it this way for generations of compilers. Just in time compilers are the primary exception to this habit, by definition they have to be able to go to machine code, so they do or can. Only recently though did llvm provide a way for the command line tools (llc) to go straight to object without stopping at asm (or at least it appears that way to the user).

gcc: why is the -lm flag needed to link the math library? [duplicate]

If I include <stdlib.h> or <stdio.h> in a C program, I don't have to link these when compiling, but I do have to link to <math.h>, using -lm with GCC, for example:
gcc test.c -o test -lm
What is the reason for this? Why do I have to explicitly link the math library, but not the other libraries?
The functions in stdlib.h and stdio.h have implementations in (or libc.a for static linking), which is linked into your executable by default (as if -lc were specified). GCC can be instructed to avoid this automatic link with the -nostdlib or -nodefaultlibs options.
The math functions in math.h have implementations in (or libm.a for static linking), and libm is not linked in by default. There are historical reasons for this libm/libc split, none of them very convincing.
Interestingly, the C++ runtime libstdc++ requires libm, so if you compile a C++ program with GCC (g++), you will automatically get libm linked in.
Remember that C is an old language and that FPUs are a relatively recent phenomenon. I first saw C on 8-bit processors where it was a lot of work to do even 32-bit integer arithmetic. Many of these implementations didn't even have a floating point math library available!
Even on the first 68000 machines (Mac, Atari ST, Amiga), floating point coprocessors were often expensive add-ons.
To do all that floating point math, you needed a pretty sizable library. And the math was going to be slow. So you rarely used floats. You tried to do everything with integers or scaled integers. When you had to include math.h, you gritted your teeth. Often, you'd write your own approximations and lookup tables to avoid it.
Trade-offs existed for a long time. Sometimes there were competing math packages called "fastmath" or such. What's the best solution for math? Really accurate but slow stuff? Inaccurate but fast? Big tables for trig functions? It wasn't until coprocessors were guaranteed to be in the computer that most implementations became obvious. I imagine that there's some programmer out there somewhere right now, working on an embedded chip, trying to decide whether to bring in the math library to handle some math problem.
That's why math wasn't standard. Many or maybe most programs didn't use a single float. If FPUs had always been around and floats and doubles were always cheap to operate on, no doubt there would have been a "stdmath".
Because of ridiculous historical practice that nobody is willing to fix. Consolidating all of the functions required by C and POSIX into a single library file would not only avoid this question getting asked over and over, but would also save a significant amount of time and memory when dynamic linking, since each .so file linked requires the filesystem operations to locate and find it, and a few pages for its static variables, relocations, etc.
An implementation where all functions are in one library and the -lm, -lpthread, -lrt, etc. options are all no-ops (or link to empty .a files) is perfectly POSIX conformant and certainly preferable.
Note: I'm talking about POSIX because C itself does not specify anything about how the compiler is invoked. Thus you can just treat gcc -std=c99 -lm as the implementation-specific way the compiler must be invoked for conformant behavior.
Because time() and some other functions are builtin defined in the C library (libc) itself and GCC always links to libc unless you use the -ffreestanding compile option. However math functions live in libm which is not implicitly linked by gcc.
An explanation is given here:
So if your program is using math functions and including math.h, then you need to explicitly link the math library by passing the -lm flag. The reason for this particular separation is that mathematicians are very picky about the way their math is being computed and they may want to use their own implementation of the math functions instead of the standard implementation. If the math functions were lumped into libc.a it wouldn't be possible to do that.
I'm not sure I agree with this, though. If you have a library which provides, say, sqrt(), and you pass it before the standard library, a Unix linker will take your version, right?
There's a thorough discussion of linking to external libraries in An Introduction to GCC - Linking with external libraries. If a library is a member of the standard libraries (like stdio), then you don't need to specify to the compiler (really the linker) to link them.
After reading some of the other answers and comments, I think the libc.a reference and the libm reference that it links to both have a lot to say about why the two are separate.
Note that many of the functions in 'libm.a' (the math library) are defined in 'math.h' but are not present in libc.a. Some are, which may get confusing, but the rule of thumb is this--the C library contains those functions that ANSI dictates must exist, so that you don't need the -lm if you only use ANSI functions. In contrast, `libm.a' contains more functions and supports additional functionality such as the matherr call-back and compliance to several alternative standards of behavior in case of FP errors. See section libm, for more details.
