Redirecting output does not work - shell

I am trying to output the most recent changelist number from our source control software to a log file. I know that the script works fine until getting the changelist number. The script below works when I run it manually but doesn't seem to work when it is triggered from the crontab. I have no idea why it wouldn't work. I am running this script on a machine with Mac OS X 10.7 and the permission are set to 555.
if [[ -e ${output_file} ]];
# Delete previous changelist information
sed -i.bak '/changelist/d' "${output_file}"
rm "${output_file}.bak"
# Add current changelist information
echo "changelist=${changelist}" >> "${output_file}"
echo "WARNING: Failed to update changelist information"
I would appreciate any help.

cron probably isn't using the same current directory as you are using. Since you use a relative path for output_file, this will dump the output to some path relative to cron's current directory (and since ../../output_dir probably doesn't exist, it'll just fail).
You have to use an absolute path for output_dir, or make a path relative to the script directory (dirname $0). See also Crontab - Run in directory.


Moving a file from a directory to home directory using shell script, it works as a standalone command(as in outside the .sh file)

Below is my .sh file
sh $1 - takes around 10 mins to fetch the required data
mv summary.html ~/public_html/chats/ - **this is not happening**
exit 0
I do not understand why mv summary.html ~/public_html/chats/ this is not working inside .sh file, However I am able to mv separately using the same above command.
Could you be running into the issue from this answer with expanding the user's home directory? What happens if you write your script like this:
# Other tasks to retrieve summary.html done here
mv ./summary.html $HOME/public_html/chats/
exit 0
Also, it's always a good idea to check whether the destination directory exists before a mv command. Examples are shown in this answer

How can I run executable in shell script?

I have folder "destination/" and inside the destination folder, it contains executable grade1. My current directory is "destination/"
I'm Trying to run
for i in FILES/*; do ./grade1 $i done
Which it keep says
./grade1 no such file or directory
Weird part is that, when I just copy the code to command line and run it, it works fine. Problem only arises when I do it in shell script
I don't think that grade1 really is in your current working directory, as you claim. I suggest that you verify this also check the permissions of your executable. Extend your code to
echo current directory is $PWD
ls -l grade1
for i in FILES/*; do ./grade1 $i done
This should reveal the source of your problem.
One simple way to fix this problem might be to start using FULL path of grade1 executable file
for i in FILES/*; do {FULL_PATH}/grade1 $i done

assistance with postinstall script on Mac

New at this. I need to use a postinstall script to move a file and a folder to the user's Application Support folder on a Mac. For the file I only want to move it if the file doesn't already exist. I do not want to overwrite it if if does exist. Here is my script. It runs but nothing gets copied. I'm using the Packages app, btw, and this script is loaded into the postinstall script tab.
if ! "/Library/Application Support/MyApp/MyApp user dict"; then
mv "$1/Contents/Resources/MyApp user dict" "/Library/Application Support/MyApp/.";
mv "$1/Contents/Resources/Spellcheck Dictionary" "/Library/Application Support/MyApp/.";
exit 0
User-specific tasks generally do not belong in installer scripts -- remember that there may be multiple users on a machine, and that some of them may not be accessible when your installer is running. (For example, users may have encrypted home directories, or may not exist until after your installer is run.) If your application needs to copy files to the user's home directory, it should probably do this when it is first launched.
Nevertheless, I see several specific issues with this script:
Your script refers to $1 in several places. Are you sure that your script has an argument passed to it on the command line?
The correct syntax to test if a file does not exist is:
if [ ! -f "/path/to/file" ] ; then …
Your script is missing the square brackets and -f condition. (For details, see man test.)
Assuming that $1 is supposed to be the path to the current user's home directory, you have the arguments to mv backwards. The destination comes last, not first. (The syntax is essentially mv from to.)

unknown error in shell script

I have cobbled together a shell script to submit multiple jobs on a cluster, which it appears to without giving me an error message, but the output files are missing and the error log files are also empty. What the script supposed to do is 1.) make a bunch of new directories, 2.) copy four files to each (mainparams, extraparams, infile, and structurejobsubmissionfile) 3.) then submit each one to the cluster for it to run structure while changing one parameter in the mainparams file every tenth directory (that's the 's/changethis/'$k'/g' line).
Test running it on the front end gives no errors, the structure program is up to date on the cluster, and the cluster administrators don't see anything wrong. Thanks!
for k in $(seq $numK);
for i in $(seq $reps);
#make folder name (ex. k4rep7)
#echo "Making folder and filename $tmpstr"
#make the new folder
mkdir $tmpstr
#go to that folder
cd ./$tmpstr
#copy in the input files
cp ../str_in/* ./
#modify the recently copied input file here so source file remains the same
cp ./mainparams ./temp.txt
#change maxpops to current value of k and the directory for the files to the current directory
sed -e 's/changethis/'$k'/g' -e "s:pathforrunningstructurehere:$PWD:g" ./temp.txt > ./mainparams
#get rid of temporary file
rm ./temp.txt
#inside $i so run STRUCTURE here
qsub -q fnrgenetics -l nodes=1:ppn=1,walltime=20:00:00 structurejobsubmissionfile
#go back to parent directory
cd ../
I can't see anything obviously wrong, but I think the place that you'll find the answer lies in better logging and better error checking. Some of the things that you're not checking that you should:
Is $tmpstr created correctly? (will fail on disk full or if permissions are not set correctly)
does str_in/ exist, and is it a directory?
does it contain files?
does it contain mainparams?
is qsub in $PATH?
does the call to qsub return an error?
You can roll an error logging function of your own, or use a package like log4bash

shell "if" statement

I am new to unix and am practicing a simple script to unzip a load of files within a specified directory. I need the program to move the zipped file into another folder when it is done unzipping it (I called this oldzipped folder). For simplicity, I have removed the part of the code unzipping the file and currently have the program working for a specific file rather than the *tar.7z file extention. For some reason, the mv statement is not working. Unix is saying the following when I try to run the script. Could someone give me a hand with this? Again, I know this is the long way of doing things, but I want practice writing a script. Please be nice, as I am very new to Unix :(
unzip5: line 14: [ASDE0002.tar.7z]: command not found
# My program to try to unzip several files with ending of tar.7z
# I have inserted the ability to enter the directory where you want this to be done
echo "What file location is required for unzipping?"
read dirloc
cd $dirloc
mkdir oldzippedfiles
for directory in $dirloc
mv -f ASDE0002.tar.7z $dirloc/oldzippedfiles
echo "unzipping of file is complete"
exit 0
[ is the name of a (sometimes built-in) command which accepts arguments. As such you need to put a space after it as you would when invoking any other program. Also, you need a test. For example, to determine if the file exists and is a file, you need to use -f:
if [ -f ASDE0002.tar.7z ]
mv -f ASDE0002.tar.7z $dirloc/oldzippedfiles
Here are some other possible tests.