As ephemient said, the C library libc is linked by default and this library contains the implementations of stdlib.h, stdio.h and several other standard header files. Just to add to it, according to "An Introduction to GCC" the linker command for a basic "Hello World" program in C is as below:
ld -dynamic-linker /lib/ /usr/lib/crt1.o
/usr/lib/crti.o /usr/libgcc-lib /i686/3.3.1/crtbegin.o
-L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686/3.3.1 hello.o -lgcc -lgcc_eh -lc
-lgcc -lgcc_eh /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686/3.3.1/crtend.o /usr/lib/crtn.o
Notice the option -lc in the third line that links the C library.
If I put stdlib.h or stdio.h, I don't have to link those but I have to link when I compile:
stdlib.h, stdio.h are the header files. You include them for your convenience. They only forecast what symbols will become available if you link in the proper library. The implementations are in the library files, that's where the functions really live.
Including math.h is only the first step to gaining access to all the math functions.
Also, you don't have to link against libm if you don't use it's functions, even if you do a #include <math.h> which is only an informational step for you, for the compiler about the symbols.
stdlib.h, stdio.h refer to functions available in libc, which happens to be always linked in so that the user doesn't have to do it himself.
It's a bug. You shouldn't have to explicitly specify -lm any more. Perhaps if enough people complain about it, it will be fixed. (I don't seriously believe this, as the maintainers who are perpetuating the distinction are evidently very stubborn, but I can hope.)
I think it's kind of arbitrary. You have to draw a line somewhere (which libraries are default and which need to be specified).
It gives you the opportunity to replace it with a different one that has the same functions, but I don't think it's very common to do so.
I think GCC does this to maintain backwards compatibility with the original cc executable. My guess for why cc does this is because of build time -- cc was written for machines with far less power than we have now. A lot of programs don't have any floating-point math, and they probably took every library that wasn't commonly used out of the default. I'm guessing that the build time of the Unix OS and the tools that go along with it were the driving force.
I would guess that it is a way to make applications which don't use it at all perform slightly better. Here's my thinking on this.
x86 OSes (and I imagine others) need to store FPU state on context switch. However, most OSes only bother to save/restore this state after the app attempts to use the FPU for the first time.
In addition to this, there is probably some basic code in the math library which will set the FPU to a sane base state when the library is loaded.
So, if you don't link in any math code at all, none of this will happen, therefore the OS doesn't have to save/restore any FPU state at all, making context switches slightly more efficient.
Just a guess though.
The same base premise still applies to non-FPU cases (the premise being that it was to make apps which didn't make use libm perform slightly better).
For example, if there is a soft-FPU which was likely in the early days of C. Then having libm separate could prevent a lot of large (and slow if it was used) code from unnecessarily being linked in.
In addition, if there is only static linking available, then a similar argument applies that it would keep executable sizes and compile times down.
stdio is part of the standard C library which, by default, GCC will link against.
The math function implementations are in a separate libm file that is not linked to by default, so you have to specify it -lm. By the way, there is no relation between those header files and library files.
All libraries like stdio.h and stdlib.h have their implementation in or libc.a and get linked by the linker by default. The libraries for are automatically linked while compiling and is included in the executable file.
But math.h has its implementations in or libm.a which is separate from It does not get linked by default and you have to manually link it while compiling your program in GCC by using the -lm flag.
The GNU GCC team designed it to be separate from the other header files, while the other header files get linked by default, but math.h file doesn't.
Here read the item number 14.3, you could read it all if you wish:
Reason why math.h is needs to be linked
Look at this article: Why do we have to link math.h in GCC?
Have a look at the usage:
Using the library
Note that -lm may not always need to be specified even if you use some C math functions.
For example, the following simple program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
printf("output: %f\n", sqrt(2.0));
return 0;
can be compiled and run successfully with the following command:
gcc test.c -o test
It was tested on GCC 7.5.0 (on Ubuntu 16.04) and GCC 4.8.0 (on CentOS 7).
The post here gives some explanations:
The math functions you call are implemented by compiler built-in functions
See also:
Other Built-in Functions Provided by GCC
How to get the gcc compiler to not optimize a standard library function call like printf?
